Histology of SI and LI Flashcards
Small Intestine
- parts
- function
- characteristics
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Principal site for digestion of food & absorption of digestion products
Pilcae circulares (arrows):
- transverse folds with a submucosal core
- cannot lay flat if distended
- visible in jejunum, less so in ileum
Intestinal Villi
- definition
- cells
Mucosal folds that project into lumen & cover surface of SI
- increase absorptive surface area
Enterocytes: simple columnar cells that produce enzymes for digestion & absorption
Goblet Cells: provide mucus coat to shield from abrasion & bacterial invasion
Core of loose CT with a lacteal
Pilica circulares
- where is it seen
foldings of entire mucosa & some submucosa
- absent in duodenum, visible in jejunum, less prominent in ileum
- covered in intestinal villi
fingerlike folds of mucosa projecting into lumen
- covered with microvilli
Enterocyte Microvilli
” Striated border”
- provide amplification of luminal surface
- Glycocalyx coat assists in nutrient uptake
- actin microfilament core anchors to other proteins & myosin 1 via terminal web
- permits contraction of microvilli
Mucosa (SI)
- cell type
simple columnar epithelium with tubular intestinal glands
-lamina propria and muscularis mucosae
Submucosa (SI)
- cell type
dense irregular CT
neurovasculature, lymphatics, glands may be present
Muscularis (SI)
- cell type
inner circular & outer longitudinal layers
Serosa (SI)
- cell type
loose CT covered by visceral peritoneum
Innervation of the SI and LI
Motility controlled by the ANS
Intrinsic Nervous System
aka enteric nervous system
- submucosal plexus of Meissner & myenteric plexus of Auerbach
- sympathetic visceral sensory fibers
- parasympathetic (terminal) ganglia
- preganglionic & postganglionic parasympathetics
- sympathetic visceral sensory fibers
Extrinsic Nervous System
Preganglionic parasympathetic (vagus and pelvic nerves)
Postganglionic sympathetics
Intestinal Glands
- cells ( 4)
- cell type
Simple tubular glands lined by simple columnar epithelium
1) Enteroendocrine cells
2) Paneth Cells
3) Intestinal Stem cells
4) M (microfold) cells
- covers intestinal villi
- open onto luminal surface of the intestine at the base of the villi
Enteroendocrine Cell
- location
- function
- hormones
- found throughout the intestinal glands
- secrete peptide hormones to control gut motility, regulate secretion of enzymes, HCl, bile & other components for digestion
- gastrin, secretin, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), motilin, & cholecystokinin
Paneth Cells
- characteristic
- location
- function
-pyramidal-shaped cells
- base of intestinal glands
- found in normal colon in small numbers ( if a lot=> pathological conditions)
- innate immunity by secreting antimicrobial substances
- lysozymes, alpha-defensins, other glycoproteins
- regulate normal bacterial flora via antibacterial action and phagocytosis