Histology Lab Exam 2 Flashcards
Identify this type of matter:
White matter
What type of cells do the nuclei in white matter belong to?
glial cells
Identify this type of matter:
grey matter
Identify this region:
dorsal horn
Identify this region:
ventral horn
What type of neurons are present in ventral horns?
large multipolar neurons
Identify this substance:
Nissl substance
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify these structures:
Identify this structure:
central canal of the spinal cord
Identify this structure:
dorsal root ganglion
Identify this structure:
cell body
Identify these structures:
What type of neurons are in the dorsal root ganglion?
sensory neurons
Aside from the neuron, what other cells are present in the dorsal root ganglion?
schwann cells
Name this structure:
myelinated axon
Name this structure:
non-myelinated axon
Where are nuclei related to schwann cells?
On the periphery
Aside from schwann cells, what other cells are present in peripheral nerves?
fibroblast- connective tissue
Identify this structure(dark purple):
myelin sheath
What type of receptor is a muscle spindle?
proprioceptor or stretch receptor
What layer of the muscle is the muscle spindle located in?
Identify this structure:
intrafusal muscle cells
What type of nerve is in the muscle spindle?
afferent nerve
What type of nerve is this?
peripheral nerve
Identify this region:
Identify this region:
What is the connective tissue of the nerve?
What is the connective tissue of the fascicle?
Identify these structures:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
neuronal cell bodies
In addition to schwann cells, what cells are present in nerves and ganglia?
Identify this structure:
dura mater
What is the dura mater made up of?
collagen fibers, elastic fibers, fibroblasts, nerves, lymph vessels, and blood vessels
Identify this strucutre:
Identify this structure:
pia mater
What is the arachnoid and pia mater combined called?
Identify this space:
sub arachnoid space
What is the arachnoid made out of?
fibroblasts and collagen
What is the pia mater made of?
fibroblasts and collagen
Identify this structure:
muscle spindle
Identify this structure:
Schwann Cell
What is the myelin at the electron microscope level?
layers of the cell wrapped around the axon with the cytoplasm and nucleus at the periphery of the sheath
What are the cell types of the ependymal cells?
cuboidal to columnar
What is this a picture of?
The electron microscope structure of Nissl substance