Exam 3 Lab Flashcards
Identify this structure:
Inner Medulla
What is located in the inner medulla?
collecting ducts
Identify this strucutre:
Outer Medulla
What is located in the outer medulla?
Distal straight tubule, collecting ducts, Loops of Henle
Identify this structure:
What is located in the cortex?
Renal corpuscle, medullary rays, cortical labrynth, proximal and distal straight and convoluted tubules, collecting ducts
Identify this structure:
Cortical labryinth
What is located in the cortical labrynth?
proximal and distal convoluted tubules
Identify this structure:
Medullary ray
What is located in the medullary rays?
proximal and distal straight tubules, collecting ducts
Identify this structure:
renal capsule
Identify this structure:
renal pelvis
Identify this structure:
Renal corpuscle
What is are the parts of the renal corpuscle?
the glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule
Identify this structure:
Bowman’s capsule
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
the vascular pole
What occurs at the vascular pole?
the arterioles enter here
Identify this structure:
Proximal convoluted tubule
Where is the proximal convoluted tubule located?
in the cortical labyrith of the cortex
What is the structure of the proximal tubules?
cuboidal epithelium, microvilli on the lumen, large basolaterally located nuclei, lots of mitochondria
Identify this structure:
Proximal straight tubule
Where are the proximal straight tubules located?
in the medullary rays of the cortex
What is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule?
Na, H2O, K, solutes, glucose, Amino acids, bicarbs
How is a Na gradient created in the proximal tubule?
via NaKATPase
What molecules facilitate diffusion in the first half of the proximal tubule that allow Na to be reabsorbed?
NaH antiporter, Na symporters
How is K reabsorbed in the proximal tubule?
paracellularly in the late proximal tubule, transcellularly via the K+Cl- symporter at the basolateral membrane
What are the reabsorptive mechanisms in the 2nd half of the proximal tubule?
NaH antiporter, Cl- anion antiporter, Paracelluar reabsorption for Na and Cl, K Cl symporter
What allows the Na and Cl mechanisms in the proximal tubule function?
the constant circulation of H+ and anions between the lumen and the epithelial cell
Identify this structure:
Distal convoluted tubule
Identify this structure:
Distal straight tubule
Where are the distal convoluted tubule located?
in the cortical labyrinth of the cortex
Where is the distal straight tubules located?
in the medullary rays of the cortex
What is the structure of the distal tubules?
low cuboidal, mroe oval apical nuclei, few microvilli, few mitochondria, lumen is not as fuzzy
In the absense of antidiuretic hormone, what is the distal tubule impermeable to?
urea and water
What are the reabsorption methods in the early part of the distal tubule?
NaH antiporter, NKCC1, Paracellular reabsorption
What are reabsorbed paracellularly in the initial distal tubule?
Na, K, Ca
What are the reabsorptive methods of the later distal tubule?
NaCl symporter
What do thiazide diuretics do?
inhibit NaCl symporter
Where is K reabsorbed in the distal tubule?
in the distal straight tubule
Identify this structure:
Collecting duct
What is the structure of the collecting duct?
cuboidal epithelium, large nucleus with a halo around it, diminished brush border
What are the regions of the collecting duct?
cortical, medullary, papillary
What are the general cell types of cortical collecting duct?
principle and intercalated
What are the structural components of principle cells in collecting ducts?
some mitochondria and microvilli
What are the types of intercalated cells?
type a and type b
What do type A (alpha )intercalated cells do?
excrete H and reabsorb HCO3 and K
What do type B intercalated cells do?
excrete HCO3 and reabsorb H
What cells are located in the outer medullary collecting duct?
principle cells and intercalated cells
What cells are located in the inner medullary collecting ducts?
principle cells
What cells are located in the papillary collecting ducts?
principle cells
Is the collecting duct water permeable?
only in the presence of ADH
What are the reabsorptive methods in the principle cells of the collecting ducts?
Amiloride sensitive Na channel, paracellular, K channels
What is reabsorbed paracellularly in principle cells of the collecting duct?
What is the function of principle cells?
to secrete K on the luminal side
How is K reabsorbed in the collecting duct?
HKATPase brings K into the luminal membrane, then enters the ECF via K channels
Identify this structure:
Loop of Henle
What is the structure of cells in the loop of henle?
simple squamous, few microvilli and few mitochondria, bulging nuclei
What is the structure of the Loop of Henle?
it has an ascending limb and a descending limb
What occurs in the descending limb?
it is permeable to H2O, but impermeable to Na; therefore H20 reabsorption occirs here
What occurs in the ascending limb of the Loop of Henle?
Not really permeable to H2O but permeable to Na; Na reabsorption reoccurs here
Identify this structure:
the macula densa
Where is the macula densa located?
at the junction of the straight and convoluted tubule
What is the structure of the macula densa?
densely packed tall cells with no basal lamina
What does the lack of the basal lamina allow?
direct contact between extraglomerular mesangial cells and juxtaglomerular cells
What does the macula densa aid in?
altering GFR; sends signal to extraglomerular mesangial cells to have the juxtaglomerular cells alter GFR (by releasing Renin)
In order of most water absorbance to least, name where water is absorbed in the nephron.
Proximal tubule (67%), Loop of Henle, Distal tubule in the presence of ADH, Collecting ducts in the presence of ADH
Explain the flow of filtrate through the nephron.
Glomerulus, to Bowman’s capsule, Proximal convoluted tubule, Proximal straight tubule, Loop of Henle, Distal straight tubule, Distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct
Where does the only active reabsorption occur, what is reabsorbed, and what is the mechanism?
In the distal straight tubule, Na reabsorption, NKCC1
What is the fluid like in the distal straight tubule?
Where does the NaKATPase function to make a concentration gradient for reabsorption?
Everywhere but the Loop of Henle
Identify this structure:
transitional epithelium
Identify this structure:
lamina propria
Identify this structure:
longitudinal muscle
Identify this structure:
circular smooth muscle
What is the major smooth muscle layer of the ureter?
circular smooth muscle
Identify this structure:
Tunica adventitia
Identify this structure:
cross section of the bladder
Identify this structure:
Lamina propria
Identify this structure:
Inner longitudinal layer
Identify this structure:
Middle circular layer
Identify this structure:
Outer longitudinal layer
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
inner circular layer
Identify this structure:
outer longitidinal layer
What is the major muscle layer of the urethra?
circular layer