Histology Images Flashcards
Is the lighter portion exocrine or endocrine.
Epithelium Classification
What are the names of these and in what type of bone are they found
Haversian canals in cortical bone
Black arrows
This blob eating away bone is
Epithelium classfication
Simple cuboidal
Epithelium classification
Stratified squamous
Red arrows
Glandular cells
What is this type of extracellular matrix called
Ground substance
Is this connective tissue loose or dense
Dense (also there are irregular and regular types of dense tissue)
What are the three layers separated by lines on the left of the image
Epidermis, dermis, subcutis (external to internal)
What type of gland is this
These former osteoblasts are
Bone can be divided into three sections, what are they
What epithelial cell type is this
What are the lines pointing to
What type of extracellular matrix is this
elastic fibers
What epithelium type is this
What type of cell is this
adipose tissue
What is the lighter stained portion of the pancreas
Is this connective tissue loose or dense
Single layer of skin cells resting on basment membrane
Stratum Basale
Epithelium classification
Simple columnar
What is the name of this sensory organ
Pacinian corpuscle
What type of special cartilage is this
Simple squamos
How would the bone be forming at this location
endchondral ossification
What epithelial classification is this
3rd layer of skin that is rich in ammino acids (black arrow)
Stratum Granulosum
What type of glands are these
Simple tubular
This type of cartilage is clear and glassy
Hyaline cartilage
Outermost layer of skin (red arrow)
stratum cornium
Is the darker portion endocrine or exocrine
What is the (normally) darker/outside portion of the pancreas
(in the image the center is artificially darker)
Epithelium classification
Stratified columnar
2nd layer only seen in areas with thick skin (yellow arrow)
Stratum lucidum
What is the name of this gland
What is this type of extra cellular matrix called
Collagen fibers
This flexable cartilage is in your ear
What is elastic
What is happening at the arrows
apical blebbing
Layer only seen in thick layers of skin, second from bottom layer
Stratum spinosum