Histology and Embryology Flashcards
Label parts A, B, C, and D of the microscope:

What type of microscope was used?

Phase contrast microscopy:
allows observation of living non-stained structures
What type of microscope was used?

Fluorescence microscopy
Compare the type of microscopes used:

TEM on the left; SEM on the right
What are the three specific conditions must specimens meet in order to be observed under a brightfield microscope &/or a TEM?
- Be well perserved
- Be sufficiently thin
- Have enough contrast to observe details
What is the process for observing histological specimens?
- Fixation - 10% buddered formalin
- Dehydration - ascending % of alcohol
- Clearing - xylene
- Infiltration
- Embedding - paraffin
A. Acid dyes stain______ (basic/acidic) structures ________ (blue/red)
B. What is considered an acidic dye?
A. Basic; blue (Collagen, protein amines)
B. Eosin
A. Basic dyes stain______ (basic/acidic) structures ________ (blue/red)
B. What is considered an basic dye?
A. Acidic; red (DNA, RNA, acid proteins)
B. Hematoxylin
Label the following cell:

Pancratic acinar cell

______ stain is used for the basement membrane and to localize carbohydrates
PAS (periodic acid Schiff)
Compare the two types of staining:

H & E stain on the left
PAS stain on the right
of goblet cells