Exam III Flashcards
Where do the hemangioblasts come together and form the primitive heart, blood vessels and blood cells?
Cardiogenic field
Which portions of the endocardial heart tubes make contact with the developing venous system?
The caudal portions
When the foramen primum closes what is it replaced by?
Second foramen (foramen [ostium] secundum)
The septum primum serves as a valve for what structure during atrial partitioning?
What does it do?
Foramen ovale
Prevents return of blood into the right atrium
During the first breaths vascular resistance increases or decreases in the lungs?
What assists in the physiological closure of the foramen ovale during the first breaths?
Vascular resistance decreases in the lungs and blood pressure in the pulmonary circulatory system drops.
What is divided into the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk by a spiral septum?
Truncus arteriosus
What structure ensures that the blood from the right ventricle flows into the pulmonary trunk and that the blood from the left ventricle flows into the ascending aorta?
Spiral aorto-pulmonary septum
What causes the condition Transposition of the great vessels?
The spiral septum in the truncus arteriosus develops straight instead of spirally and causes deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to flow into the ascending aorta and the highly oxygenated blood from the left ventricle flows into the pulmonary trunk.
What causes megaesophagus?
A persistent right aortic arch.
Label each layer:

Right arrow: Endocardium
Middle arrow: Purkinje fibers
Left arrow: Myocardium
Label each arrow:

Left arrow: Epicardium
Middle arrow: Epicardial fat
Right arrow: Myocardium

Label each structure:
What type of muscle is this?

A. Tunica adventitia
B. Tunica media
C. Tunica intima
Smooth muscle
Name the labeled structure:

Smooth muscle nuclei
Name the labeled structures:
What type of artery is this?

- Tunica adventitia
- Tunica media
- Tunica intima
Elastic artery
The tunica adventitia contains the _________ to assist in supplying nutritional needs of thick tunica media
Vasa vasorum
Name each labeled structure:

A. Atrium
B. A/V valve
C. Ventricle
D. Epicardium

Name each labeled structure:

A. Elastic artery
B. Muscular artery
C. Arteriole
Name the type of muscle in the following image:

Myocardium: Cardiac muscle
Label each layer in the following image:

Top arrow: Tunica intima
Middle arrow/bracket thing: Tunica media
Bottom arrow/bracket thing: Tunica adventitia
Is the following image of an artery or a vein?

Name the following image:

Hepatic sinusoids
Name the following image:

Lymphatic vessel
What vessels are known as ‘leaky’ vessels?
RBC can exit through which type of capillary?
Discontinuous (sinusoidal)
Which capillary can be found in muscle, brain, bone and lungs?
Continuous: Blood brain-barriers and blood-testis barriers
Which capillary is in tissues with substantial fluid exchange?
Fenestrated capillary
Which cells wrap around capillaries and venules and “communicate” with endothelial cells by physical contact and paracrine signaling?
Pericytes (Rouget cells): They proliferate after injury. May be replacement stem cell source. Important in angiogenesis
What represents the site of exchange between blood and surrounding tissue?
What are the three classifications of capillaries?
Discontinuous (sinusoidal)
Parts of the central nervous system rich in cell bodies but have limited number of myelinated axons are known as:
Grey Matter
Region of the central nervous system rich in myelinated axons
White Matter
Name the following structure (neural tissue). What is it composed of?

Neural Soma. Contains Nissl Substance.
Contact between neurons and/or effector cells are known as:
The __________ connect the axon to the body of the neuron.
Axon Hillock
Number 6 represents:

Axoaxonic synapse
Number 7 represents:

Axodendritic synapse
Number 8 represents:

Axoaxonic synapse on axon hillock
Identify the following structure

Motor End Plate (Neuromuscular junction)
Nocireceptors and Thermoreceptors are an example of which type of nerve ending?

Free (naked) nerve endings
The following structure characterized by an “onion” appearance is a _______________ and it is a mechanoreceptor for _________.

Pacinian corpuscle responsible for sensing deep pressure
The following image represents the __________ and can be found at the insertion of skeletal muscle fibers into tendons. It senses ___________.

Golgi organ senses stretching. It is composed of muscle spindles.
The following image represents a cross section of a:

Muscle Spindle
______________ form the myelin sheath in the neurons as they wrap around and form a “tree ring” like appearance. (Represented by #3)

Identify the following structure (note it’s location in the periphery of the axon).

Resident macrophages of the Central nervous System are known as:

Microgliocytes (Note the vacuolation due to ingestion of celular debris)
The Choroid Plexus is lined by which type of cell?
Ependymal cells. Also line the central canal of the spinal cord.
The following image represents:

Choroid Plexus located within the lateral ventricles of the brain
True or False:
Oligodendrocytes can aid the mylienation of multiple axons in one neural cell and multiple axons in different neurons.

The following structure seen with GFAP special staining is a:

Protoplasmic Astrocytes can be found in ___________, while Fibrilar Astrocytes can be found in ___________.
a. Grey Matter
b. White Matter
Protoplasmic in grey matter
Fibrilar in white matter
True or False:
Grey matter is peripheral in the brain while it is central in the spinal cord
Identify the following areas:

Top arrow: Grey matter
Bottom arrow: White matter
Identify the following areas:

Top arrow: Grey matter
Bottom arrow: White matter
The Subarachnoid space between the meninges of the brain contain:
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)
The outermost layer (meninges) of the spinal cord is known as:
Dura matter
The ______________ separates white matter from the arachnoid space.
Pia Matter
Site of cerebral spinal fluid formation:
Choroid plexus
Cerebrospinal fluid must be drained away and it is replaced ______ times a day.
3x a day
Structure that helps control the peristaltic movement of the gastrointestinal tract
Myentric Plexus
The atrio-pulmonary septum ensures that blood from the right ventricle goes into the _____________ and blood from the left ventricle exit through the ________________.
Right ventricle > Pulmonary Trunk
Left Ventricle > Ascendign aorta
A transposition of the great blood vessels that causes a patent ductus arteriosus is known as:
Persistent right aortic arch
Portion of the brain that links the neural system to the endocrine system is the:
The ____________ of the Hypothalamus releases hormones into the blood’s portal system.
Hormones are stored in the _________ of the hypothalamus and released when needed.
During pituitary embryonic development the adenohypophisis arises from the:
a. Pars nervosa
b. Pars distalis
c. Infundibulum
d. Pars anterior
Pars distalis
The pituitary gland during embryonic development is divided by the :
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and Oxytocin are released by the ________ and stored in the ________.
Neurohypophisis stored in the Herring bodies
Source of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) in the pituitary gland is the:
a. Pars intermedia
b. Pars distalis
c. Infundibulum
d. Pars tuberalis
Pars intermedia
Pinnealocytes produce __________.
The following image represent a cross section of the _________.
C cells are producing _______________.

Thyroid. C cells are producing calcitonin which lower calcium activity.
The Parathyroid gland is composed of ________ cells. Which stimulate the release of paratohormone to increase calcium resorption.
Chief cells. (Stimulate osteoclasts)
Identify the following layers of the adrenal gland.
What is secreted by each of the layers?

Acronym: GFRM (Go Fucking Rest Man!)
Zona Glomelurosa (Top): Aldosterone
Zona Fasciculata: Cortisol
Zona Reticularis: Androgen sex cells
Adrenal Medulla: Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
Identify the following structure composed of Alpha, Beta, Delta and F cells:

Islets of Langhergan in the Pancreas.
Specific types of cells can only be seen by special staining methods.
Ear wax is also known as:
The tympanic membrane is covered externally by _________ and internally by _________.
Which type of epithelia?
Externally by stratified squamous and internally by simple squamous epithelium.
The tympanic cavity in the middle ear contains which 3 auditory ossicle bones are:
The choclea is located in which part of the ear?
Inner ear
The tympanic bulla lines which part of the middle ear?
The ventral part
The bony labyrinth in the ear contains which type of protective fluid?
The membranous labyrinth in the inner ear contains which type of protective fluid?
Which arrow is highliting the choclea?

The crysta ampullaris in the ear detects which type of motions?
Angular acceleration and deceleration
The otolithic membrane in the ear senses which type of movement?
Linear acceleration and deceleration
The ___________ is a gelatinous mass which moves and bends hair cells in the inner ear and send the impulses via the vestibular branch of cranial nerve number _________.
Cupula sends the impulse to the brain by the cranial nerve #8
The structured labeled with “A” is which structure of the inner ear?

The eustachian tube in the horse is known as the __________ and is of clinical importance
Guttural pouch
Which auditory ossicle can be visualized from the outer ear canal?
Cerumen (ear wax) is a product of which type of glandular secretion?
Apical gland secretion

Plasma Cell


Identify. Judging fromt the morphology of the red blood cells, what type of animals does this smear most likely belong to?

Heterophils. The smear most likely belong to a reptile, bird, amphibian or fish.


Eosinophils. Notice eosinophilic granules in cytoplasm.
Identify the structure labelled 2, 3, 5 and 7 of the developing heart.

2: Primary atrial septum
3: Secondary atrial septum
5: Ostium secundum
7: Interventricular septum
Linning cells of the thyroid secrete _________ which is stored in the follicle lumen as __________.
Linning cells create Thyroglobulin which is converted to Thyroxin (T3/T4) and stored in the lumen as “colloid”