Histology Flashcards
Describe the three components of the homeostatic mechanism
- Receptor
- Integrator
- Effector
If there were a homeostatic imbalance with regards to pressure, what receptors detect this? where are they most commonly found?
- Baroreceptors
- Found in the Carotid artery
- It is important they are located in the Carotid artery because it pumps blood both to the heart and the brain.
What does -blast indicate?
forming or creating
What does -troph indicate?
What is the outer layer of cells called in fertilization?
What does the inner layer in fertilization become?
-The embryo proper
What do trophoblasts become?
-nutrient exchange in the placenta
Describe the overall process of the origin of tissues
- Beginning with fertilization sperm donates ½ of genome.
- Resulting fertilized egg is called the zygote (Fertilization happens far away from uterus).
-Start cell division right away, but we produce smaller and smaller cells (cell division aka cleavage) Oviduct or fallopian tube. Nutrients reserves in cytoplasm. Lots of nutrients there to supply to developing embryo. Cell division in early embryo is called cleavage.
-Little less than a week a solid ball of cells called morula then a couple of days later with continued mitosis hollow ball of cells inner cell mass embryo proper, outer layer of cells is trophoblast “feeding blast to form” trophoblast on outside of blastula become that organ of nutrient exchange for the embryo the placenta,
the inner cell mass part becomes the embryo.
-We set up this communication because there are messages releasing digestive enzymes that go into lining of uterus, some bleeding whole embryo embeds in the wall and there is a good blood supply for the embryo.
-Gastrulation is a process where the surface cells dive in and form 3 embryonic germ layers. That is differentiation. Ectoderm outside, mesoderm middle, endoderm inside. Gastrulation results in a 3 layered embryo. IN the embryo we end up with 3 embryonic germ layers. Their orientation and communication with each other guarantees that Only specific tissues will arise from these three types of embryonic cells.
What does the endoderm produce?
-Come from the primitive gut and becomes the digestive tract.
Where do tissues/nerves come from?
Where do muscle and connective tissue come from?
What process creates the third layer, mesoderm?
Describe Gastrulation in mammals
Gastrulation surface view. From bird, similar in mammals. Those embryonic cells of Ectoderm on the surface dive in and become mesoderm cells. Especially after implantation you see a change in shape as well as the size of the developing embryo. Those embryonic cells with ectoderm on the outer surface start to die and become mesoderm. Change in shape is morphogenesis. Gastrulation in particular creates the third layer mesoderm where before there were two layers.
What does the ectoderm make?
- The ectoderm makes the entire nervous system.
- One of the first to develop in embryon and one of the last to finish after birth.
- Nervous portions of eye and ear as well.
- Tooth enamel.
- The surface of the body = epidermis and all specializations of the epidermis.
- Brain and spinal cord, only makes sense they derived from ectoderm when you look at early development.
- The epidermis of the skin and its derivatives (including sweat glands, and hair follicles)
- Epithelial lining of mouth and anus
- Sensory receptors in epidermis
- Adrenal medulla
- Epithelium of pineal and pituitary glands on the outside
What does the mesoderm make?
- Skeleton, muscle tissues, the heart, blood, C/V, kidneys.
- Muscle and bone between the gut and dermis of skin
- Notochord
- Muscular layer of stomach and intestine
- Excretory system
- Circulatory and lymphatic systems
- Reproductive system(except germ cells)
- Lining of body cavity
- Adrenal cortex
What does the endoderm make?
- first formed as you are forming primitive gut.
- Tissues that line the gut are derived from endoderm and then all of the outerpocketings from there. This is why you share a respiratory tube with the digestive tract. (Pharynx is shared passageway betw/ respiratory and digestive. If you don’t use your flapper quite right, things will go into resp instead of digestive)
- Lining of respiratory system derived from endoderm.
- Ducts like liver and pancreas also derived from here.
- Ultimately, the Lining of the gut, you can go into glands, lungs, specializations of the lungs outpocketings of embryonic gut all of those are lined with tissues differentiated from endoderm.
- Lining of the urethra, urinary bladder, and reproductive system
- Liver, pancreas, Thymus, Thyroid, and parathyroid gland.
- Epithelial lining on the inside
What are the four basic tissue types and how are they different from the 3 embryonic germ layers?
- Four basic tissue types= Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, and muscular
- 3 embryonic germ layers named for position and the 4 basic tissue types: largely related to what they do.
- Related cells grouping together to share function. In a tissue, those cells have a common embryonic origin. Often they are held together by specific types of junctions.
Name the 5 intracellular junctions discussed in class
- Tight junctions, Adherens junctions, Gap junctions, Desmosomes, Hemidesmosomes
- Similar cells, common embryonic origin, if they are grouped together, they are held together by very similar intercellular junctions. Not likely that they will have all of them but they could have more than one.
Describe Tight junctions, where they are typically found and why
- Common in Transport epithelia
- Tight junctions are located nearer the luminal cell border rather than the basolateral border because we want the epithelial lining to be very sensitive, something has to essentially pass through two membranes before it gets into circulation.
- A folded lumen increases surface area, so we can have a lot of transporters at the lumen, may have other transporters at other locations.Where you have these tight junctions, absolutely nothing can sneak between cells. Each cell contributes proteins, helps to hold them together, where you have these nothing will sneak between the cells.
- Transport epithelium –> Boundary organ concept. Exchanging nutrients and waste and energy and materials with the outside environment. So you find them in boundary organs.
What do cilia do?
-Cilia are for movement, and they are made of microtubules 9+2 powered by ATP. Move things on the surface.
What do microvilli do?
-Increases surface area for absorption. Again you want it to be selective, and so you have specific transporters to bring things in. If you don’t have a transporter for it stays out, keeps on going. Very selective.
Describe Gap Junctions
- Very different. Composed of proteins. Barrels. Proteins that form tubes connect cytosol to cytosol. Allows movement of materials to move from one to the next.
- Functionally makes the cells united.
- You want cells to perform the same function but not at the same time.
- Common and necessary when cardiac muscle wants to contract. When you want all the cells to conduct electricity and contract at the same time. You want this in the heart. -So electrolytes move from one cell to another through gap junctions. Sodium and potassium can travel between the cells and so they can act like all one cell.
- The other good example is in the liver. Stores nutrients like a sponge. This allows us to more easily distribute (vitamins or glucose for example.) Liver metabolizes toxins. Anything that is not part of the normal composition.
Describe Desmosomes
- Found in Cardiac muscle and bladder tissue
- Contribute proteins to intercellular junctions, and provides more of a cell (cytoskeleton junction) than the other junctions.
- Don’t bring the cells that close together, you can imaging water and other materials to pass through. Tying cells together like Tennis shoes. Two parts of tennis shoes. Proteins that lace the two parts and you have reinforced material to keep water from getting in. Laces contacting two sides. Helps tissues resist physical stress. Like skin, and the heart
- This is why our skin comes out in sheets because they are connected by desmosomes
- Gap junctions allow quick movement, and desmosomes help’s with the physical stress. They work together!
Describe Hemidesomes
-Half of a desmosome
-Connect cells to extracellular material
Ex:// basement membrane
-We observe hemidesmosomes in epithelial cells
Describe general features of Epithelial Tissue
-Cover surfaces, line cavities and form glands.
Example of a gland:// Thyroid gland (One of the secreting unit of the thyroid gland is a pocket of cells called–> A thyroid follicle).
-Epithelial tissue is attached to underlying connective tissue by a basement membrane
-Avascular= without blood vessels. Therefore, nutrients diffuse in from blood vessels in underlying connective tissue
-Good nerve supply
-Rapid cell division that is responsive to environmental stress.
Describe Endocrine glands
- glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream
- Purpose of this form of intercellular communication is to make widespread changes in metabolism. Growth, water balance, sugar metabolism…etc.
Describe Exocrine glands
- Excrete or release through a duct to a surface.
- could be to the outside of the body or could be to the lumen of an organ. Not into the bloodstream.
- Exocrine secretions: saliva, sweat, oil, tears, milk, mucus, bile (made by the liver), liver is a gland makes and secretes bile releases it through a duct which goes to gall bladder, over secretion there leads to salts, gets blocked
- Ex:// Goblet cells are exocrine– releasing mucus
Overall, what are the three primary functions of epithelial tissue?
- Protection (skin)
- Absorption (intestinal lining)
- Secretion (stomach lining)
What function might the basement membrane serve in the repair of injury to the epithelium?
-How do you know how to heal? In part there are living cells around the outside capable of mitosis, and having at least some remnants of that basement membrane tell those cells you belong above this, divide by mitosis, and contact inhibition. Recognize the basement membrane and each other. This is what makes cancer different.
-We make mistakes and your immune system recognizes, and then your natural killer cells go out and mop them up.
If that doesn’t happen and epithelial cell turns into a cancerous cell, one of the aspects is that they do not respect boundaries of basement membrane. Gets into other systems. Lymph noed, circulatory system
Describe simple squamous epithelium
- Single layer of flat cells
- Lines blood vessels (endothelium)
- Lines closed body cavities (mesothelium)
- Very thin, therefore controls diffusion, osmosis, and filtration
- Primary function is transport
Provide a general outline of connective tissue
- All connective tissues have cells, in an extracellular matrix.
- The matrix consists of fibers and ground substance.
- Fibers there are 3 choices: collagen, reticular, and elastic.
- Ground substance can go from liquid to solid and everywhere in between.
- If you know what the connective tissue is made out of, you can predict both its structure and guess at its function.
What is the primary function of Connective Tissue
-Function is to support, connect, protect and insulate
Good nerve & blood supply except for cartilage & tendons
What are the three major cell types found in loose connective tissue?
- Macrophages
- Fibroblast
- Mast cells
What is the function of Macrophages
- Big eaters.
- Covering a surface over the top of an underlying connective tissue. Strategic placement for help cells.
What is the function of fibroblast?
- Make fibers
- Most fibroblast in the body are made from collagen
What is the function of chondroblasts?
-Make cartilage
What is the function of osteoblasts?
-Make bone
What is the function of myoblasts?
-Make muscle
What is the function of mast cells?
Promote inflammation. Hallmarks of inflammation: swelling, redness, heat, pus. Increased blood flow. Blood vessels have to dilate. Pus mostly white blood cells. If we scratch the pus part, we look at other hallmarks of inflammation that mast cells stimulate (histamine) like from a mosquito bite
what are the three types of connective tissue fibers?
- Collagen(25% of protein in body)= tough, resistant to pull, yet pliable.
- Elastin (lungs, blood vessels, ear cartilage)
-Smaller diameter fibers formed from protein elastin surrounded by glycoprotein (fibrillin).
-Can stretch up to 150% of relaxed length and return to original shape
-Doesn’t have good blood supply and doesn’t heal well. - Reticular (spleen and lymph nodes)
-thin, branched fibers that form framework within organs
formed from protein collagen and can go back to original shape once stretched.
Describe embryonic connective tissue and why it is important
- Gives rise to all other types of connective tissue
- Cells that you retain your whole life. Mesodermal cells, moveable (young and mobile). Giving rise to a new shape in embryo. Gel-like matrix water filled, fine reticular fibers. Mesenchyme. Sit there waiting until they get chemical signals. Now I need you to become a new bone cell, blood cell, for example.
Describe function of areolar connective tissue and where it is found
-surrounding your blood vessels, nerve bundles, muscles, and organs. It also fills spaces between organs and, more superficially, connects your skin to your underlying muscular layers
Describe the function of Adipose tissue
- Deeper layer of skin, organ padding, yellow marrow
- Reduces heat loss, energy storage, protection
- Adipocyte= fat cell
Describe the function of dense regular connective tissue
- Dense connective tissue forms strong, rope-like structures such as tendons and ligaments. Tendons attach skeletal muscles to bones; ligaments connect bones to bones at joints.
- No there are not a lot of blood vessels in this tissue. Avascular
Describe the function of dense irregular connective tissue
- Collagen fibers are irregularly arranged (interwoven)
- Tissue can resist tension from any direction
- Very tough tissue – white of eyeball, dermis of skin
Describe Hyaline Cartilage
- Chondrocytes sit in spaces called lacunae
- No blood vessels or nerves so repair is very slow
- Matrix may or may not contain fibers
- Found in nose and trachea
- Endochondral bone formation
What is the strongest cartilage? and where is it found?
- Fibrocartilage
- Found in pubic symphasis and intervetrabal disks
What is the difference between spongy and compact bone?
- Spongy bone has trabeculae and red bone marrow
- Compact bone has osteons and yellow bone marrow
Describe compact bone
-Osteon = lamellae (rings) of mineralized matrix
calcium & phosphate—give it its hardness
-interwoven collagen fibers (and other proteins) provide strength and flexibility
-Osteocytes in spaces (lacunae) in between lamellae
-Canaliculi (tiny canals) connect cell to cell
-Central canal contains blood vessels, nerves & a lymphatic vessel
-The matrix of bone contains inorganic salts, primarily hydroxyapatite and some calcium carbonate, and collagen fibers.
–The process of calcification occurs only in the presence of collagen fibers.
– Mineral salts confer hardness on bone while collagen fibers give bone its great tensile strength.
What is the name of the membrane that covers the heart, and lines the mediastium? and what is its function?
- called the pericardium
- Reduces friction
What is the name of the membrane that covers the thoracic cavity and surrounds the lungs? and what is its function?
- called the Pleura
- reduces friction
What is the function of the serous membrane
- Lines and encloses body cavities
- Secretes lubricating fluid that reduces friction when muscles move. for example, when the heart beats or our lungs expand.
- Boundary organ (aka within)
what is the name of the membrane that covers the abdominal region? and what is its function?
- Called the peritoneum
- Covers the abdominal cavity to reduce friction against rib cage and muscle
- The mesentery is within the peritoneum and reduces friction surrounding the intestine.
Define plasma
Connective tissue with a liquid matrix
what is the function of a red blood cell?
- Erythrocyte
- Has the protein hemoglobin that is responsible for carrying oxygen
- Red blood cells are made inside your bones, in the bone marrow. They typically live for about 120 days, and then they die.
What is the function of a white blood cell?
- leukocyte
- Involved in the immune system
- white blood cells are produced and derived from multipotent cells in the bone marrow known as hematopoietic stem cells.
What is the function of the mucous membrane?
- Secretion
- Located in eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lip, urethra and anus
- Assists in preventing pathogens and dirt from entering the body as well as prevent bodily tissues from becoming dehydrated.
Describe a muscle
- Cells that shorten due to the chemical and physical interaction between myofilaments
- Actin and Myosin
Describe the three types of muscle tissue
Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle
Which of the three types of muscle tissue are involuntary?
- cardiac and smooth muscle are involuntary
- skeletal is voluntary
How does skeletal muscle become multinucleate?
-Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleated from the fusion of muscle cells and smooth muscle cells are strictly mononucleated, and cardiac muscle cells are mononucleated in humans.
What causes the striations in skeletal muscle?
-of sarcomeres manifests as a series of bands visible along the muscle fibers, which is responsible for the striated appearance
What type(s) of intercellular junctions are present at intercalated discs
-Gap junctions, desmosomes, and adherens
Describe smooth muscle
No striations. Has actin and myosin. Spindle shaped. Centrally located nucleus. No striations. Actin and myosin is organized less regularly. Still interact, but the result of contraction is not just shortening but thickening. Where? Wall of intestine, wall of arteries, wall of stomach, wall of urinary bladder. When it contracts you want to make lumen smaller. What is important about smooth muscle contraction is that the cell gets really FAT when it contracts.
Waves of contraction that propel the contents of the intestine or ureter are called
Describe nerve tissue
-Cell types – neurons and neuroglia (supporting cells; more later)
-Functional classification: motor, sensory, and interneurons
-Structural classification: unipolar, bipolar, multipolar
long cell processes conduct nerve signals
-dendrite — signal travels towards the cell body
-axon —- signal travels away from cell body
Where are multipolar neurons found?
- motor and interneurons
- aka muscles
Where are bibolar neurons found?
-Rare, found in eyes and ears
Where are unipolar neurons found?
- Most common
- Found in spinal cord or brain.
Are dendrites and axons going away or to the cell?
Axon’s are going away from the cell
Dendrites are going towards the cell
What are the four types of membranes?
mucous membrane
serous membrane
synovial membrane
cutaneous membrane (skin)
What are the three boundary organ systems?
Integumentary, digestive, and reproductive
Which ions are found outside of the cell?
Sodium and Calcium