Histology Flashcards
Where does the upper respiratory tract transition into the lower respiratory tract?
- above (larynx upwards all URT)
What are 4 cell types in the respiratory epithelium?
1) Ciliated columnar cells
2) Mucous goblet cells
3) Brush cells
4) Basal cells
5) Small granule cells
What is the function of basal cells in the respiratory epithelium?
Stem cells → differentiate to replenish loss cells of all types within epithelium
(also 1st to be affected by cigarette smoke)
What type of collagen are all basement membranes made of?
Type 4
What are the components of the upper respiratory mucosa?
1) Pseudostratified ciliated columnar (Respiratory) epithelium
2) Lamina propria
- vessels, mucous glands
In Rhinitis,
the goblet cells are _________________
the lamina propria is _____________
resulting in the narrowing of nasal cavities.
Goblet cells: hypertrophic and loaded with mucus
LP: edematous with inflammatory infiltrate
Chronic smoking induces the transformation of respiratory epithelium to __________________, which predisposes a px to squamous cell carcinoma.
Stratified squamous epithelium
Paranasal air sinuses add _______ to your voice.
The oral surface of the soft palate is lined by _______________ epithelium while the nasal surface is lined by______________ epithelium.
Oral: Stratified squamous
Nasal: Respiratory epithelium
The entire lingual and apical laryngeal surface is lined by ____________ epithelium. Towards the base of the epiglottis, the laryngeal surface is lined by __________________ epithelium where _______________ are located beneath.
Lingual and apical surface: stratified squamous
towards base of epiglottis: respiratory epithelium
- with serous and mucous glands located beneath
False vocal cords are lined with _______________ epithelium.
True vocal cords are lined with ________________ epithelium.
False: Respiratory
True: “Stratified” squamous
The trachea is lined by ____________ epithelium and has _______________ cartilages. The open ends of these cartilages are bridged by ______________________.
- Respiratory epithelium
- C-shaped hyaline cartilage
- open ends bridged by fibroelastic ligament and smooth muscle bundle
The visceral pleura adherent to the lung is lined by _______________.
In comparison to the bronchi and trachea, the bronchioles (do not) have cartilage and (do not) have mucus glands but have (more/less) smooth muscle.
- no cartilage
- no mucus glands
- more smooth muscle
Describe the changes in epithelium from the trachea to the alveoli.
Trachea: respiratory
up till bronchioles then:
→ ciliated cuboidal
→ non-ciliated squamous epithelium
What are 4 cells usually found in the interalveolar septum?
1) Capillary endothelial cells
2) Type 1 pneumocytes
3) Type 2 pneuomocytes
4) Interstitial fibroblasts
5) Alveolar macrophages
What are type 1 and type 2 pneumocytes?
Type 1:
- simple squamous epithelium
- form structure
Type 2:
- cuboidal
- secrete surfactant
- differentiate to replace type 1