Paraffin sectioning basic process:
Tissues are first fixed to avoid degradation, embedded in paraffin, cut into serial sections with a rotary microtome, and stained to contrast cellular elements.
Fixatives function
preserve proteins and cellular structure
_______shrinks tissue and causes excessive hardening
swells tissue and prevents overhardening.
acid such as acetic acid
Not an ideal fixative; a mixture of alcohol and acetic acid.
Carnoy’s fixative
Carnoy’s fixative*=
glacial acetic acid 100 ml +
100% ethanol 300 ml
A commonly used fixative that is better at preserving structure than Carnoy’s is _____
Dietrich’s FAA** =
95% ethyl alcohol 30.0 ml +
formalin 10.0 ml +
glacial acetic acid 2.0 ml +
distilled water 60.0 ml
Formaldehyde is a gas, which is sold in solution as formalin, which is about 40% formaldehyde in water.
A fixative that is widely used for embryological material, since it will not overharden yolky material, is _______
Bouin’s Fluid** = picric acid, saturated 75.0 ml +
aqueous*** formalin 25.0 ml +
glacial acetic acid 5.0 ml
though an excellent fixative for lipid-rich tissues that doesn’t harden the tissues, also stains the tissue yellow
picric acid
For fixation and all steps that follow that require a fluid, the rule of thumb is that the amount of fluid used should be ____× the volume of the tissue.
Specimens should not be left in Carnoy’s fixative ________ days.
more than 2–3
Tissues should be fixed and stored in the refrigerator at _____
If you have chosen Carnoy’s as your fixative, then washing in ____ instead of water is both adequate and faster.
70% alcohol
By going through a graded series of alcohols, the ______that are set up by each transfer are minimized, thereby minimizing harm to the specimen.
convection currents