Histo Flashcards
Main difference between Proximal tubule and distal tubule?
Proximal there is a brush border which makes it look like there are cobwebs in the lumen. In the distal, the lumen is mostly clear and there are more clear cell boundaries.
What is this: Looks like a long tube with perfectly ordered simple columnar or cuboidal epithelia
Collecting duct
What things are Mae out of “transitional epithelium”? And what is transitional epithelium?
Minor calyx –> urethra
Multiple layers with the top one being columnar or cuboidal.
Which organ has a star shaped lumen? What else is unique about it?
- has 2 muscle layers
- has transitional epithelium
What in the renal/urinary system has 3 muscle layers? What else is unique about it?
- outer longitudinal, middle circular, inner longitudinal
- there will not be an image that can get the whole urinary bladder in it so you will only be able to see certain pieces of it.
Which organ has a U shaped epithelium? What else is unique about it?
Female urethra
- transitional epithelium
- 2 muscle layers - inner longitudinal, outer circular
What is the other name for the anterior pituitary/ posterior pituitary?
Anterior - adenohypophysis
Posterior - neurohypophysis
What are the three cell capes in the AP?
Acidophilic, basophilic, chromophobes
What is found in each of the 3 types of cells in the AP? What do they look like?
Acidophilic - GH, Prolactin - pinkish
Basophilic - FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH - darker than Acidophilic
Chromophobes - clear
What are the two cell types in the PP? What do they do? What do they look like?
pituicytes - - dark small staining
Herring bodies - oxytocin and vasopressin - clear and rounder
From outside to inside, what are the Layers of the adren gland?
Capsule – > Zena glomerulosa –> Zena fisciculata –> Zena reticularis –> medulla
What are the distinguishing Features of The one glomerulosa??
Clusters of clearish/pinkish cells
What is the distinguishing characteristic of Zona fisciculata?
They are clearish long “cords”
What are the distinguishing characteristics of the Zona reticularis?
Irregular network of branching cords separated by these things called blood sinuses that really just look like cords.
What is the distinguishing characteristic of the medulla?
It is closely packed clusters of cells.
– in EM they contain granules of NE in them.
What will I see in the thyroid gland?
Follicular cells surrounding a large pink blob which is just colloid. This is where TH is stored prior to its release. The more active the colloid is the more clear and broken up it will look. There are also random C-cells which secrete calcitonin sprinkled in.
What types of cells are found in the parathyroid? What do they look like? What do they do??
Chief cells - small cells with dark nuclei - secrete PTH
oxyphil cells - structure of clear staining and large - no role known
Where is melatonin made and what does it look like?
Pineal gland and it looks like sand. Just a blob of sand.
What is the path that sperm takes?
Seminiferous tubules –> straight tubule –> rete testis –> efferent ductile –> epididymis –> vas defrens –> ejaculatory duct (seminal vesicle empties into here) –> prostate –> urethra
What surrounds all of the seminiferous tubules? In other words what is the layer that surrounds the nut?
Tunica albuginea
What is the area that leaves the testicle called? What is it leading to ?
Mediastinum, leading to the straight tubules and rete testis.
What do seminiferous tubules look like?
Depends on how they are cut. They essentially fill the testicle and are very convoluted structures. Can look like large circles stained pink
Where would you find interstitial cells of leydig?
In between the seminiferous tubules.
When zoomed into the seminiferous tubule what kinds of cells are we going to see?
Spermatogonia will be on top and then you will we Sertoli cells with will send out projections to make the blood-testis barrier. Then we will see primary and secondary spermatocytes and finally spermatids.
What do to staight tubules look like? rete testis?
Straight - circular clear tubules lined w mostly Sertoli cells.
Rete testis - wide irregular shaped lumen with cuboidal cells.
Efferent ductile
1) in the basal portion you will see a thick CT
2) ciliated columnar and cuboidal epithelial so it looks very irregular because of the Different sizes.
What are the distinguishing characteristics of the epididymis ?
Pseudo stratified epithelium that is very circular. You will often see sperm swimming in the lumen.
Vas defrens
Looks not like a circle but not like a star in the middle but somewhere in between. 3 muscular layers on the outside. The inside is pseudostratified with stereocilia.
What is unique about the seminal vesicle?
It has these infoldings of mucosa. Depending on the stain, the fructose can stain yellow.
Prostate gland
Has prostatic concentrations which are the best indicator. Lined with simple to pseudostratified epithelium.
What is different between a pre-pubescent boy and a man with regards to the prostate histologically?
The prostate will not have concentrations if the boy is pre-pubescent.
From outside to inside what are the layers of the ovaries?
Germinal epithelium –> tunica albuginea –> primordial follicles –> primary follicles –> secondary follicles –> corpus luteum
What two cell types will be found in the corpus luteum and what do they look like?
Theca lutein cells - small skinny cells
Granulosa lutein cells - light staining Round cells.
What is the corpus albicans and what does it look like?
It is the degenerating corpus luteum. It looks like the corpus luteum but with big splotches in them that make it looks like it is disintegrating.
It can also look like a pale balls of tubes, which are scar tissue.
How does the uterus look during each of the three stages of the menstrual cycle?
Proliferative - lamina propria is compact
Secretory - glands are cork screw shaped and look a little pale
Menstrual stage - blood in lumen
What are the two portions of the cervix called and wha too they look like histologically?
Endocervical canal - simple columnar epithelium
Exocervical canal - stratified squamous epithelium
Stratified squamous epithelium. 2 muscle layers, outer longitudinal and inner circular.
In the placenta, what is the name of the cells on the maternal side? Fetal side?
Maternal - decidual cells
Fetal - amnion - simple cuboidal
In the tertiary chorionic villi, what are the names of the cells?
Syncitiotrophoblast - normal flattened cells
Cytotrophoblast - rounder cells on the inner part of the circle.
What does the umbilical cord look like?
Whartons jelly. Very clear with some veins and arteries and whatnot.
What does the mammary gland look like?
Circular duct lied with cuboidal/columnar epithelium
What is lined with simple squamous epithelium and looks like a tube?
Thin segment of the loop of henle