HIST 205 Timeline and Dates Flashcards
7th century
Hoplite Revolution
657-625 BC
Reign of Cypselus
560-546 BC
reign of Croesus of Lydia
559-530 BC
reign of Cyrus the Great
546 BC
Capture of Sardis from Croesus by Cyrus
546 BC
Pisistratus captures Athens for the final time and rules until his death in 527 BC
527-510 BC
Reign of Hippias
522-486 BC
Reign of Darius I in Persia
510 BC
Spartans invade Athens and Hippias goes into exile
509-508 BC
Cleithenes introduces reforms that found Athenian democracy
499-493 BC
Ionian revolts in Persia
492-490 BC
First Persian War
490 BC
Battle of Marathon (Persian defeat)
486-465 BC
Reign of Xerxes
480-479 BC
Second Persian War
480 BC
Battle of Thermopylae (Greek defeat)
480 BC
Battle of Salamis (Persian defeat and Xerxes’ retreat)
479 BC
Battle of Platea (Persian defeat)
480-323 BC
Classical Period
484-425 BC
Life of Herodotus
451 BC
Pericles’ citizenship laws (only children of a married male Athenian citizen and a female Athenian citizen can become citizens)
470-400 BC
Life of Aspasia
431-404 BC
Peloponnesian War (Thebans try to capture Plataea in 431 BC and war breaks out)
430-427 BC
Plague of Athens
421-414 BC
Peace of Nicias (broken in 414 BC and full war starts again)
415-413 BC
The Sicilian Expedition (Athens’ campaign against Syracuse which was proposed by general Alcibiades)
403 BC
Overthrowing of Thirty Tyrants and restoration of Athenian democracy
395-387 BC
Corinthian War
386 BC
“King’s Peace” (Sparta wins Corinthian War because of backing of Persian king Artaxerxes II)
371 BC
The Battle of Leuctra: a massive loss for the Spartans, victory for Thebes
359-336 BC
Reign of Philip II of Macedon
346 BC
Macedonian conquest of northern Greece and central Greece up to the Thermopylae pass
338 BC
Battle of Chaeronea near Thebes (total victory for Philip)
338-337 BC
Creation of League of Corinth (lead by Philip II of Macedon with purpose of panhellenic invasion of Persia)
336 BC
Assassination of Philip II of Macedon
336-323 BC
Reign of Alexander the Great
334 BC
Invasion of Alexander into Asia
333-332 BC
conquest by Alexander of the Levant and Egypt
324 BC
Alexander’s failed campaign in India and return to Persia
323 BC
Death of Alexander
323-281 BC
War of the Successors (Ptolemy gets Egypt, Antigonus gets Anatolia)
311 BC
Antigonus gets too powerful and Ptolemy and Seleucus defeat him in War of Successors
281 BC
Official divided kingdoms: Antigonics in Macedon; Seleucids in Syria/Percis; Ptolemies in Egypt
278-268 BC
Arsinoe II rules Egypt
267-261 BC
Chremonidean War + Decree - alliance of Athens, Sparta Ptolemy II of Egypt and some other Greek poleis against Antigonus Gonatas of Macedon
753 BC
legendary foundation of Rome by Romulus and Remus
509 BC
Rome’s last king is exiled and republic is allegedly founded
5th and 4th centuries
Struggle of the Orders
367 BC
Plebeians can now become consuls
160-120 BC
Polybius writes his work on Roman history
280-275 BC
The Pyrrhic War - Tarentum in southern Italy calls on King Pyrrhus of Epirus for help
264-241 BC
First Punic War
247-183 BC
life of Hannibal Barca
218-202 BC
Second Punic War
219 BC
Hannibal besieges Saguntum (a Roman ally south of Ebro river), causing outbreak of Second Punic War
216 BC
Battle of Cannae (Romans defeat after losing two other battles in Second Punic War)
202 BC
Battle of Zama (Carthaginian defeat and heavy war indemnities)
214-205 BC
First Macedonian War (Rome vs. Philip V of Macedon-ends in stalemate)
200-197 BC
Second Macedonian War (Roman victory)
171-168 BC
Third Macedonian War (Roman victory)
Greek and Macedonian Revolts against Rome
149-146 BC
Third Punic War
146 BC
Sacking of Carthage
136-131 BC
First Slave Revolt (Sicily)
112-106 BC
Jugurthine War
118 BC
Death of Numidian king leads to kingdom being divided between brothers and fighting
107 BC
Election of Gaius Marius as consul
165-133 BC
life of Tiberius Gracchus (elected tribune in 134 BC)
154-121 BC
life of Gaius Gracchus (tribune 123-121 BC)
91-89 BC
Social War
88 BC
First Civil War (Sulla marches on Rome)
87 BC
Marius returns and captures Rome, then dies
83-82 BC
Sulla returns to Italy after truce with Mithridates and wins next round of civil war
80 BC
Sulla resigns dictatorship and dies in 78 BC
106-48 BC
life of Pompey
104-100 BC
Second Slave Revolt (Sicily)
73-71 BC
Spartacus Slave Revolt
70 BC
Consulship of Crassus and Pompey
70-30 BC
life of Cleopatra VII
63 BC
Caitline’s Conspiracy
100-44 BC
life of Gaius Julius Caesar
60-50 BC
First Triumvirate (Dictatorship between Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus)
58-50 BC
Caesar’s conquest of Gaul
49-45 BC
Caesar’s Civil War
48 BC
Battle of Pharsalus (Caesar vs. Pompey and most of the senate)
45 BC
Caesar returns to Rome and is named dictator without a time limit (“Dictator Perpetuo”)
44 BC
Caesar is killed
63 BC-14 AD
life of Octavian/Augustus
43-32 BC
Second Triumvirate (Dictatorship between Marc Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus)
27 BC
Octavian/Augustus “restores” republic and is declared “princeps”
23 BC
greater imperium imbued into Augustus without consulship and Augustus given tribunician power
18-17 BC and 9 AD
Augustus’ moral reforms on marriage and adultery
14-68 AD
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
37-41 AD
reign of Caligula
15-59 AD
life of Agrippina the Younger
54-68 AD
reign of Nero
64 AD
Great Fire of Rome
69 AD
Year of four emperors (Vespasian wins civil wars and becomes emperor)
70 AD
Sack of Jerusalem
69-70 AD
Law on the Imperium of Vespasian (codification of powers of emperors)
80 AD
Opening of Colosseum
79 AD
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
81-96 AD
reign of Domitian
96-180 AD
Five Good Emperors
98-117 AD
reign of Trajan
192-211 AD
reign of Septimus Severus
211-217 AD
reign of Caracalla
212 AD
Antonine Constitution by Caracalla makes nearly all free subjects Roman citizens
235-284 AD
Third Century Crisis (over fifty emperors in fifty years)
Breakaway provinces of Gaul and Palmyra become mini-Roman empires
270-275 AD
reign of Aurelian and restoration (ish) of peace
284-305 AD
reign of Diocletian and end of the Third Century Crisis
293 AD
creation of tetrarchy (two junior and two senior emperors)
301 AD
Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices
305 AD
Diocletian retires and civil war breaks out
313-337 AD
reign of Constantine
312 AD
Constantine’s conversion
after Battle of Milvian Bridge
313 AD
edict of toleration for Christianity, but Christianity not made official religion of empire
325 AD
Council of Nicaea
330 AD
Constantinople becomes capital
361-363 AD
reign of Julian “the Apostate” (only non Christian emperor after Constantine)
379-395 AD
reign of Theodosius I
380 AD
Christianity becomes official religion
395 AD
Eastern and Western Roman Empire permanently split
410 AD
Visigoth sack of Rome
410 AD
Britannia secedes
420s AD
Vandals take over Spain
435 AD:
Vandals take over North Africa
455 AD:
Vandals sack Rome and cut aqueducts
476 AD
Fall of Western Roman Empire (Romulus Augustus deposed and Odovacer (a Goth?) declares himself king)
527-565 AD
reign of Emperor Justinian in Eastern Roman Empire
1453 AD
Fall of Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire