His of Int Dsn Test 1 pt 2 Flashcards
What did Emperor Constantine do?
An open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators (used for Greeks and Romans)
Semicircular recess in a church arched or with a domed roof (usually contains an altar)
Within the entablature of a column between the frieze and the capital. Rests at the tops of columns
Cella (or Naos)
The inner area of an ancient temple, especially one housing a hidden cult image in a Greek or Roman temple
A ceiling that has recesses in it to create dimension
An ornamental molding around the wall of a room just below the ceiling
The Crossing
The junction of the four arms of a church shaped like a cross
The Choir
The area of a church that provides seating for the clergy and church choir (right next to the crossing, closer to the apse)
The lower part of a wall, below about waist height
A structural element of interlocking wooden brackets (used in Chinese arch)
Horizontal superstructure that lies on top of columns resting on their capitals. Comprised of the cornice, frieze, and architrave (in that order from top to bottom)
A slight convex curve in the shaft of a column. (The shaft gets slightly bigger to correct an optical illusion of concavity produced by a straight shaft)
A semicircular recess or platform in a building sometimes crowned with a semi-dome. Can be within a building or separate
Flying Buttress
A buttress slanting from a separate pier, typically forming an arch with the wall it supports
A projecting support of stone or brick built against a wall
A broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration (in between the cornice and architrave)
Hypostyle Hall
An interior space whose roof lays on pillars or columns
Tsuitate Screen
Often are near entrances. Can be opened in many different ways to change the size of a room
Shoji Screen
A sliding outer or inner door made of latticed screen covered with white paper
Fusuma Screen
Framed and papered sliding door used to partition rooms
Egyptian tomb with sloping sides and a flat roof that has underground burial chamber with rooms above it
The great hall in greek palace complexes. Rectangular hall with four columns. Had a central open hearth that vented to an oculus on the ceiling
The opposite end of a church from the apse. Porch area of the entrance
Stone pillar (typically having square or rectangular cross section) that is meant to be a monument or landmark
The triangular upper part of the front of a building typically surmounting a portico of columns
Peristyle garden
An open courtyard within a house where columns surround the garden
A monumental gate of an egyptian temple consisting of two towers
A decorative form consisting of a continuous wavy and stem-like motif
A round building or room especially one with a dome
A continuous base supporting a row of columns
Organizational mats used in Japanese architecture
A recess or alcove, typically a few inches above floor level, for displaying flowers, pictures, and ornaments (used in jap arch)
Either of the two parts forming the arms of the cross shape in a church
A dining table with couches on three sides
The semi-circular or triangular decorative wall surface over an entrance, door, or window which is bound by a lintel and an arch
Trabeated Constructions
Have horizontal beams
Roman baths
A building containing a complex of rooms designed for bathing, relaxing, and socializing