HIS LONG QUIZ FINALS part 2 Flashcards
awareness and understanding of a set of information and the ways that information can be made useful to support a specific task or reach a decision
organized collection of people , procedures software databases andf devices
knowledge management system
KMS can involve different types of knowledge
explicit knowledge
tacit knowledge
can be measured and documeneted in reports papers and rules
explicit knowledge
hard to measure and document
typically not objective or formalized
tacit knowledge
secretaries administrative assistant bookkeepers other data entry personnel
data wokrers
people who create use and disseminate knowledge
knowledge workers
executive who helps the organization use a KMS to
create, store, and use knowledge to achieve
organizational goals
Chief knowledge officer (CKO):
group of people
dedicated to a common discipline or practice, such
as open-source software, auditing, medicine, or
Communities of practice (COP):
ability of computers to
mimic or duplicate the functions of the human brain
Artificial intelligence (AI):
procedures, hardware, software, data, and
knowledge needed to develop computer systems
and machines that demonstrate the characteristics
of intelligence
Artificial intelligence systems:
Perceptive system: approximates the way humans
hear, see, or feel objects
Understand visual images
On a limited basis with machine-vision hardware and
Process and manipulate symbols
Example: writing short stories
Be creative and imaginative
Example: writing short stories
Be creative and imaginative
Obtaining good solutions (rather than the optimal)
through approximation
Use heuristics
allows the
computer to understand and react to statements
and commands made in a “natural” language, such
as English
Natural language processing:
an approach to solving large,
complex problems in which a number of related
operations or models change and evolve until the
best one emerges
Genetic algorithm:
programs and a knowledge base
used to perform a specific task for a person, a
process, or another program
Intelligent agent:
component of an expert system
that stores all relevant information, data, rules,
cases, and relationships used by the expert system
Knowledge base:
individual or group who has the
expertise or knowledge one is trying to capture in
the expert system
Domain expert:
individual who has training
or experience in the design, development,
implementation, and maintenance of an expert
Knowledge engineer:
individual or group who uses
and benefits from the expert system
Knowledge user:
Uses bots
Information management and retrieval
Antilock braking system, television
AI and expert systems embedded in products
Probability of contracting diseases, lab analysis,
home diagnosis, appointment scheduling
Hospitals and medical facilities
enables one or more users
to move and react in a computer-simulated
Virtual reality system:
user becomes fully
immersed in an artificial, three-dimensional world
that is completely generated by a computer
Immersive virtual reality:
Screens directed at each eye; position tracker
Head-mounted display (HMD)
Provides illusion of immersion through projection of
stereo images on floors and walls
Relays sense of touch and other physical sensations
Haptic interface
uses information systems to develop
competitive strategies
Game theory:
combines traditional fields with
allows small devices to transmit data over
the air
Microsoft’s Smart Personal Objects Technology