Hip Flashcards
2 commonest causes of hip OA?
Bony deformities that cause misalignment!
1. Femoroacetabular impingement
2. Dysplasia
Ficat classification for NOF fracture AVN?
Pre-radiographic = edema on MRI
Pre-collapse = mixed sclerosis + subchondral cysts on XR, edema on MRI
Collapse = bone necrosis on MRI
Advanced arthritis = advanced DJD on XR
Causes of positive Trendelenburg test?
Weak abductors
Nervous = Superior Gluteal nerve / L5
Fulcrum = OA, AVN, sublux/dislocation
Femoral neck issues
Common causes of LLD?
Leg length discrepancy
Congenital = DDH, dysplasia, unilateral clubfoot
Paralytic disorder = Cerebral palsy
Physis disruption = Infection, trauma, tumour
Conditions associated with LLD?
Back pain
Functional scoliosis
Inefficient gait
Equinus contracture of ankle
Lower coverage of femoral head on long leg causes OA 84% of time
RF for NOF fracture AVN?
Steroids, TCM
Radiation, Alcohol, obesity
Hematologic diseases - Leukemia, lymphoma etc
Diving - Decompression (nitrogen intoxication)
How to differentiate AVN from OA?
OA affects 1 joint.
Non-traumatic OA is usu bilateral
3 subdivisions of femoral neck?
Proximal -> distal
Between Neck and introchanters, which is intra/extra-capsular?
Neck is intracapsular -> risk of AVN
IT, Subtrochanteric, GT/LT are extracapsular
How good is healing potential of NOF frac? Why?
- Femoral neck is intracapsular, bathed in synovial fluid.
- Lacks periosteal layer
- Callus formation limited, which affects healing
Main vascular supply to NOF?
Lateral retinacular arteries from medial circumflex from profunda femoris
How does Garden’s classification guide Mx?
1/2 = ORIF
3/4 = Hip replacement (hemi/total arthroplasty)
Unipolar vs Bipolar hemi-arthroplasty?
Unipolar = only one block is put in to move against native acetabulum
Bipolar = Includes shell which the head articulates with.
Bipolar is mostly done recently
Compare effectiveness of Hemi vs Full arthroplasty?
Hemi is more stable, but THR gives better function.
Hence Hemi better for younger patients,
THR better for elderlies
BUT ofc ORIF is better for young pts. Hence NOF Frac is emergency for young pts. Old people wont go play tennis and all
Can u do hip arthroplasty for Inter-Trochanteric frac?
no. always nail fixation due to low AVN risk
Cemented vs Uncemented hip implants?
Cemented implants held in place with bone cement.
Uncemented implants allow new bone to grow into the implant, securing it in place.
Cemented usu done for elderly with lower demand and less physical activity
Normally IT Frac is alw fixation. When do u do arthroplasty?
Severely comminuted, severe arthritis
Anatomical landmark for subtrochanteric frac?
Frac within 5cm distal to LT
Best Mx for femoral shaft frac?
Adults = immobilize with thomas splint, M&R + intramedullary nail
Kids = Traction 3-4 weeks -> Spica 4-6 weeks
Urgent thing to do in Hip dislocation?
Reduction - to minimize risk of AVN
Common mechanism of Hip dislocation?
Posterior dislocation 90%.
Axial load through flexed knee (dashboard injury)