Hinduism Unit 1 Flashcards
01-01: How many things do people want according to hinduism?
People want only 4 things in life
01-02: What is the first want?
01-03: What do the terms ascetic and hedonist mean?
Ascetic: pleasure-denying, practice of sever self discipline and abstention from all indulgences
Hedonist: pleasure-seeker, a person who believes in seeking pleasure is the most important thing in life
01-04: What restrictions does Hinduism place upon the first want?
Hinduism says that you must obey the basic rules of mortality when it comes to the “first” want, seek it but be smart about it
01-05: What is the inadequacy of the first want?
Realizes that pleasure is not all that one wants, and it never lasts, it’s short term
01-06: What is the second want? why is it superior to the first?
The second want is worldly success with wealth fame and power. It is superior because its satisfaction lasts longer for success is a social achievement
01-07: What are the limitations of world success?
People think what is he worth, do is it not come down to how much does he got. Judgement from others
01-08: What is the path of desire?
Hindus locate pleasure and success on the path to desire. They use this phrase because the personal desires of the individual have thus far been foremost in charting life’s course
01-09: What greater attraction than the path of desire does life afford?
Path of renunciation
01-10: What are the two faces of renunciation?
Stems from disillusionment and despair or suspicion that life holds more than what one is experiencing
01-11: What is the difference between chronological-time and psychological-time in human growth?
Chronological deals with age and psychological deals with mental state
01-12: With the asking of what question does the birth of religion begin?
Might not becoming part of a larger more significant whole relieve life of its triviality
01-13: What is the renunciation (Path of Renunciation) for?
Path of renunciation is the want of duty, want of liberation, freedom from all things-physical things so you can become other
01-14: What do the terms Vedic and Veda mean?
Veda- Hindu word means knowledge, name given to the Hindu holy books, which there are thousands, holy books scripture, religious books, it’s the source of the knowledge
Vedic- the religions that spin off of the Veda books
02-01: What question divides humankind more than any other? Why? How do hindus answer this question?
“Whether life does or doesn’t hold more to offer?” because pleasure and success lose their charm and people wish they had more to offer; hindus say life holds other possibilities
02-02: What name is given to the fourth want? What prefaces it? What constitutes it?
Liberation, it is prefaced by the wants and is constituted by the limitations.
02-03: What underlies or animates the true self? What do the hindu terms atman, brahman and atman-brahman mean?
Being to be able to look beyond the body and the personality
Atman: Self soul
Brahman: Known as god, a trinity, beyond fear
Atman-brahman: the unity with god
02-04: What is the beyond that lies within?
We must look within our self to find what is beyond.
02-05: What is the goal of life?
to get as far beyond imperfection as possible
02-06: Is it possible to get beyond the strictures that separate us from joy?
Yes, we must pass the three sub groups. Physical pain, frustration with desire and border with life
02-07: What is the limitation to knowledge?
Ignorance and the fact that we cannot know anything
02-08: What is the third limitation? Can it be overcome?
Its restricted being, profitably consider this we have first to ask how the boundary of the self is to be defined.
02-09: What is the object of the question that has become india’s obsession?
What if we could bring it to light and draw from it unceasingly?
02-10: What does the term yoga mean?
A method of training designed to lead to integration or union
02-11: What is the difference between authentic yoga and spiritual yoga?
Authentic- the yoga for the body, also known as Hatha yoga
Spiritual- yoga for the mind, used to get incontrol of mind and body
02-12: How many spiritual yogas are there? Why this number?
There are 4 because in Hinduism things come in 4 and there are 4 different personalities
02-13: Where do all the spiritual yogas begin?
They begin with the morals preliminaries of being a good person by not stealing etc.
02-14: What does the term karma mean?
Karma means action or deed
03-01: What is Jnana Yoga?
Jnana Yoga are trying to get you to the beyond–to your true self, through knowledge and wisdom. It is intended for spiritual aspirants who have a strong reflectent bent, it’s the path to openness with the Godhead through knowledge.
03-02: What are the three steps for an aspirant of Jnana Yoga?
- Learning
- Thinking
- Shift/ change.
03-03: What three apologies or metaphors are used to describe the mindset of the Jnana aspirant?
- Rider and the chariot (metaphor for life)
- “I am the witness” formed in the third person
- The third is Sybil seated in the dentist
03-04: What is the goal of Jnana Yoga?
The shortest path to divine realization. Get you beyond yourself
03-05: What is Bhakti Yoga?
To direct toward god the love that lies at the base of every heart.
03-06: What contrasts are presented with respect to Bhakti Yoga?
Bhakti yoga has countless followers,being indeed the most popular yoga.
03-07: How is Bhakti Yoga’s love endangered?
Things of this world clamor for our affection so instantly that it may be marveled that a Being who can neither be seen nor heard can ever become their rival.
03-08: What is Japam?
It is the practice of repeating gods name
03-09: What is “Ringing the Changes”?
Love assumes different nuances according to the relationship involved
03-10: What is “Form of Ones Choice”?
For Hindus god has been represented in many forms. Each form is a symbol that points to something beyond
03-11: What point is made with the Buddhist story of the turtle and the fish?
It is impossible to explain the “next world” (heaven)
03-12: What general contrast is present in today’s Sketch with respect to Eastern and Western religions?
Western religions tend to picture the next world in terms of this world. Where as eastern religions cants picture the next world only as some thing beyond expression
03-13: What are some of the traces of Gods existence as presented in today’s sketch?
Some of the traces of gods extends as presented in today’s sketch are thought the doorway of contemplation by which god is sensed by the inner self. Second through the universality of moral law.
04-01: What is karma yoga?
The path to god through work. Its the third path to god, for active bent people
04-02: What is the goal of karma yoga?
To get to god through work
04-03: What is the relation of karma to Jnana and bhakti?
In the language of the four Yoga’s, karma yoga can be practiced in either mode: Jnana(knowledge) or Bhakti(devoted service)
04-04: According to Hinduism, what is the result of every action?
According to Hindu doctrine everything action preformed upon the external world reacts on the doer.