Hinduism Review Flashcards
human origins
universe (cosmos)
death (Thanos)
An altar is where an act of worship may be done for a god but a shrine is _________.
place where a god actually lives so it must be cared for
What prevents a person from becoming divine?
ignorance and ego
What is the term for the differing acts of preparation/prayer in service to a specific Hindu deity?(
Is Hinduism more polytheistic or monotheistic? Explain.
Hinduism in the Vedas is more pantheistic (there is one ultimate reality from which all the different gods are expressions) but each individual can relate to God at the level they are comfortable with. Therefore there can be one God or many, whatever the person feels comfortable with
What is the meaning of maya?
illusion of the material world
What is the meaning of samsara?
The four main yogas are the ways of :
- Devotion,
- Duty/service,
- Knowledge,
- Meditation
What are the three classical cultural ideas that a group should accept to be considered Hindu?
- Accept the Vedas as divinely inspired and authoritative
- Accept the caste system and
- Respect the worship of various levels of deities
Does Hinduism view reincarnation as a good or bad thing? Explain.
fact of existence but not a good thing – it is an inevitable fate until one can experience moksha
What does it mean to be “twice born”?
reincarnated with enough status to have a life in a higher caste environment
Which of these are titles of Hindu sacred writings? A Brahma B Vedas, C Vishnu D Upanishads E Bhagavad Gita
B Vedas,
D Upanishads,
E Bhagavad Gita
Fill in the blanks on the Hindu God chart… \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ - pantheist God \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ - preserver \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ - destroyer/transformer \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ - creator
Brahman (pantheist God) Note “n” at end. Plural gods
Vishnu (preserver)
Shiva - destroyer/transformer
Brahma - creator
What does Yoga mean or what is a Yoga?
“union”, a way to connect/relate to God
Who is the founder of Hinduism?
No single founder
Which of the Hindu trimurti has popular avatars?
Vishnu the preserver
What is Brahman vs. Brahmin?
Brahman – one all-pervasive concept of God
Brahmin – highest caste of priests and scholars
Where does the term Hinduism come from? (ie. What does it mean?)
Religion of the people in the Indus valley – given the name by Europeans
The Vedas originated between _______ and ________ BC
1500 and 900 BC
passed down orally but weren’t formally written down until the 16th century AD.
Old Testament books were written down between 1445 and 400 BC
T/F Hinduism doesn’t emphasize conversion because it claims there are in infinite number of ways to experience and have union with God.
– Hinduism known for tolerance because of this belief
T/F All Hindus are aware of and practice the philosophical truth claims of Hinduism.
No answer provided in review sheet
Which area of philosophy does this statement of Christianity best fit in? God defines what is true and right. “This is known through general revelation and the specific revelation of the person of Jesus as expressed in the New Testament and supported by the Old Testament.”
Which religion/s would have this view of metaphysics/ontology? “Both physical and spiritual realities exist but all existence is based on God himself as the ultimate eternal reality. All other things in existence are contingent on God.” Mark all that apply A Judaism B Hinduism C Christianity D Islam
A Judaism
C Christianity
D Islam
Which monotheistic religion/s view of ethics includes the idea that righteousness is attained by human effort? Mark all that apply A Judaism B Hinduism C Christianity D Islam
A Judaism
D Islam
T/F When contextualizing the gospel message to Jewish people, a Christian could use the Old Testament prophecies to approach the idea that Jesus is the messiah.
No review answer given
T/F When contextualizing the gospel message to Muslim people, a Christian could discuss the trinity and the crucifixion of Jesus.
No review answer given