Hinduism and Ecology Flashcards


How would you assess Hinduism’s contribution to solving the ecological crisis? Argue for your answer. Mention at least four elements from Hinduism that were discussed during the guest lecture. Make sure to explain them.


First of all; the elements are:
Karma: What you send out, will come back. This can be good or bad.
Dharma: That which brings you closer to God (Brahman)
Punarjanman: Rebirth (reincarnation)
Moksha: The end of pain and suffering, the end of the cycle of life and death (samsara)
Jivanmukta: When someone has gone through all stages and is freed from samsara
Samsara: The cycle of life and death
Ahimsa: no violence in thought, word and deed. This applies to animals, people, nature, …
–> Being conscious of the ecosystem and different parts. To have a caring attitutude towards it. This is what Ahisma says; no violence in thought, word and deed. The same can be said about Karma which applies here as well. If you treat the ecosystem with respect, it will do the same for you. Dharma, which means that which brings you closer to God. Nature is created by God and thus caring for it brings you closer to God. Caring for mother nature brings you closer to God.

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