Hinduism Flashcards
Refers to the timeless divinity within each person, something that everyone shares. Cognate to the English world atmosphere, and originally meant breath.
It is the material world. It isn’t illusionary, it is stated as not truly real either. It is there to hide the truth of reality.
Our life is the result of past deeds in our other lives, and our future happiness depends on how we live now.
The law of being. Everyone has their own dharma. Can be also thought as a responsibility or duty.
The ultimate goal of Hinsuism. It is the positive, joyful state of complete perfection. It also means that you will no longer be reborn.
The eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. You want to reach Moksha
The spiritual caste. They would teach, study the Vedas, preform sacrifices and give and accept alms. They don’t do manual labor.
The warrior and ruler caste. They are to protect society and to give gifts. They offer sacrfices, study the Vedas, and they hold all the political power.
The economic caste. They tend to cattle, give gifts, offer sacrifices lend money and cultivate the land. These days, they are usually involved with banking.
The peasant caste. Their job is to serve the other three castes, especially the Brahmins, and perform manual labor. It is suggested that if they refuse to do the work, they will become slaves. They are the only “once-born” caste.
The Vedas
The sacred scriptures are divine works that manifest the glorious primal energy of both creation and eternity.
The final part of the Vedas, which is a dialogue between a teacher and student.
A way of honoring the divine that exists in all things.
Bhagavad Gita
Book 6 of an epic called the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is 100,000 verses long, and in Sanskrit.
The supreme Ground of Being, who is uncreated, unborn, changeless, incorruptible, and utterly holy.