Hinduism Flashcards
The Vedas
Collection of early texts composed of Hymns
Author-less, eternal, no origin, revealed by deities. The Vedas
Intended to be chanted or sung, sacrificial. By Brahmins
Hindu priests, only ones who can recite the Vedas
Rig Veda
Oldest and most famous collection
Meaningful to those in lower caste system, oral traditions, parable style stories (have lessons)
The Ramayana
An epic, Prince Rama is banished from home because his dad’s first wife had one wish and she used it to banish him. He left with his wife, and his wife then got taken by a demon. He went on a journey to find her, thought she cheated on him and made her lay on fire. She came out unscathed = innocent. Moral of story: remain loyal to family and each other.
-An epic, longest epic poem.
-Final Sections: Bhagavad Gita - Prince Arjuna finds his dharma but doesn’t want to kill people. He is visited by lord Krishna who tells him to complete his dharma.
-Build up of Vedas and Upanishads.
-Narratives and biographies of Divinities.
-Sexual and sensual pleasure
-Born a male, identifies as the third gender, and has spiritual powers.
-Was imprisoned by the British
-Part of Puranas
-Theory of Cosmos, explored cosmology life cycles
-4 Yugas (Phases)
Golden Yuga
-First phase of Cosmology
-Dharma very visible
-Long life spans
-Cosmos virtually perfect
Silver Yuga
-Second phase of Cosmology
-Start to get some cracks in the system
-Start acting unethically
Iron Yuga
-Third phase of Cosmology
Evil more common than good
Bloodshed, violence, and war
Kali Yuga
-Final stage of Cosmology
-War, bloodshed, and violence are normalized
-Worst of the worst
-End of Cosmos
We are in this stage
-One’s purpose
-Depends on Caste System
-Foundation of the good life
-Success in all worldly activities
-Included success in power (like financial power)
-Love and sensual pleasure
-Karma Sutra - Manual on how to achieve love and sensual pleasure
-Returning to Brahman
-Not realistic for most of us (other than Brahmins)
-Cycle of reincarnation
-This is bad … We want out
-Body released into Samsara when it dies and ataman reincarnated into a new body. Repeated until we reach Moksha
-Series of conversations between a guru and student
-Shruti (eternal)
-The infinite light, the One, the Great Reality
-Beginning there was only Brahman, then an explosion happened, pieces went everywhere (ataman)
-Unity –> Diversion
-“Self” or “Soul”
-Only real thing, everything else is an illusion (Maya - temporary/illusionary)
-No dual life
-Everyone is equal
-Race, sex, and identity do not matter
-the action and the result of the action
-Decides your rebirth
-To get good karma you must perform your dharma
- Ultimate goal is Moksha - time and space will cease to exist
-Ataman is not reborn
-Escape samsara
-Time and space cease to exist
-Infinity will exist again
Upanishads - Caste System
-Helped people reach their dharma
-everyone has a role to play
-born into caste
-highest form of existence in caste system
-closest to moksha
- 2nd highest in the caste system
-leaders, ruler, governors, royal family, warriors
- Middle of the caste system
-Merchants and artisans (middle class)
-Second lowest
-Most amount of work for least amount of pay
-Worst of the worst in the caste system
-Can’t look in their eyes or touch them or they could infect you with their bad karma
Life of a Brahmin
-1-25: Celibate, life of study
-25-50: Get married, have kids, provide for family, get a job
-50-75: Pull away from material items, return to a life of study, the wife becomes the householder and must make the money
-75: Becomes the ultimate (Sunnyasin), renounces the world, lives homeless. Life of wandering and meditation
Hindu Rituals
-“Mutual seeing”
-look at the deity and stare into his eyes silently, ones feels spiritual connection to deity
-Brahmin makes offerings (like food) to gods - Prasad
-Lay candles or flame in front of the statues
-Public worship (temples and shrines)
-led by Brahmins
Raja Yoga
-Only physical yoga
-Mental concentration
-Chakras- stretching movements to clear energy blockages
-Om-sound you make, the sound of the universe at creation
-Samadhi- goal, intense concentration
Jnana Yoga
-More academic
-Between a guru and a student
Karma Yoga
-Takes you to Samadhi (intense concentration)
-Think about karmic actions
Bhakti Yoga
-Most performed
-Worship in temples or shrines at home
-Tens of thousands of gods in Hinduism
-Trimurti - “the Hindu Trinity” - Past Present and Future
-god of creation
-Partner = Saraswati - goddess of knowledge
-god of prescription
-Partner = Lakshmi - goddess of beauty
-god of destruction
-Partner= Ganesh - goddess of power
-all deities/gods can be understood as this
-the incarnation of Brahman