Hindu Terms And Texts Flashcards
What is Advaita Vedanta?
A school of Hindu philosophy that teaches non-dualism, asserting that Atman (self) and Brahman (universal reality) are one.
What is Dvaita?
Dvai-tuh (Silent D)
A school of philosophy emphasizing dualism, where the soul and God are distinct entities.
What is Purusha?
The cosmic spirit or consciousness, representing the unchanging, eternal reality.
What is Prakriti?
The material nature or energy responsible for creation and change in the universe.
What is the difference between Purusha and Prakriti?
Purusha is the unchanging, eternal spirit, while Prakriti is the dynamic, material energy of creation.
What is Ishvara?
A personal aspect of Brahman, often viewed as God or the Supreme Being in Hinduism.
What are the Gunas?
The three qualities of nature: Sattva (purity), Rajas (activity), Tamas (inertia).
What is Sattva?
The quality of purity, light, and harmony in the Gunas.
What is Rajas?
The quality of activity, passion, and restlessness in the Gunas.
What is Tamas?
The quality of darkness, ignorance, and inertia in the Gunas.
What is the central teaching of the Bhagavad Gita?
To act according to one’s Dharma with detachment and devotion, leading to liberation.
What does Krishna advise Arjuna about fear in battle?
To overcome fear and act selflessly, fulfilling his duty without attachment to outcomes.
What is Yoga according to the Bhagavad Gita?
Yoga is the practice of equanimity in action and union with the Divine.
What does Krishna say about detachment?
Detachment means acting without attachment to the fruits of one’s actions.
What is the ‘Field and the Knower of the Field’?
The body is the field (Prakriti), and the soul (Purusha) is the knower of the field.
What does Krishna say about devotion in the Bhagavad Gita?
Devotion through love and surrender is the highest path to realizing God.
What is Nishkama Karma?
Selfless action performed without desire for personal gain.
What does Krishna describe as the highest form of worship?
Surrendering to God with love and performing all actions as an offering to the Divine.
What is the meaning of the chariot in the Bhagavad Gita?
The body is the chariot, the soul is the passenger, the mind is the reins, and the intellect is the charioteer.
What is the significance of Arjuna’s dilemma in the Bhagavad Gita?
It symbolizes the human struggle between material desires and spiritual duties.
What are the Vedas?
The oldest sacred texts of Hinduism, consisting of hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings.
What are the four parts of the Vedas?
Samhitas (hymns), Brahmanas (rituals), Aranyakas (forest texts), Upanishads (philosophy).
What is Neti Neti?
A practice of negation in the Upanishads meaning ‘not this, not this,’ to understand Brahman by eliminating all non-eternal aspects.
What is Tat Tvam Asi?
A key teaching from the Upanishads meaning ‘You are That,’ asserting the unity of Atman and Brahman.
What is Aham Brahmasmi?
A phrase meaning ‘I am Brahman,’ expressing self-realization and the oneness of the self with the ultimate reality.
What is the Mandukya Upanishad known for?
Its exploration of the four states of consciousness: waking, dreaming, deep sleep, and Turiya (pure consciousness).
What is Turiya?
The fourth state of consciousness, beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep, where one realizes unity with Brahman.
What is Om according to the Upanishads?
The primordial sound representing the ultimate reality and the essence of Brahman.
What is the Katha Upanishad about?
A dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama (the god of death) on the nature of the soul and liberation.
What is the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad about?
It explores the nature of the self, reality, and immortality.
What is Japa?
The meditative repetition of a mantra to focus the mind and connect with the Divine.
What is a Yajna?
A Vedic ritual of fire offerings to honor the gods and maintain cosmic order.
What is Sadhana?
Spiritual practice or discipline aimed at achieving self-realization.
What is Darshan?
Seeing and being seen by a deity or holy person, a moment of spiritual connection.
What is a Tirtha?
A sacred pilgrimage site in Hinduism, believed to be a crossing point between the physical and spiritual worlds.
What is Prasad?
Blessed food offered to a deity during worship and then distributed to devotees.
What is a Lingam?
A representation of Shiva, symbolizing creation, destruction, and cosmic energy.
What is the meaning of the lotus in Hinduism?
A symbol of purity, enlightenment, and the ability to rise above worldly struggles.
What is a Bhajan?
A devotional song or hymn sung in praise of the Divine.
What is Kirtan?
A form of devotional singing and chanting, often performed in groups.
What is Shakti in Hinduism?
The divine feminine energy, representing creation and transformation.
What is the Trimurti?
The Hindu trinity of Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer).
What is a Murti?
A sacred image or statue of a deity used in worship.