hill& howlett week 1 Flashcards
the process of giving up parts of their own culture and adopting parts of the culture of the dominant group is called
Cultural competence
Is the continuous attempt of the LVN to gain knowledge and skills that allow them to effectively provide care for all patients of different cultures
all people regardless of back ground share these things in common
personal care and hygiene Sleep and rest nutrition and fluids elimination body alignment and activity environment emotional and spiritual support diversion and recreation mental hygiene
Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM) focus on ?
assisting the bodies own healing powers and restoring body balance
The Most definitive legal statue or legislative act regulating nursing practice is?
The states Nurse Practice Act
Nurse Practice Act governs?
what you can and can not do as a nurse
student nurses are held to a standard of?
an LVN
Nursing Standard of Care is?
what an ordinary nurse with similar education and experience would do in a similar situation
Ethics deals with?
rules of conduct
Law provides regulations that?
control the practice of nursing.
EX: what you legally can and can not do (NURSE PRACTICE ACT)
The Nurse Practice act is a __________law?
statutory law.
Civil action is related to?
individual rights
Criminal action involves?
persons and society as a whole
Tot law has to do with a wrong injury to ?
someone who violates his or her rights
Intentional torts involve?
intended harm by the nurse
Examples of intentional torts in nursing include?
false imprisonment restraints defamation physical abuse emotional abuse
Unintentional torts mean
no harm was intended by the nurse
Examples of unintentional torts are?
professional negligence
4 Elements necessary for negligence are? (in order)
1- Duty
2- Breach of Duty
3- Damages
4- Proximate Cause
Personal Liability holds us responsible for?
our behavior, including negligent behavior
Depositions are used to gather information under?
_______________is a legal expectation in nursing regardless of the method used.
If it was not charted, then it ?
__________ errors are among the most common errors related to nursing liability?
Patient ______________ has both a legal and clinical definition?
Patients __________ to Consent is?
(depending on the situation)
This Act Involves advance directives (LIVING WILL and POWER OF MEDICAL ATTORNEY), written and signed by patient to state his or her wishes for end of life care?
__________ orders written by a physican are legal orders to not resuscitate a patient and are made possible because of the Patient Self-Determination Act?
Nurses may not remove a life support system until a patient is declared dead by the ?
involves a patient voluntary ending his or her life by self administering lethal medication prescribed by a physician,especially for that purpose.
in us only allowed in OR
This act hold that a person who gives emergency care in good faith at the scene of an accident is immune from being sued
Good Samaritan Acts
Incidents should always be?
Legible Factual Specific Objective not worded to place blame
Nonmaleficence means to
do no harm.
Few treatments are entirely without harm.
Beneficence means to ?
do good with your nursing actions.
Autonomy means respect for patients right to
chose, as long as the patients rights do not interfere with rights of others.
Fidelity means to
be true
Justice in nursing means
The Nurse must give the same level of care to all patients. With dignity and respect
___________ ____________is only justified in extreme circumstances and is most often and Medical Decision.
Beneficent paternalism
________________ in womens health care is changing slowly. Nurse’s advocacy for women helps promote this change, one patient at a time.
Members of the health care team who assist the LVN nurse in providing spiritual care to patients are?
Ministers Priest Rabbi Chaplain and other reps of religions, groups, philosophies, and the pastoral care team.
____________ can be part of religion, but religion is not necessarily part of it.
__________ ASSUME that patients who belong to a specific religion or belief system adopt all beliefs and practices!