Hilary's deck continued Flashcards
What is the definition of Political Culture?
The set of attitudes, beliefs, and feelings about politics shared by a group of people (usually Nation) at a given time and place.
The concept of Political Culture was originally developed by whom?
Almond and Verba in the late 50’s
How does legitimacy tie into Political Culture?
Political Culture affects the conduct of individuals in their political roles. If someone running for office does not understand their countries PC it can effect the legitimacy of them as a political figure.
Does Political culture determine specific political outcomes?
No but it DOES define the range of legitimate political outcomes and political processes in any nation. i.e.. a capitalist society would have a different PC the communist thus you could assume they would have a different political agenda.
What is the most pervasive American symbol of Nature?
Horse because it represents that individuals can master nature, impose justice and control.
What is the most Canadian symbol of nature according to Margaret Atwood?
The Bear- Canadians tend to leave nature alone don’t tray to over power it. we have a need to collaborate to survive and flourish.
How are Canadian and American Political Culture the Same?
Both Democratic, Rule of Law, Belief freedom of expression
The Seymour Lipset study found what differences between Canadian and American?
Canadians are more:StatistCollectivistElitistMore Conservative then American (He only gave what Canadians are in the notes)
What were the different founders of the U.S.A and of Canada?
The US was founded/influenced by one group: Bourgeois “Classic Liberalism” of 1600s & 1700sCanada was founded/influenced by Protestant British but also by Catholic pre-revolutionary French. We also have something called the “tory” tradition : we still honour or recognize the Queen where as the US denounced the crown.
According to Hartz you need what to make a Socialist Tradition?
You need a Clash between Liberalism and Feudalism
What are the differences between the declaration of independence and of the 1867 confederation act?
The declaration of independence says each person is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This focuses more on the needs of the individual and their freedom (Classic Liberal). The confederation act says we are entitled to “Peace, order and good government” This reflects the Canadian way of keeping our head down, having good social institutions
What are the two ideologies in the US?
Ideology Party1. Reform Liberal - Democrats (Left)2. Classic Liberals - Republican (RIght)
What are the Canadian ideologies?
Ideology - Party1. Marxist - he didn’t give a party (Far Left)2. Social Democrat - NDP3. Reform Liberal - Liberals4. Classic Liberal - Conservative 5. Progressive Conservative - Red Tory6. Libertarian - he din’t give a party (Far Right)
Who was Confucius?
Lived from 551 - 478/9 BCLife was a bit of a mystery. Possibly from a once powerful family that had fallen. May have left a political position on principle. Spent the rest of his life teaching and looking for a job in Govt.
What ar the four Confucian concepts?
- Order better then Chaos2. Five key relationships3. rectification of names4. Mandate of heaven
What are the five key relationships in Confucius concepts?
Emperor - SubjectFather - SonOlder brother - Younger BrotherNeighbour - NeighbourHusband - Wife
Explain the third confucian concept, rectification of names?
Happiness and prosperity depends on playing your role in Society, not pursuing your own self interest. Group above the self brings happiness.
Explain the fourth Confucian concept, Mandate of heaven?
The ruler rules with a mandate from heaven. The power is granted to the ruler from heaven so it can be taken away if they do not rule as they should. It is a justification of revolution ruler must be accountablepeople often saw earthquakes as a symbol that the ruler was not acting as he should and thus a new ruler should rule.
How are political cultures passed on from one generation to the next?
They are passed on through social institutions like schools that teach us political culture without us ever knowing it- goes in to our political cognitive map. Social Messages throughout the media also can reflect how we think.
What failure was the concept of political culture spurred upon?
The failure of “rational Choice Model”. an example of this model is if 2 political parties were in a close race then more people would go out to vote b/c they felt their vote would be more meaningful compared to when one party has a big lead more people would stay home. This rational was proven to be wrong.