Chapter 7 Flashcards
Define: Political Party
An organization that has a central role in the competition for political power in legislative bodies and in governing.
Define: Cadre Party
A loosely organized party usually established by members of a legislative body with the support of local notables. Cadre parties are concerned with electing members of the party to legislative bodies, rather than with building a strong, centralized, membership-based organization outside of the legislature.
Define: Mass Party
A party that draws its support from a regular dues paying membership and features a strong party organization outside of the legislature
Define: Party Convention
A meeting of delegates from party constituency associations as well as the party’s legislators and party officials.
What party has a stronger link between citizens and political leaders?
Mass parties, Cadre parties are father away from the link
Iron Law of Oligarchy
A generalization that claims that all organizations even those that appear democratic, inevitably become dominated by a small group of leaders.
What are some examples of Mass Parties?
Farmer’s movement, religious movements, nationalist movements
Define: Electoral-Professional Party
A political party whose dominant concern is winning elections and that relies on professional experts to market the party to voters
Define: Brokerage Party
A party that attempts to find compromises to accommodate a variety of interests (particularly regional and ethnic/cultural divisions) so as to try to build broad support across the country in a non-ideological manner
Name one Canadian political party example of a brokerage party
The Liberal party in the sense that these parties have attempted to find compromises to accommodate a variety of interests
Define: Programmatic Party
A party that has a distinct ideological perspective or a coherent set of policy goals that are consistently followed over time
NDP - devote greater attention to the development of a coherent party program and view themselves as more principled than other parties
Define: Personalistic Party
A party established to promote the election of a particular individual as prime minister or president
Define: Cleavage
A social division that involves those associated with each grouping having a distinct collective identity and distinct interests that can lead to the development of organizations such as political parties that reflect the different sides of the social division
Define: Two Party System
A party system in which two major parties contend to control the government. Two-Party systems are competitive in the sense that a single party does not govern for a lengthy period of time
Define:: Multiparty System
A political party system featuring several parties that are significant actors in the competition for political power
One Party Dominant System
A party system in which a single party rules for long periods of time and the opposition parties are not likely to gain the support needed to successfully challenge the dominant party for control of the government
Define: Primary election
A state-run election in which citizens select the candidates for the party they support prior to the general election
Define: Party Cactus
A closed door meeting of the party’s parliamentary members