Highway To Heaven Flashcards
What passages does this lecture include?
Luke 9:51-10:37
Luke 9:51
- journey section of Luke
- journey was physically towards Jerusalem, but destination was heaven
- cross was waiting for Jesus in Jerusalem
- highway to heaven goes through the cross
What did Jesus want his disciples to know in Luke 9:51?
A) Who he was – the Son of God!
B) His plan – to die on the cross
- nobody was really sure who Jesus was, including the disciples
1. disciples asked who Jesus was after he rebuked wind and water (Luke 8:25)
2. Herod thought Jesus was JTB raised from the dead (Luke 9:9)
3. Crowds thought he was JTB or Elijah (Luke 9:18-20)
Luke 9:28-31
Jesus wanted to show them who he was and so he takes inner circle to Jerusalem
- Peter, James and John
Moses and Elijah appear to them on a mountain
- Jesus was culmination of the law (Moses) and prophets (Elijah)
- complete fulfillment of both law and prophets
Luke 9:34-35
Still didn’t understand Jesus
- “A voice came from the cloud, saying, ‘This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen him’” (Luke 9:35)
1.Self-Sacrifice Paves the Way
2. The Highway to Heaven is Traveled by Few
3. Tested Along the Way
Luke 9:57-62
Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, encountered by 3 guys
1st guy on road to Jerusalem:
- Jesus told him the Son of man has no place to lay his head
- Jesus slept in other’s houses, implying we won’t have a home on this earth
Quote about homes from C.S. Lewis
“Earth is the only Heaven that non-Christians will ever experience, and the only Hell that Christians will experience”
2nd guy on road to Jerusalem:
- Wanted to go bury his father; Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead
- unlikely that father was already dead since he was traveling
- likely waiting for his inheritance
- Jesus calls him to follow him immediately
3rd guy on road to Jerusalem:
- Wants to say goodbye to family; Jesus says he’s not fit for service in the kingdom of God
- looking back in farming causes oxen to veer off course
- path to heaven only through the cross of Christ
What do we desire to do as Americans?
Get rich
- desire to get rich is to desire the hardest possible path to heaven (Luke 18:25)
Luke 18:25 PASSAGE
“Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich
to enter the kingdom of God.”
What do we sometimes falsely do in teaching the Bible?
- negotiate people into the Kingdom
- teach mix of Christianity and the American Dream
“God doesn’t call us to enhance our talents for the world… but to give them up to God and use
them for the Kingdom!”
Luke 10:1-24
- Jesus says pray for workers; too many people that are open and too few workers to study with them
- no such thing as disciple that doesn’t work
- Workers are few = true disciples are few
- you don’t find workers, you make them
How was Jesus hardline in training his disciples for the ministry?
- sends them out with nothing
- pairs them up 2 by 2 and sends them off
- no extra wallet, bag, tunic, staff, no protection just go!
Why do we send out mission teams with money?
Luke 22:35-36
- Jesus imposed financial hardships on them as a test of their faith
What was the purpose of sending them out with nothing?
1. Trained them to share their faith
2. Trained them to deal with rejection
3. Taught them that joy does not come from success in the ministry
4. Taught them gratitude
Trained them to share their faith:
Pushed them to keep sharing because if they didn’t find open people, they wouldn’t eat
Taught them to deal with rejection:
- if one isn’t open, shake the dust off your feet
- Jews used to wipe the dust off their feet and stomp on the ground as sin of judgement towards Gentiles
- unopen non-Christians = spiritual gentiles
- shake dust off your feet towards those that aren’t open to the gospel
Taught them that joy doesn’t come from success in the ministry:
“However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written
in heaven.” Luke 10:20
Taught them gratitude:
Can’t be more concerned with numbers of members in our churches than with amount of workers
- people you lose are often the people that aren’t working anyways
What happened when the teachers of the law tested Jesus? (Luke 10:25-37)
They were the ones put to the test
- if we’re still on earth, we’re being tested!
What does this parable expose about the Pharisees? (Luke 10:25-37)
They were not men of God
- sought to justify themselves
- sought to over define things to identify what they didn’t have to obey