High-Yield Surgery Flashcards
What to monitor with Toradol? Tylenol?
- SCr, Hgb
- 15mg IV q 6hr
Tylenol - LFTs
Surgery progress note
24hr interval: fever, chills, SOB, CP, eating, NGT output, BMs, foley
- pain mgmt
- I&Os
- DVT ppx
- pulm toilet
- labs
- functional status
- PO status
- diet
Post Op Infection
PNA, UTI, wound infection (cellulitis, central line infection)
5-7d out –> abscess
Causes of fever
Wind: atelectasis, PNA (POD 1-2)
Water: UTI, esp w/foley (POD 2-3)
Wound: incision site, cellulitis, abscess (after 72hr, POD 5-7)
Walking: DVT, PE, thrombophlebitis (after 72hr)
Wonder drug: drug reaction
Whole blood: transfusion reaction
Work up:
- <48hr postop does not need workup
- > 48hr postop: CXR, blood culture x2, urine culture
- fever >1wk is a serious complication unless drug allergy
Resuscitative fluid (postop) = lactated ringer Maintenance: D5 1/2NS + KCl IV Fluids + TPN + Lipids = 100cc/hr
Electrolyte goals for surgery
- tablet KCl is C.I. w/SBO
- if dumping, liquid >tablet
Phos 3
Mg 2
- if 1.5 give 2mg Mg sulfate; 1.2 give 4mg Mg sulfate
Preop abx
Flagyl + Neomycin
Pancreatitis Etiologies
Idiopathic Gallstones EtOH Trauma/Trigs Steroids Mumps Autoimmune Scorpion bite Hyperlipidemia/HyperCa ERCP Drugs
Voiding trial
Give 8hr to void after removing foley
Bladder scan if no void; if >600 = straight cath
Diagnostic imaging first lines
Appendicitis: abd CT (US in kids, pregnancy) Chronic pancreatitis: ERCP Gallbladder: US Diverticulosis: barium enema Diverticulitis: CT scan Achalasia: barium swallow Zenker's diverticulum: barium swallow UGIB: endoscopy PE: pulmonary angiogram
Courvisier’s sign
palpable, nontender gallbladder
indicates compression or obstruction of distal CBD d/t mass = pancreatic cancer
Trosseau’s sign
hypercoagulable state created by malignancy
migratory thrombophlebitis throughout body
Whipple procedure
Pancreatic cancer
Most common kinds of cancer
Colon: Adenocarcinoma
Gallbladder: Adenocarcinoma
Pancreas: Adenocarcinoma (ductal) - CA 19-9
Prostate: Adenocarcinoma (MC cancer in men U.S.)
Liver HCC (AFP levels)
Renal: renal cell carcinoma
Small bowel: carcinoid tumors (ileum)
Esophageal: SCC
Anal: SCC
Vulvar: SCC (risk - lichen sclerosis)
Bladder cancer: transitional cell carcinoma (smoking)
Breast: IDC
Carcinoid tumors tend to be in appendix
Thyroid: papillary carcinoma (radiation = risk)
Coagulation cascade
common pathway: II, V, X
PT: coumadin
- extrinsic, common pathways (VII)
PTT: heparin
- intrinsic pathway (VIII, IX, XI, XII)
Bowel obstruction
1 = adhesions (western nations)
Worldwide - hernias
Other: malignancy
Ogilvie’s syndrome
Idiopathic pseudo-obstruction
Enormous dilation of right colon w/out obstruction
- bowel rest
- rectal decompression tube via scope
MC Vascular procedure
Renal cell carcinoma triad
MC solid renal tumor
Flank pain
Palpable mass
Vicryl: absorbable
Nylon: non-absorbable
Malignant hyperthermia
IV dantrolene
Gastric ulcers should…
undergo bx for risk of carcinoma
Ileus causes
intraperitonal infection
Virchow’s node
Left supraclavicular
Sister mary joseph node
Necrotizing fascitis
Renal impairment - hallmark
- WBC > 14
- BUN > 15
- HypoNa < 135
Pressure ulcers
Stage I: intact skin w/blanching erythema
Stage II: partial-thickness skin loss - breakdown of dermis from abrasion, blister, shallow ulcer crater
Stage III: full thickness skin loss extending SubQ but not beyond fascia
Stage IV: full thickness, SubQ loss, extending to muscle tendon, bones, joint
Factors affecting perioperative mortality (Goldman’s index)
- CHF (EF <35% - no surgery)
- MI w/in 6mo (Check ECG, stress test, cath, reperfusion)
- Arrhythmia
- Age > 70
- Emergent surgery
- AS, poor medical condition, surgery in chest/abd
- always check for AS murmur [late systolic, crescendo, decrescendo murmur radiating to carotids, increased w/squatting]
Meds to stop prior to surgery
Aspirin, NSAIDs, Vit E: 2wk
Warfarin: 5d, drop INR to 1.5 (use Vit K if needed)
1/2 AM dose of insulin if diabetic [lactic acid risk w/metformin]
CKD on dialysis: dialyze 24hr preop
BUN>100: increased risk of postop bleed secondary to uremic platelet dysfunction
Ventilation Settings
Assist control: set tidal volume and rate but if pt takes a breath vent gives the volume
Pressure support: pt rules rate but a boost of pressure is given; important for weaning
CPAP: pt must breathe on own but positive pressure given at all times
PEEP: pressure given at end of cycle to keep alveoli open; used w/ARDS and CHF
Ventilation - best tests to evaluate management
PaO2 low: increase FiO2
PaO2 high: decrease FiO2
PaCO2 low (high pH): decrease rate or TV
PaCO2 high (low pH): increase rate or TV
TV is more efficient to change
- more air goes into function space vs. increasing rate is getting more air into dead space
Fluids & Nutrition
Maintenance IVF: D5 1/2NS + 20KCl
4:2:1 rule when calculating cc/hr
Daily requirements: 100mL/kg/d for first 10kg, 50mL/kg/d for next 10kg, 20mL/kg/d for all kg above 20
Enteral feeds are best: keep gut mucosa intact and prevent bacterial translocation
TPN indication:
- gut cannot absorb nutrients secondary to physical or functional loss
- risks: acalculus cholecystitis, zinc deficiency, hyperglycemia, liver dysfunction, electrolyte problems
postop, decreased Plt, clots
Tx: agatroban (synthetic heparin)
low Plt, increased PT/PTT, low fibrogen, high d-dimer, schistocytes
Lung Cancer
Low PTH –> hypercalcemia –> SCC
[SIADH from small cell carcinoma]
Peripheral: adenocarcinoma, large cell
Central: squamous, small cell
Small cell = no surgery -> chemo, radio-sensitive
Non-small cell = surgery - adenocarcinoma, squamous, large cell
Right-sided murmurs get louder with