High Work Maneuvers Flashcards
Level Speed Change
- 150 kts (Normal cruise, stabilize)
- 170 kts (Fast cruise, stabilize)
- 130 kts (Slow cruise, stabilize)
- 150 kts (Normal cruise, stabilize)
Turn Pattern
- Enter on an assigned heading and maintain 150 KIAS with props at 1900 RPM.
- 30° bank, 180° turn.
- 30° bank, 180° reversal.
- 45° bank, 360° turn.
- 45° bank, 360° reversal.
Slow Flight
- Begin on an assigned altitude and heading with props at 1900 RPM and 150 KIAS. Maintain a constant altitude.
- Power – 400 ft-lbs (initially, then as required).
- Flaps – Approach (anticipate balloon)
- Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- Airspeed – Stabilize at 100 KIAS
- Turn – 30° AOB (left or right) for 90° heading change. Stabilize, turn back to original heading.
- Flaps – Down (anticipate balloon)
- Airspeed – Slow to 90 KIAS
- Turn – Complete another 90° turn and reversal as before.
- Recover
o Power – Max allowable
o Flaps – Approach
o Gear – Up
o Flaps – Up
o Airspeed – 150 KIAS
Stall Checklist
- Spin Recovery Procedures – Briefed
- Loose gear – Stowed
- Altitude – 5000 feet AGL minimum (5000 feet above cloud deck)
- Yaw damp – Off
- Props – 1900 RPM
- Stall Speeds – Reviewed
Stall: Clean, Power off
- Stall Checklist Complete
- 30 AOB clearing turn
- Power – 400 ft-lbs
- Roll wings level after 90º of turn
- Power – IDLE (Maintain wings level and current altitude)
- Stop trim at 100 KIAS
- Recover at first indication of stall
Stall: Dirty, Power Off
- Stall Checklist Complete
- 30 AOB clearing turn
- Power – 400 ft-lbs
- Flaps – Approach (Maintain altitude)
- Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- Roll wings level after 90º turn
- Flaps – Down
- Power – Idle (Maintain wings level and current altitude)
- Stop trim at 100 KIAS
- Recover at first indication of stall
Stall: Dirty, Power On
- Stall Checklist Complete
- 30 AOB clearing turn
- Power – 400 ft-lbs
- Flaps – Approach (Maintain altitude)
- Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- Roll wings level after 90º turn
- Flaps – Down (Maintain wings level and current altitude)
- Stop trim at 100 KIAS
- Recover at first indication of stall
Stall: Approach Turn Stall
- Checklist Complete
- 30 AOB clearing turn
- Power – 400 ft-lbs
- Flaps – Approach (Maintain altitude)
- Gear – Down, Landing Checklist
- Power – 300 ft-lbs. Maintain 30º AOB and current altitude.
- Stop trim at 100 KIAS.
- Recover at first indication of stall
Stall indications
- Stall warning horn
- Calculated stall speed
- Airframe buffet
- Uncontrolled loss of altitude
- Inability to maintain wings level/selected roll attitude
Stall Recovery
- Simultaneously (Max, Relax, Level, Ball)
o Power – Maximum allowable
o Nose attitude – Adjust to break stall (relax back pressure to slightly lower the nose).
o Level wings
o Center the ball - Flaps – Approach (unless already up). Ensure above 85 KIAS before raising flaps, Ensure the aircraft is level or climbing
- Gear – Up (Once established in positive rate of climb)
- Flaps – Up
- Airspeed – VY
o Manoeuvres are complete when on assigned heading and trimmed for VY (None for Approach Turn Stall)
SSE Waveoff at Altitude: Setup
- Setup (simulating the downwind)
o Level off at 1000’ altitude + 800’
o On a numbered heading
o 120 KIAS
SSE Waveoff at Altitude: Execution
o IP – power lever to idle
o “Power up, rudder up, clean up”
o IP – “Approaching the 180”
o Flaps – As Required
o Gear – Down, Landing checklist
o Start descending left turn to arrive at the “90”at 500’, minimum 110 KIAS
o Continue to “Final” at 250’, minimum of 110 KIAS and maximum of 120 KIAS
o Props – full forward
o IP – “Waveoff”
- The maneuverer is complete when established in a clean climb, minimum of VXSE (preferably VYSE), with the aircraft trimmed and in balanced flight.
Dynamic Engine Cut: Setup
- Begin on a numbered heading at 150 KIAS
- Setup:
o 5: 5000’ minimum
o 4: Props full forward
o 3: 300 ft-lbs torque
o 2: 2 degrees nose up trim
o 1: Prop sync switch – OFF
o Gear – Down, Landing checklist
Dynamic Engine Cut: Execution
- Approaching 95 smoothly apply T/O power and rotate 7-10 degrees nose up (IP will call “rotate”)
- IP – Pull one power lever to IDLE
- Props – 1900 RPM (After first 3 memory items of emergency shutdown checklist) “did the prop feather, any signs of fire or fuel leak?”
o The maneuverer is complete when the aircraft is climbing trimmed at VYSE(minimum VXSE), on takeoff heading, comms passed to the PM, and the Emergency Shutdown Checklist has been executed.