High Rise Office Flashcards
Where is the FAST truck and the CFRD engine assigned at a 10-76 high rise office building fire
Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch director
Can the 2nd hose line be stretched to the floor above in a high rise office building fire
In a HRFPMD the second line can go to floor above
When the FSD is not present in Class E office building occupied by less than 100 people above or below the street floor or by less than 500 people in the entire building an employee trained by the FSD will staff the fire command station and execute the fire safety plan. What is the title of this person
Building Evacuation Supervisor
HVAC systems at fire operations
- Determine the status of all HVAC systems. Any systems that have not been automatically shut down shall be manually shut down, this includes both the supply and return fans
- Before any further action can take place with the HVAC system the fire floor must be accurately determined
- All HVAC systems shall be placed in non-circulating mode by opening all outside air supply dampers, closing all mixing dampers, opening all exhaust dampers
- After the fire floor has been verified all HVAC zones except the fire area shall have their supply fans activated
Automatic closure of the fire dampers is usually effected upon operation of an approved fusible link or other approved heat activated device located where they would be readily effected by an abnormal rise in temperature in the duct. Fusible links should have a temperature rating ____degrees F above the maximum temperature that would normally be encountered with the system in operation or shut down
50 Degrees F
High pressure engines with a 3rd stage capability can supply ___GPM at ____PSI
500 GPM at 700 PSI
The letter C appears next to Engine 100 means that their assignment is
CFRD Engine
What company will be designated as the Lobby Control Unit
Will have the letter L on the response ticket
Systems control unit will have what letter on the response ticket
Hi-rise nozzle unit will have what letter on the response ticket
Fast unit will have what letter on the response ticket
Smoke control in High Rise Office Buildings shall be implemented when authorized by the IC. The IC shall attempt to control movement of smoke within the building by the following means
- The use of HVAC systems
- Fixed stairwell pressurization systems if activated leave them on
- The fixed stairwell pressurization system should NOT be augmented by the FDNY positive pressure fans
- FDNY positive pressure fans can be used when the building does not have a fixed stairwell pressurization system or the system is OOS
- The use of FDNY Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans shall not be initiated until authorized by the IC
At a fire in a High Rise Office Building who is specifically responsible, besides the IC, to ensure the attack stairway has been cleared of building occupants for at least 5 floors above the fire
Fire Sector Supervisor
Fire Branch Director
The Fire Sector/Branch at a fire in a High Rise Office Building shall be staffed as follows
The IC shall assign the 2nd BC as the Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director assisted by his aide
Can you use the FDNY Positive Pressure Fans to vent gas
They are not intrinsically safe
The FSA Manager at a fire in a High Rise Office Building shall be responsible for
- At least 3 Engines & 2 Ladders held in reserve
- At least 20 spare SCBA
- Use the Command Channel to communicate with the Fire Sector Supervisor and the SAE Group Supervisor
- Communicate with the ICP using the Post Radio on the command channel with the aide in the tactical channel
- Responsible for supplying logistical support to the Fire Sector/Branch and SAE Group
Local law 5 of 1973 requires an approved product of combustion ionization detecting device or a combination of an approved smoke detecting device and an approved fixed temperature thermostatic device. These devices shall be located at the return air shaft at each floor in a Hi Rise Office building in order to monitor each inlet to the return air shafts. What will occur when one of these devices fail
- Activation of any of the detectors installed in the HVAC system shall stop the air supply into and the air return form the affected floor
- The air supply and the air return are stopped by the activation of an approved remote controlled reversible fire shutter or by automatically shutting down the air supply fans and the air return fans serving the floor where activated
- The fans cannot be re-activated until the smoke detector has been cleared or the smoke detector relay has been electrically bypassed. This can be difficult and time consuming
Temperature variations that occur in the periphery of a High Rise Office Building, due to weather changes and movement of the sun, require supplementary treatment of the air. This is accomplished by the following
- Air supply may be from the main air supply shaft or from a separate periphery air supply shaft
- The air supply is ducted through the plenum on the floor below to the periphery of the building
- Flexible connectors are used between the ducts and the periphery air treatment equipment on the floor above
- Fire experience has shown that fire entering the plenum can extend from one floor to another when these flexible connectors fail
SMOKE OR FIRE through the skin of a HIGH RISE OFFICE BUILDING transmit a
2nd alarm
The LOBBY CONTROL UNIT is a functional unit with the ____ section primarily responsible for the controlled movement of personnel to and from the upper floors at a High Rise incident.
Logistics section
Will have an “L” on the response ticket
The Lobby Control Unit will also perform the duties of what other unit until they are special called and arrive at the incident
Systems Control Unit
Will have a “Y” on the response ticket (Systems Control Unit)
Location of the FSA
Usually 2 floors below the fire. May be lower than that
The Lobby Control Unit should maintain the elevators in what locations
One elevator in the lobby
One elevator at the staging area
What HT channel does the lobby control unit operate on
Primary Tactical Channel
The System Control Unit is part of what section in the ICS
What HT Channel does the System Control Unit operate on
Primary Tactical Channel
Duties of the System Control Unit
- Monitor and control HVAC systems as directed by the IC
- Monitor and control building fire suppression systems as directed by the IC
- Monitor and control any other building system as directed by the IC
- Maintain contact with essential building personnel (Facility engineer, Fire Safety Director)
If you are responding as the LOGISTICS SECTION CHEIF you are responsible for
All activities supporting the incident
When is the Air Support Plan activated automatically
All DOUBTFUL 3rd alarms involving High Rise Buildings
10-76 or 10-77
The decision to assemble FD personnel and NYPD members at a selected mobilization point rest with the IC at the fire. The condition under which assembly may be ordered are generally, but not limited to:
- Fire located above the 10th floor
- Fire has possession of 2 or more floors
- Interior access routes ABOVE the fire have been blocked
- Access to the roof limited to exterior of the building via helicopter
The 2nd hose line at a 10-76 high rise office fire cannot
Be ordered to extinguish fire on the floor above
1st BC at a high rise office fire must obtain the
Building Information Card
The IC at a high rise office fire needs
- Arrange for the FSD or Evacuation Supervisor to make announcement over the PA system that the FDNY on scene and not to use the attack stairway
- Tell the FSD that he must stay in the lobby
- Obtain copies of the floor plan from the FSD
- ASAP the IC shall start obtaining the additional information required by the high rise check list
The CFR engine with all their CFRD equipment and forcible entry tools shall be assigned to the
Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director
Who initiates search of the attack stairway above the fire floor at a High Rise Office Building
3rd due ladder
Reasonable distance above the fire floor
Generally when is a Branch activated
2nd alarm
The Fire Sector or Branch shall be equipped with the following
Copy of floor plan
Fire Sector/Branch Log
Post Radio
A least 2 HT’s
Leaders operate under
Supervisors operate under
A command channel shall be established using
Post radio
Cross Band Repeater
The Command Channel shall be used between
Fire Sector/Branch Forward Staging Area Forwards Triage Area SAE Group Hard wired communications shall also be established
The IC shall operate on the
Command Channel
His aide on the primary tactical channel
The Fire Sector Supervisor operates on the
Primary tactical channel
His aide is on the command channel
The SAE Group Supervisor operates on the
Secondary tactical channel
Units under his command on the secondary tactical channel
SAE aide operates on the command channel
The Forward Staging Area Manager operates on the
Command channel
His aide operates on the Primary Tactical channel
The STAGING AREA serves as a
Primary point OUTSIDE the structure to which responding resources will report and receive their initial assignments. Located away from the buildings for safety
Where is the Forward Triage Area located
Established in an environmentally safe location on a floor below the Forward Staging Area. Responsible for prompt response to injured firefighters AND civilians
The 1st arriving officer shall establish the
ICP. In the event that he leaves the ICP before the arrival of a chief officer he shall designate a member to staff the ICP, preferably the 1st arriving LCC. This member shall note the units entering and leaving the lobby and their destination
The Forward Staging Area needs a supply of at least how many spare cylinders
How many engines and ladders shall be at the Forward Staging Area for immediate support of the Fire Sector/Branch
At least 3 engines and 2 ladders
Besides their regularly assigned tools engine companies must bring what to the forward staging area
A spare cylinder
Ladder companies assigned to the Forward Staging Areas must bring
2 sets of FE tools and 6 foot hooks
Search and Utility ropes
Spare cylinder for each member
Who supplies the Forward Staging Area with the 20 cylinders
High Rise Support Unit
Fire towers are not recommended for
Use as fire attack stairs because they may draw the heat and smoke of the higher pressure area near the fire towards the possible lower pressure area of the stairway
Horizontal ventilation (removal or opening of windows) should be the
Last consideration for ventilation as its effects are least likely to be beneficial
SAE Group Supervisor location is
If possible the SAE Group Supervisor shall choose a location which is not serviced by the same bank of elevators as the fire floor and at least 5 floors above the fire floor
For a fire on a floor serviced by a high rise bank of elevators the SAE Group Supervisor would be located
At least 5 floors above the fire floor
The SAE Group Supervisor shall be equipped with
At least 2HT’s
Post Radio
Spare Cylinder for each member assigned
Floor diagram, pad and pen
Class E communications systems required by local law 5 provide these communication capabilities
- 2 way communications between the fire command station and the air handling control rooms
- Elevator occupants can be contacted via the 2 way communication from the fire command station and they should hear the public address system
- All messages announce on the public address system are broadcast throughout the entire building to all floors, elevators and stairways both collectively and selectively
- The fire command station has the capability to transmit an alarm to the fire department via a central station
Manual fire alarm sending stations that are required in Class E Buildings have the following characteristics
- No point on any floor should be more than 200 feet from the nearest fire alarm sending station
- Upon activation an alarm is automatically transmitted to the fire department via a central station
- A visual and audible signal occurs at the fire command station when activated
- The alarms sound at the regularly assigned location of the FSD and also on the fire floor and floor above
Floor warden stations have these characteristics
- Located on each floor between required exits
- Provisions for making announcements over the loudspeaker system on the floor where it is located
- Capability to activate a visual and audible signal at the fire command station
- There is a 2 way Voice communication with the fire command station
- Telephone type handset, housing and door painted red and lettered “Fire Emergency-Open Door To Operate”
Characteristics of smoke detectors and sprinkler water flow alarms in Class E buildings
- The activation of an elevator landing smoke detector will recall all elevators
- If a smoke detector in the HVAC system activates, the fire alarm signal will sound on the fire floor and the floor above
- The activation of a sprinkler water flow alar, will unlock the doors on the locked fail safe system
- Activation of the HVAC smoke detector and the sprinkler water flow alarm will cause the air supply into and the return air from the affected floor be stopped
2 way communications with the Fire Command Station and the following locations in Class E Buildings
Floor warden stations Mechanical control rooms Elevators Air handling rooms Elevator machinery rooms
The activation of an alarm via the manual fire alarm sending stations located on each floor will do what
Automatic transmission to the FDNY via a central station
A visual and audible signal at the Fire Command Station, Mechanical Control Center and the regularly assigned location of the FSD
Sounding the alarm on the fire floor and floor above
At High Rise Office Building Fires what ladder company determines the best stairway to be used by the occupants for evacuation
3rd due Ladder advises ICP
If the ARC’s fails what should the IC do
Attempt to contact members on channel 1 the primary tactical channel. If the ARC’s is restored make sure that the ARC’s channel is monitored.
All High Rise buildings built between 1938-1968 were required to have
A Fire Tower
High Rise Office Buildings built post 1968 were not required to have
Fire Towers
Who has the responsibility of starting the building fire pumps in high rise office buildings
The building engineer
The 4th due ladder at a High Rise Office fire does what
- Report to ICP with extra cylinder for each member
- Take high rise bank of elevator to roof if it does not service the fire floor
- Do not perform roof vent unless orders by the IC
- Conduct a primary search of the top 5 floors
All HVAC systems shall be placed in the non circulating mode. How is this done
- Open all outside air supply dampers
- Close all mixing dampers
- Open all exhaust dampers
Confirmed fire on the 34th floor of a high rise building. The BC should perform the following actions concerning the HVAC system
- Determine the status of ALL HVAC systems in the building. Any systems that have not been automatically shut down shall be manually shut down. This shall include both the supply and return fans
- Place the entire HVAC system in non circulating mode
- After the fire floor has been verified all HVAC zones that DO NOT include the fire area shall have their supply fans activated
- Whenever HVAC systems are reactivated all units operating in the building should be notified to report any adverse effects
The 1st alarm BC will assume position of the IC. The following is a basic strategic operating plan for use at major high rise fires. They are listed in their order of importance
1) Determine the fire floor
2) Verify the fire floor
3) Simultaneously or as soon as possible begin the process of controlling the evacuation
4) Gain control of the building systems
5) Confine and extinguish the fire
Assignment of Chief Officers at High rise fires 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
- 1st Chief is the IC
- 2nd Chief is assigned as the Fire Sector Supervisor or Branch
- 3rd Chief will be assigned as per needs of the IC
- 4th Chief CAN BE assigned as the attack leader
Chief Officer positions at high rise fires are only predetermined for the
1st and 2nd to arrive Chiefs
You are the 1st BC at a 10-76. Upon arrival you transmit a 2nd ahem due to the conditions. The DC has just arrived and taken Command of the fire. You should now expect to be assigned as the
Planning Section Chief
The Attack Group Supervisor as per FDNY ICS would be operating immediately under what officer
The Fire Branch Director
The RUL fall under supervision of which Chief officer
Planning Section Chief
Branches are often formed to address span of control issues at large scale incidents such as high rise fires. As the SAE Group Supervisor it would be wise of you to advise the IC at a high rise fire that he should establish a SAE Branch when the number of units that are required is
If an alarm is signaled in a class E high rise building for an activation of a smoke detector in the HVAC system on the 30th floor what will happen
- Alarm sounds in the 30th and 31st floor
- Air supply and return will be stopped on the 30th floor only
- A fire alarm signal will be sounded at the fire command station, mechanical control center and the regular location of the FSD. A fire alarm signal shall also be transmitted to the Fire Department via a central station
At a 10-76 the FAST unit and CFR engine shall be assigned to the Fire Sector/Branch Director
Regardless of the fire floor location