high-level programming constructs Flashcards
‘number_of_mixers * rate_per_mixer’ is an example of an
arithmetic expression
The name for a memory location where a value will be stored during a program.
In Scratch, this statement prompts the user for keyboard input.
In Scratch, this blue system variable stores what has just been keyed in at the keyboard.
‘17 - age’ is an example of an
arithmetic expression
To put a value inside a variable
The statement used in Scratch to assign a value to a variable
The command used in Scratch to output values onto the stage.
The name for a statement like:’if age < 17 then’
conditional statement
The structure of a simple conditional statement looks like this:
if (test) then (statement)
The structure of a complex conditional statement looks like this:
if (test) then (statement) else (statement)
The name for a construct which causes a statement or block of statements to be carried out more than once.
The name of an iteration construct which should be used when the number of repetitions is known in advance.
fixed loop
The name of an iteration construct used when the number of repetitions cannot be known in advance.
conditional loop
A fixed loop in Scratch is called a
repeat loop
A conditional loop in Scratch is called a
repeat until loop