High Availability & Scalability Flashcards
What are the 4 types of Load Balancer available?
- CLB Classic Load Balancers
- ALB Application Load Balancers
- NLB Network Load Balancers
- GWLB Gateway Load Balancers
What 3 protocols does the Classic Load Balancer support?
- TCP Layer 4
- HTTP and HTTP Layer 7
What 2 protocols are the Classic Load Balancer Health Checks on?
What protocol does the Application Load Balancer support?
HTTP Layer 7
What are the 4 routing options in the ALB?
- URL path
- URL hostname
- Query String
- Headers
With CLB and ALB, we get a fixed hostname, what does that look like?
How do we retrieve the client ip, port and proto if using an ELB?
IP - X-Forwarded-For
Port - X-Forwarded-Port
Proto - X-Forwarded-Proto
What protocol does the Network Load Balancer support?
Layer 4 to allow TCP & UDP
Does the NLB have a fixed hostname?
No, it has a static IP per AZ
What is a Gateway Load Balancer used for?
To deploy, scale and manage a fleet of 3rd party network virtual appliances in AWS
What protocol does the Gateway Load Balancer support?
Layer 3 Network Layer for IP Packets
In AWS console, what protocol and port does the Gateway Load Balancer use?
GENEVE on port 6081
What are sticky sessions?
Its when the same client traffic is always redirected to the same instance behind the ELB
What are sticky sessions also known as?
Session Affinity
What is needed for sticky sessions?
A cookie which has an expiration date