HIC Coastal Management: Mappleton Flashcards
What rock type does the Holderness Coastline consist of (1)

- Low glacial till (boulder clay)
What makes The Holderness Coast susceptible to rapid rates of coastal erosion (3)
- Sea level rise
- North-easterly PWD
- Destructive waves
Population of Mappleton (1)

What is the name of the road which is crucial to Mappleton (1)

- B1242
Why is Mappleton (B1242) of importance (3)
- Provides _______________, e.g. ________
- Used ___________ in ________
- Used by ___________
- Provides access to larger settlements, e.g. Hornsea
- Used heavily by tourists in summer
- Used by local farmers
When were defences put in at Mappleton and why (3)
- ____
- The _______ of _________________
- Defences _______________ and __________

- 1991
- The town is of economic significance
- Defences protected 30 homes and the B1242
Before the defences were put in place, the coastline was eroding _______ per year
How much did the project cost (1)

- £2 million
What defences were put in place at Mappleton (3)
- ______________
- _____________ of _____________
- ____________
- Two large rock groynes
- Revetment consisting of large granite boulders
- Cliff stabilisation
How has LSD been impacted by the scheme (2)
- LSD no longer ___________ along _______________
- __________________ it is _________________
- LSD no longer transports materials along this section of the coast
- Erosion has slowed to a point where it is no longer a threat to the settlement
Have the revetments been succesful? (2)
- They have __________ from _________________
- _______________
- They have restricted waves from attacking the base of the cliffs
- Slowing erosion rates
B1242 provides _________, such as _______, to ________ with a _________ such as _______
- Access from smaller villages
- Mappleton
- Larger settlements
- Wider range of services
- Hornsea
B1242 is ___________ for access to ________________
- widely used by local farmers
- the rich agricultural land in the area
Why were two large rock groynes implemented at Mappleton (3)
- To ___________ from ___
- To help _____________
- So _____________ the _____________
- To trap sediment from LSD
- To help build up the beach
- So waves don’t attack the base of the cliff
Why was cliff stabilisation implemented at Mappleton (2)
- Stabilise them from mass movement
- To prevent rotational slumping
Why was a revetment consisting of large granite boulders implemented at Mappleton (4)
- They are _________________ so will _____________________
- Absorbs ____________
- Using ____________ between _____________
- And a ____________
- They are expensive but long lasting so will protect Mappleton for years to come
- Absorbs wave energy
- Using large air spaces between the boulders
- And a broad surface area
Why is slumping occuring in Mappleton despite protection (4)
- Despite ____________ protection and _______________
- ____________
- Causes _________ to become _________________
- However, _____________ as _________________

- Despite granite rock armour protection and cliff stabilisation
- Heavy rainfall
- Cause glacial till to become saturated and slump
- However not at the same rate as unprotected stretches of coast
Negative of the implementation of the two large rock groynes (3)
- ______________ syndrome
- ______________ have ____________ as a result
- During ________ the __________ is ________________

- Terminal groyne syndrome
- Beaches to the south have very little sediment as a result
- During low tide the glacial till is exposed and eroded
Land use to the South of Mappleton is mainly _________. A number of farmers have lost a significant amount of land due to _____________. Several farms have been completely lost, e.g. __________
- Agricultural
- Increased rates of erosion
- Grange Farm
What impact has the scheme at Mappleton had on erosion rates to the south? (3)
- ___ _/__ before
- ___ _/__ after
- __% increase in erosion rates
- 0.6 m/yr before
- 0.8 m/yr after
- 33% increase in erosion rates