Hiatus Hernia Flashcards
What is a hiatus hernia?
A hiatus hernia occurs when all or part of the stomach enters the chest through the oesophageal hiatus in the diaphragm.
What is the estimated prevalence of hiatus hernia in people over 50 years old?
It is estimated that 10-40% of people aged over 50 have a hiatus hernia.
What are the two main types of hiatus hernia?
Sliding (Type I) and paraoesophageal (Types II-IV).
What characterizes a sliding hiatus hernia (Type I)?
The cardia of the stomach herniates upwards, with resultant upward migration of the gastro-oesophageal junction (GOJ).
What characterizes a paraoesophageal hiatus hernia (Type II)?
Part of the stomach fundus is displaced upwards through the diaphragm, alongside the oesophagus, with the GOJ remaining in its original location.
What is a Type III hiatus hernia?
A combination of sliding and rolling types, where both the GOJ and part of the stomach enter the mediastinum.
What is a Type IV hiatus hernia?
Both the stomach and other abdominal organs have herniated into the thoracic cavity through a large defect.
What are common risk factors for developing a hiatus hernia?
Increasing age, female sex, obesity, pregnancy, chronic cough, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other causes of raised intraabdominal pressure.
What are typical symptoms of a hiatus hernia?
Many patients are asymptomatic, but symptoms can include epigastric discomfort or pain, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), dysphagia, and regurgitation.
What complications can arise from a hiatus hernia?
Gastric volvulus, iron deficiency anaemia, and, in severe cases, strangulation of the herniated stomach.
What is the first-line investigation for diagnosing a hiatus hernia?
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.
How can a barium swallow be useful in hiatus hernia diagnosis?
It can demonstrate the presence and type of hiatus hernia by visualizing the herniated portion of the stomach.
What lifestyle modifications are recommended for managing hiatus hernia symptoms?
Weight loss, avoiding large meals, not lying down after eating, elevating the head of the bed, and avoiding foods that trigger reflux.
What medications are commonly used to treat symptoms associated with hiatus hernia?
Antacids, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), and H2 receptor blockers to reduce gastric acid secretion.
When is surgical intervention considered for hiatus hernia?
In cases of persistent or severe symptoms not responsive to medical therapy, or in paraoesophageal hernias at risk of complications.
What is the most common surgical procedure for hiatus hernia repair?
Laparoscopic fundoplication, such as Nissen fundoplication, often combined with crural repair.
What is the role of 24-hour pH monitoring in hiatus hernia evaluation?
It assesses acid reflux severity and correlates symptoms with acid exposure, aiding in diagnosis and management planning.
How does a chest X-ray assist in diagnosing a hiatus hernia?
It may show an air-fluid level in the posterior mediastinum, suggesting the presence of a herniated stomach.
What is the significance of manometry in hiatus hernia assessment?
Manometry measures oesophageal motility and lower oesophageal sphincter function, which can be affected by a hiatus hernia.
What is the potential risk of untreated large paraoesophageal hernias?
They can lead to complications such as gastric volvulus, obstruction, or strangulation, which may require emergency surgical intervention.
How does obesity contribute to the development of a hiatus hernia?
Increased intraabdominal pressure associated with obesity can weaken the diaphragmatic hiatus, facilitating herniation of the stomach.
What is the relationship between hiatus hernia and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)?
A hiatus hernia can impair the function of the lower oesophageal sphincter, increasing the likelihood of acid reflux and GORD symptoms.
Why might a patient with a hiatus hernia experience dysphagia?
Dysphagia can occur due to mechanical obstruction from the herniated stomach or inflammation caused by acid reflux.
What is the purpose of crural repair in hiatus hernia surgery?
Crural repair involves tightening the diaphragmatic hiatus to prevent recurrence of the hernia after repositioning the stomach.
How can pregnancy influence the development of a hiatus hernia?
Pregnancy increases intraabdominal pressure and can lead to relaxation of the diaphragmatic muscles, predisposing to the development of a hiatus hernia.