HFD Training Presentations Flashcards
According to the 2023 HFD IMS, Staging and Transitional Attacks presentation; once the first in apparatus provides their initial radio report and assumes command, knowing that the senior officers and C73, C74 will report directly to the scene, how should the remaining dispatched firefighting apparatus respond?
A) The next truck only responds directly to the scene
B) The next two trucks respond directly to the scene
C) All trucks report directly to the scene
D) None of the above
Answer B
According to the 2023 HFD IMS, Staging and Transitional Attacks presentation; a timely and efficient means of air replacement and rehydration of companies assigned to a Sector or Division is know as ______?
A) Rehabilitation
B) Air Management
C) Recycling
D) Medical
Answer C
According to the 2023 HFD IMS, Staging and Transitional Attacks presentation; a formal assignment where members decontaminate prior to entry and are medically evaluated before being rehydrated and replenished is know as ______?
A) Rehabilitation
B) Air Management
C) Recycling
D) Medical
Answer A
According to the 2023 HFD IMS, Staging and Transitional Attacks presentation; a ___ ___ involves using either the deck gun mounted on top of the engine, a 2 1/2-inch handline, or a ground monitor to attack a fire?
A) Quick Hit
B) Master Stream
C) Blitz Attack
D) Indirect Attack
Answer C
According to the 2023 HFD IMS, Staging and Transitional Attacks presentation; a ____ is an application of water from an exterior hoseline (not a master stream device) as a straight stream to the ceiling above a fire?
A) Quick Hit
B) Master Stream
C) Blitz Attack
D) Direct Attack
Answer A
According to the 2023 HFD IMS, Staging and Transitional Attacks presentation; which of the following statements about quick hits is incorrect?
A) Using a quick hit should be considered when an exterior flow of water would be faster than attempting to reach the fire from the inside
B) A quick hit essentially is an offensive attack in which we are sending all our water at once onto the seat of the fire
C) A quick hit does not mean that an interior attack is eliminated
D) A quick hit is a tactic to help facilitate an aggressive interior attack. It will cool the room, limit fire growth and increase victim survivability in the structure
Answer B
According to the 2023 Captain Preparation Introduction presentation; which of the following statements about report writing is incorrect?
A) Notes are taken in chronological order following the sequence of the event and includes all pertinent information related to report
B) Notes are factual and should be comprehensive
C) Notes with statements or words that refer to derogatory language, contain sarcasm, or opinions are acceptable
D) Notes are completed as incident/ events occur and reports completed immediately following the incident
Answer C
According to the 2023 Captain Preparation Introduction presentation; you are writing your report after an alarm, what should be included in your report summary?
A) Provide appropriate detail, ongoing patient care — be specific on actions or care being provided, for Incident reports short forms or abbreviations of words is acceptable
B) Include your size up in summary, detail your actions, indicate probable cause
C) Detail your actions, indicate if Police or EMS were on scene, provide your opinion as to what happened
D) None of the above
Answer B
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; there are a number of reasons to complete a 360 of the building prior to entry. Which of the following statements contain correct reasons for completing a 360?
A) View the fire’s size, location, and extent, identify hydrant location, ventilation profile of the structure (Identify flow path)
B) Confirm the structure has a basement and if so, what type, confirmation of the initial strategy, determine accountability location
C) View the fire’s size, location, an extent, identify life safety/ rescue requirements, determine safest, most appropriate attack position
D) View the fire’s size, location, and extent, confirmation of the initial strategy, determine accountability location
Answer C
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; the primary reason to complete a 360 on residential occupancies is to identify?
A) Immediate life safety issues
B) Determine roof type and dead loads on the roof
C) Identify locations for master stream devices
D) Determine exposures
Answer A
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; there are times where you may not be able to complete a 360 of a structure. Which of the following are reasons to not complete a 360?
A) Immediate Life Safety Need — Rescue of the Alpha, Bravo, Delta Side
B) Fire has breached the roof
C) Wires down
D) Both A and C are Correct
Answer D
T/F: According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; if you are unable to complete a 360, Command must report that the 360 is incomplete, and assign another unit to complete the 360?
A) True
B) False
Answer A
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Report, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; as an Incident Commander you must listen critically to ‘conditions’ of CAN reports as they may provide you with a red flag?
A) Can’t locate the fire, high heat encountered
B) A working fire in a concealed space, high heat encountered, limited or no visibility\
C) A working fire in a concealed space, limited or no visibility
D) Can’t locate the fire, high ceilings
Answer B
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Report, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; ___ ___ is defined as; moving from an assigned work location to a different geographic work location or exiting the structure to recycle or rehabilitation?
A) Priority Traffic
B) CAN Report
C) Status Change
D) Follow-Up Report
Answer C
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Report, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; which of the following is not one of the 8 Functions of Command?
A) Communications
B) Accountability
C) Continue, Support and Terminate Command
D) Strategy and Incident Action Planning
Answer B
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Report, Follow-Up Report, and CAN Reports presentation; which of the following are some of the 8 Functions of Command?
A) Accountability
B) Emergency Response
C) Deployment
D) Non of the Above
Answer C
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; which of the following are some of the 8 Functions of Command?
A) Tactical Priorities
B) Assumption, Confirmation and Positioning
C) Organization
D) Both B and C are Correct
Answer D
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; which of the following are central command’s tactical priorities?
A) Conserve property and the environment during and after operations
B) Provide short-term services that stabilize and begin to normalize the customer’s lives
C) Protect, remove, and provide care for endangered customers
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; you initial radio report should consist of seven pieces of vital information. Which of the following make up your initial report?
A) Clear Alarm — Announced you arrival on scene
B) Building Area Description
C) Problem Description
D) All of the Above
Answer D
According to the 2023 Initial Report Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; your initial radio report should consist of seven pieces of vital information. Which of the following make up your initial report?
A) Resource Determination
B) Building Area Description
C) Assumption & Naming of Command
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; the size of the structure should be defined by the overall size of the building, not the occupancy type. Size are based on 200ft (60m) hoselines. Which of the following is correct?
A) When a 200’ (60m) line can access 100% of the fire area/occupancy — it is SMALL
B) When a 200’ (60m) line can access plus or minus 75% of the fire area/occupancy — it is MEDIUM
C) When a 200’ (60m) line can access plus or minus 50% of the fire area/occupancy — it is LARGE
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; the size of the structure should be defined by the overall size of the building, not the occupancy type. Sizes are based on 200 ft (60m) hoselines. Which of the following is incorrect?
A) When a 200’ (60m) line can access les than 25 percent (or less) of the fire area/occupancy — it is VERY LARGE
B) When a 200’ (60m) line can access plus or minus 65% of the fire area/occupancy — it is INTERMEDIATE
C) When a 200’ (60m) line can access 100% of the fire area/occupancy — it is SMALL
D) When a 200’ (60m) line can access plus or minus 50% of the fire area/occupancy — it is LARGE
Answer B
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; prior to making an entry, the first-on command officer shall complete a 360 of the building. The first-in command officer should be observing the following?
A) Any immediate life safety/rescue issues
B) Number of storeys from the Charlie side
C) Basement type and conditions (if known)
D) All of the Above
Answer D
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; assigning units to Operating Positions/Functions in the Hazard Zone using the “Assignment Model”. This means the Incident Commander should assign fire ground jobs by providing _____ , _______, and ______ to the crew company officer?
A) Task, Labour, Objective
B) Task, Assignment, Objective
C) Task, Location, Duration
D) Assignment, Location, Objective
Answer A
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; a CAN report provides information to Command that reflect Conditions, Actions, and Needs. What are some examples of Conditions?
A) Where are you
B) Smoke conditions
C) Fuel loads
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; a CAN report provides information to Command that reflect Conditions, Actions, and Needs. Which would not be Condition?
A) Interior visibility
B) Search progress
C) Fire conditions
D) What is burning
Answer B
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, CAN Reports presentation; a CAN report provides information to Command that reflects Conditions, Actions, and Needs. Which would not be an Action?
A) Loss stopped
B) Interior layout
C) Can’t find the fire
D) Checking for extension
Answer B
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; a CAN report provides information to Command that reflects Conditions, Actions, and Needs. Which would not be a Need?
A) Heat conditions
B) Relief/Rehabilitation
C) Air cylinder exchange
D) Urgent help
Answer A
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; which is the correct way to label this example below?
iii ii iv i E1
A) North (i), South (iii), East (iv), West (ii)
B) North (iii), South (i), East (ii), West (iv)
C) Clockwise: Alpha (i), Bravo (ii), Charlie (iii), Delta (ii)
D) Counter-clockwise: Alpha (i), Bravo (iv), Charlie (iii), Delta (ii)
Answer C
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation. You are assigning a crew to check for an exposure where indicated with a Maltese cross (*). The correct naming of this location would be?
* iii ii iv i E1
A) Alpha - Bravo corner
B) Charlie - Delta corner
C) Alpha - Delta corner
D) Bravo - Charlie corner
Answer D
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; you are assigning a crew to check for an exposure where indicated with a Maltese cross (*). The correct naming of this location would be?
iii ii iv * i E1
A) Alpha - Bravo corner
B) Charlie - Delta corner
C) Alpha - Delta corner
D) Bravo - Charlie corner
Answer A
According to the 2023 Initial Radio Reports, Follow-Up Reports, and CAN Reports presentation; you are assigning a crew to check for an exposure where indicated with a Maltese cross (*). The correct naming of this location would be?
iii ii iv i * E1
A) Alpha - Bravo corner
B) Charlie Delta corner
C) Alpha - Delta corner
D) Bravo - Charlie corner
Answer C
T/F: According to the 2023 Commandments Transfers and Routine Radio Reports presentation; Command is not officially transferred until the Officer assuming command reports it over the radio, and it is confirmed by Dispatch?
A) True
B) False
Answer A
According to the 2023 Command Transfer and Routine Reports presentation; the IC#2, or HFD Senior Officer should perform the following functions before assuming command?
A) Size-up and verify that all operating positions match the current incident conditions
B) Transmit that you have arrived on scene
C) Contact IC#1 and verify the position and function of all hazard zone resources and get a CAN report
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the 2023 Command Transfer and Routine Radio Reports presentation; what is the purpose of performing a Command Transfer?
A) To ensure the IC#2 knows where all crews are, and what they are doing in case of an emergency on the fire ground
B) There is no reason for a Command Transfer
C) Every Command Transfer starts with a Size-Up by IC#2, The Senior Officer recognizes that crews are working towards achieving the Tactical Priorities, and that the Standard Actions are or should be creating Standard Outcomes
D) Both A and C are correct
Answer D
According to the 2023 Command Transfer and Routine Radio Reports presentation; ____ ____ is a transmission for red flag information only to the Incident Commander, the Order Model can be interrupted when important tactical information that will require adjustments to the current IAP or strategy must be required?
A) Priority Traffic
B) CAN Report
C) Status Change
D) Follow-Up Report
Answer A
According to the 2023 Command Transfer and Routine Radio Reports presentation; you are the Officer on L1 and have found a victim during your search your transmission should be?
A) L1 to Command with a Status Change….Go Ahead. L1 has located a victim on the main floor. We are bringing them to the front door alpha side. Primary search is incomplete. We’ll need EMS support
B) L1 to Command with Priority Traffic….Go Ahead. L1 has located a victim on the main floor. We are bringing them to the front floor alpha side. Primary search is incomplete. We’ll need EMS support
C) L1 to Command with Emergency Traffic…..Go Ahead. L1 has located a victim on the main floor. We are bringing them to the front door alpha side. Primary search is incomplete. We’ll need EMS support.
D) L1 to Command with Priority Traffic….Go Ahead. L1 has located a victim on the main floor
Answer B
According to the 2023 Command Transfers and Routine Radio Reports presentation; you are the Officer on L1 who was directed to check the status of the roof of the roof of a structure. The roof is flat. You recognize that the roof is unstable with heavy dead loads. You believe that it will eventually collapse. Your transmission should be?
A) L1 to Command with a Status Change….Go Ahead. L1 has made the roof, we have a peaked roof that is unstable with heavy dead loads
B) L1 to Command with Priority Traffic…. Go Ahead. L1 has made the roof, we have a flat roof that is unstable with heavy dead loads
C) L1 to Command with Priority Traffic….. Go Ahead. L1 has made the roof, we have a peaked roof that is unstable with heavy dead loads
D) L1 to Command with Emergency Traffic….. Go Ahead. L1 has made the roof, we have a flat roof that is unstable with heavy dead loads
Answer B
According to the 2023 Emergency Radio Traffic and MAYDAYS presentation; the best way to run a MAYDAY incident is to operate in a manner that prevents them from occurring. Which of the following practices can reinforce operating in a manner that can prevent a MAYDAY from occurring?
A) Performing a 360s (with a TIC) whenever possible
B) Putting water on the fire as quickly and as safety as possible
C) Following all SOPs
D) All of the Above
Answer D
According to the 2022 Blue Card Module 1 Intro presentation; the Incident Commander must always match Standard Conditions to Standard Actions for a _____ ____?
A) Superior Result
B) Standard Conclusion
C) Standard Effect
D) Standard Outcome
Answer D
According to the 2022 Blue Card Module 1 Intro presentation; during Situation Evaluation/Size-Up, there are 8 Critical Incident Factors that have a major impact in completing tactical priorities and firefighter safety. There are factors that are fixed (meaning you have no control over them) and others that are variable (which you can control). What are the three fixed factors?
A) Life Safety, Action, Arrangement
B) Building, Occupancy, Arrangement
C) Fire, Life Safety, Resources
D) Building, Occupancy, Fire
Answer B
According to the 2022 Blue Card Module 1 Intro presentation; in most situations the first arriving company officer will work in operate in which organizational levels?
A) Strategic
B) Tactical
C) Task
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the 2022 Incident Communications presentation; during Situation Evaluation/Size-Up (Function 3), there are 8 Critical Incident Factors that have a major impact in completing tactical priorities and firefighter safety. Which of the following is not considered a Critical Incident Factor?
A) Life Hazard — determine what are the number and location of occupants, identify resources to conduct search and identify EMS needs
B) Strike Team — a functional component within Operations composed of the same kind of resources
C) Occupancy — determine the specific occupancy and type. What is the value associated with the occupancy and what is its status; open, closed, vacant, occupied
D) Arrangement — what is the distance of external exposure combustibility of exposures, access, arrangement of internal exposures (open concept) and the fire effect on those exposures, are there barriers or obstructions to operations
Answer B
According to the 2022 Incident Communications presentation; during Situation Evaluation/Size-Up, there are 8 Critical Incident Factors that have a major impact in completing tactical priorities and firefighter safety. Which of the following is not considered a Critical Incident Factor?
A) Special Circumstances — consider time of day, weekday or weekend, holidays. What are weather issues, if any. Identify if this a response for social or civil unrest
B) Building — factors include the size, area and height of the building, construction type, age and compartment separation
C) Emergency Control Group — directs a community’s overall strategic response to an emergency
D) Fire — factors include the size, extent and location, what stage is the fire in, what type of fire load is present
Answer C
According to the 2022 Incident Communications presentation; during Situation Evaluation/Size-Up, there are 8 Critical Incident Factors that have a major impact in completing tactical priorities and firefighter safety. Which of the following is not considered a Critical Incident Factor?
A) Action — what effect the current action is having, is an effective Incident Action Plan (IAP in place), is layering in place to support a 3-deep deployment model
B) Unified Command — immediately establish a Unified Command structure, requiring joint, inter-dependent decision-making
C) Resources — factors include staffing and equipment on scene, or availability in staging, condition of responders, hydrants and water supply, and build-in protection systems
D) Occupancy — determine the specific occupancy and type. What is the value associated with the occupancy and what is its status; open, closed, vacant, occupied
Answer B