Corporate Policies Flashcards
The City of Hamilton Code of Conduct for Employees Schedule A: Conflict of Interest identifies Public Duty as a role of all city staff and the following would be a contravention of that public duty?
A) Commenting a matter of public interest as a citizen member of community group
B) Commenting on a matter of public interest as a representative of the Fire Department on a city appointed committee
C) Providing critical comment on a City matter on social media as a representative of the Hamilton Fire Department
D) Acknowledging a work anniversary of a co-worker on social media
Answer C
In the City of Hamilton Code of Conduct for Employees Schedule A: Conflict of Interest if an employee has a conflict of interest they must notify their?
A) Immediate supervisor through verbal notification
B) Immediate supervisor by the end of the work day
C) Immediate supervisor in writing
D) Union representative of their conflict
Answer C
According to the Corporate Human Resources Policy — Code of Conduct for Employees Policy (Policy HR-01-09), it states that “employees are required to report all conflicts of interest that may come to their attention to the?
A) City Council
B) Human Resources
C) Chief Administrative Officer
D) Director, Manager, or Supervisor
Answer D
In accordance with the City of Hamilton, Code of Conduct for Employees Policy (Policy Hr-01-09) Directors, Managers, Supervisors and Elected Officials must?
A) Ensure that employees review and sign off on the Code of Conduct annually
B) Ensure that employees review and sign off on the Code of Conduct on a bi annual basis
C) Ensure that employees review and sign off on the Code of Conduct on a quarterly basis
D) None of the above
Answer A
The vision of the 2016 - 2025 City of Hamilton Strategic Plan is?
A) To be the best place to live and age successfully
B) To be the best place to retire and age successfully
C) To be the best place to raise a child and family
D) To be the best place to raise a child and age successfully
Answer D
The City of Hamilton Corporate Culture Pillars are comprised of five pillars two of which are?
A) Enthusiastic Employees and Collective Ownership
B) Steadfast Integrity and Continuous Improvement
C) Sensational Service and Courageous Change
D) Engage Empowered Employees and Collective Change
Answer C
The City of Hamilton Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy applies to all employees except?
A) Probationary employees
B) Student employees
C) Interns
D) None of the above
Answer D
Under the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy, Management is responsible to ensure that a workplace is free of Harassment and Discrimination by undertaking the following action?
A) When notified about a possible harassment issue establish a cooling of period to allow employs to rethink their actions
B) When notified about a harassment or discrimination complaint immediately conduct a formal investigation into the matter
C) When notified about a harassment or discrimination complaint advise the employee to contact Human Resources about the matter
D) When notified about a harassment or discrimination issue immediately contact a City of Hamilton Human Rights Specialist
Answer D
Under the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy managers play a significant role in addressing potential issue of harassment. Which of the following is not the role of management under the policy?
A) Setting a good example by not engaging or tolerating harassment to discrimination
B) Undertaking efforts to protect workers from harassment and discrimination
C) Discussing with an employee the issue of discrimination if the manager believes the employee may be too embarrassed to discuss the issue
D) Use discretion if an issue is raised by not taking immediate action but documenting the alleged incident for future action/reference
Answer D
Under the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy workers have an important role to ensure that their work environment is free from harassment and discrimination. Which of the following actions are not the responsibility of the workers under the policy?
A) To not engage in any behaviour that is or may be perceived as harassment or discrimination
B) To report incidents of harassment or discrimination to their supervisor
C) To address any harassing or discriminatory actions a fellow worker by intervening on their behalf in a situation
D) To cooperate fully in any attempts to resolve a complaint including investigations undertaken by the City of Hamilton regarding a complaint of Harassment and Discrimination
Answer C
According to the Harassment and Discrimination policy; harassment and discrimination can occur under which on of the following prohibitive grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code?
A) Race
B) Ethnic origin
C) Creed (religion)
D) All of the above
Answer D
Which of the following behaviours is not deemed to be an example of Harassing or Discriminatory behaviour that fall under the City of Hamilton Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy?
A) Written or verbal abuse or threats
B) Vandalism of personal property
C) Storing of information that contravenes Federal Law on your work computer
D) All of the above
Answer D
Which of the following is not deemed an inappropriate sexual harassment behaviour that would fall under the City’s Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy?
A) Unwanted touching or patting
B) Racial or ethnic slur
C) Displaying sexually offensive material
D) Leering (suggestive staring) at a person’s body
Answer B
Under the Procedure for Resolving Harassment & Discrimination Issues forming part of the City of Hamilton Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy which of the following actions is not an encouraged action for a worker to attempt before a formal complaint is filed?
A) Make their displeasure known to the person causing the behaviour and asking them to stop their offensive behaviour
B) Ask for a transfer from their current job to avoid further harassment
C) Seek advice from a union representative
D) all of the above
Answer B
In accordance with the City of Hamilton Procedure for Resolving Harassment & Discrimination Issues, an employee who has a complaint alleging violation of either the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy or the Personal (Workplace) Harassment Prevention Policy is encouraged to attempt the following before a formal complaint is filed?
A) Seek advice from a Union representative (where applicable)
B) Seek council from a private lawyer or solicitor
C) Discuss the alleged harassment with co-workers
D) Lodge a complaint with the Police
Answer A
In accordance with the City of Hamilton Procedure for Resolving Harassment & Discrimination Issues, a complaint alleging violation of either the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy or the Personal (Workplace) Harassment Prevention Policy can be resolved through and informal resolution utilizing which of the following methods?
A) Education/Training for employees
B) Changing work responsibilities between the aggrieved parties
C) Involving the Manager/Supervisor to develop a management plan to ensure a respectful and supportive workplace
D) All of the above
Answer D
Under the Personal Harassment Prevention Policy, the City of Hamilton is responsible for?
A) Providing a workplace free from all forms of harassment
B) Creating an environment that encourages the reporting of all incidents of personal harassment
C) Promoting religious freedoms within the workplace throughout the City work spaces
D) both a and b
Answer D
Under the City of Hamilton Personal (Workplace) Harassment Policy, which behaviour is not an offending behaviour and not deemed a harassing behaviour?
A) Ongoing condescending comments
B) False accusations
C) Bullying
D) None of the above
Answer D
In accordance with the City of Hamilton Personal (Workplace) Harassment Policy (Policy HR-62-13); any employee who is found to have violated this policy may be disciplined according to the severity of the actions, up to and including?
A) Garnishee of wages
B) Termination with cause and with severance pay
C) One (1) week suspension
D) Termination with cause and without termination pay/severance pay
Answer D
In accordance with the City of Hamilton Personal (Workplace) Harassment Policy (Policy HR 62-13) the following behaviour or comment is not deemed to constitute harassment under the policy?
A) False accusations
B) A performance related issue as part of a work related performance appraisal
C) Spreading malicious rumours of gossip
D) Repeated offensive gestures or comments
Answer B
According to the Violence in the Workplace Prevention Procedure; where an incident of workplace violence has occurred, it is to be investigated?
A) By the Manager or Supervisor
B) By Hamilton Police Services only
C) By a member of the Joint Occupational Heath & Safety Committee
D) Within 5 working days of the incident
Answer A
According to the Violence in the Workplace Prevention Procedure; the City of Hamilton Violence in the Workplace Prevention Procedure the following is/are roles and or responsibilities of management?
A) Advise workers of any actual or potential hazards related to workplace violence
B) Co-operate fully in any investigation of a workplace violence incident
C) Develop emergency response protocols for summoning immediate assistance in situations of possible Workplace violence
D) All of the above
Answer D
Under the Violence in the Workplace Prevention Procedure, employees are required to?
A) Immediately report all incidents of workplace violence to Supervisors of Human Resources
B) Participate in annual training sessions concerning violence in the workplace
C) Maintain a written journal on all witnessed or suspected incidents involving violence in to workplace
D) All of the above
Answer A
According to the City of Hamilton Communication Policy — Media Relations; staff cannot participate on social media on behalf of the City of Hamilton unless they have received authorization from?
A) Duty Officer
B) Corporate Communications
C) Chief Communications Officer
D) Department Communications Officer/Public Affairs Coordinator
Answer D
According to the City of Hamilton Communication Policy — Media Relations; Appendix 2 Social Media Use, the purpose and rationale in establishing a Social Media Use Policy is to?
A) Ensure the media have current information on city issues
B) Limit the liability of employees and the corporation
C) Provide city staff with an opportunity to comment on city issues
D) All of the above
Answer B
According to Corporate Procedure ‘Substance Use for Safety-Sensitive Positions’; use and the after-effects of alcohol and illicit drugs, or side effects of the use of medication, could impair employee performance or could compromise health and safety. Symptoms of impaired behaviour could include?
A) Uncharacteristic or abnormal behaviour (e.g. euphoria, frequent or rapid mood swings, excitement, confusion, irritability, aggressiveness, remoteness)
B) Smell of alcohol or drugs (on breath, or clothing, or in the air surrounding the employee)
C) Diminished performance (e.g. sporadic work pace, neglect of duty, increase in mistakes, difficulty communicating or recalling instructions)
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to Corporate Procedure ‘Substance Use for Safety-Sensitive Positions’; warming signs of possible Substance Use Disorder could include?
A) Disheveled or inconsistent appearances (e.g. always wearing long sleeves on very hot days, possibly intended to cover track marks on the arms)
B) Decrease in risk-taking behaviour
C) Frequent but unspecified medical complaints
D) Both A) and C) are correct
Answer D
According to Corporate Procedure ‘Substance Use for Safety-Sensitive Positions’; there are steps to take if you suspect an employee is impaired. Supervisors are required to exercise good judgement and to seek out advise from the Human Resources Division when required. The steps to be taken if you suspect that an employee is impaired will depend on the behaviour exhibited or the circumstance surrounding the suspicion. Which of the following is not a step a supervisor should take with a suspected impaired employee?
A) Remove the employee to a private and safe location and seek an explanation for the behaviour or circumstances. Ask the employee if they consumed alcohol or cannabis, has taken drugs, or is on any medication. If the employee says no to substance use, ask if there are any other reasons explaining why they may be behaving in the manner that they are
B) If it is necessary to remove the employee from the workplace, the employee shall drive themselves home
C) If there is reasonable cause to suspect that an employee holding a safety-sensitive position is impaired by alcohol or drug use (including medications), the employee must be immediately removed from duty
D) Document the employee’s behaviour, the circumstances, and the employee’s responses
Answer B
According to Corporate Procedure ‘Substance Use for Safety-Sensitive Positions’; you suspect that the employee is impaired. The employee is not in need of immediate medical care, you do not need to call 911, what are the next steps you should take?
A) Notify the District or Platoon Chief; remove the employee to a private and safe location and seek an explanation for the behaviours or circumstances; follow up with the employee on the next working day
B) If there is a reasonable cause to suspect that an employee holding a safety-sensitive position is impaired by alcohol or drug use (including medications), the employee must be immediately removed from duty; if possible, a second supervisor or manager should be a witness to the behaviours or circumstances which led the supervisor to suspect that the employee is impaired; remove the employee to a private and safe location and seek an explanation for the behaviours or circumstances
C) If there is a reasonable cause to suspect that an employee holding a safety-sensitive position is impaired by alcohol or drug use (including medication), the employee must be immediately removed from duty; if possible, a second supervisor or manager should be a witness to the behaviours or circumstances which led the supervisor to suspect that the employee is impaired; remove the employee to a private and safe location and seek an explanation for the behaviour or circumstances
D) Remove the employee to a private and safe location and seek an explanation for the behaviours or circumstances; allow the employee to remain on duty; document the employee’s behaviour, the circumstances, and the employee’s responses
Answer B
According to the Corporate ‘Substance Use Policy for Safety-Sensitive Positions’; which of the following principles for substance use for safety-sensitive positions is correct?
A) Supervisors need to recognize situations where an employee appears to be under the influence of a substance or who may have an alcohol or drug dependency and need to take all appropriate actions
B) The City of Hamilton will follow all applicable health and safety, human rights and privacy legislation
C) All employees in safety-sensitive positions understand that they must report and remain fit for duty at all times
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the Corporate ‘Substance Use Policy for Safety-Sensitive Positions’; which of the following is not a responsibility of a supervisor?
A) Be aware that they will be either removed from duty or removed from the safety-sensitive position, and accommodate through other duties as possible, if there are concerns related to alcohol, cannabis, illicit drugs, or medication that might hinder their job performance or compromise health and safety
B) Regularly communicate with employees about the need to maintain a workplace that is free from alcohol or drugs
C) Identify and address any situation where an employee appears to be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, illicit drugs, or medication that could impair job performance or compromise health and safety or where an employee appears to have a Substance Use Disorder problem
D) Follow the Substance Use Procedures for Safety-Sensitive Positions
Answer A
Under the City of Hamilton Substance Policy it is the expectation that employees?
A) Must not report for duty while impaired by alcohol or illicit drugs
B) Must not engage in unauthorized consumption of alcohol while on duty or in the workplace
C) Must use medication responsibly ensuring their ability to perform work safely, competently or efficiently is not impaired
D) All of the above
Answer D
Under the City of Hamilton Substance Policy managers and supervisors are responsible for the following?
A) Communicate with employees about the need to maintain a workplace that is free from substance abuse
B) Identify and address any situation where an employee appears to be impaired/unfit to work that could impact their ability to perform their job safely
C) Prohibit without exception the operation of a motor vehicle by an employee who appears impaired/unfit for work
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the City of Hamilton Substance Use Procedure the following impairment behaviours would give rise to reasonable cause to believe that an employee is impaired/unfit for duty and may be unable to perform their job safely, competently and efficiently?
A) Slurred speech
B) Glassy eyes
C) Smell of alcohol or drugs on breath or clothing or in the air surrounding the employee
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the Substance Use Procedure, Steps — If It Is Suspected That An Employee Is Impaired/Unfit for Duty, a supervisor may undertake the following actions for an employee believed to be impaired/unfit for duty?
A) Remove the employee to a private and safe location and seek an explanation from their behaviour
B) Seek the opinion of a second supervisor where possible to confirm your observation
C) If there is reasonable cause to believe that an employee is impaired/unfit for duty, the employee must be removed immediately from the workplace
D) All of the above
Answer D
According to the Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy; which of the following is not deemed “Authorized Users” of Computer and Network Services?
A) Contract City employees
B) Cleaning staff with card access to City buildings
C) Elected officials
D) Interns working at the recreation centres
Answer B
Under the City of Hamilton Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy; the City has the right to monitor?
A) All personal emails except for those marked ‘private’
B) All internet sites visited by an authorized city user
C) All personal emails marked ‘private’
D) Both b) & c)
Answer D
Under the City of Hamilton Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy, it is allowable to bring a flash drive from home and connect to a City computer provided?
A) You get approval from your supervisor
B) You contact IT and get approval
C) You virus scan before using the device
D) The material on the portable media is not offensive and contravention to the City’s Code of Conduct Policy
Answer C
According to the City of Hamilton Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy; the following use(s) appropriate?
A) Using the internet to conduct research on textile flammability
B) Sending minutes to the OMFPOA chapter meeting
C) Participating in work related mailing list or forums
D) All of the above
Answer D
Under the City of Hamilton Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy, utilizing the following software during lunch time is acceptable?
A) Kazaa
B) Yahoo messenger services
C) Windows messenger services
D) None of the above
Answer D
According to the City of Hamilton Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy the following is/are not considered a violation of the Policy?
A) Participating in personal chat groups dealing with home energy efficiency during lunch time
B) Downloading and storing NHL 2012 Hockey on your personal drive
C) Sending religious inspired chain letters to your friends at work
D) None of the above
Answer D
According to the City of Hamilton Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy; when are users required to log off their computer?
A) Just prior to regularly scheduled maintenance
B) When leaving the workplace for any extended period
C) Leaving a workstation to go to the washroom
D) Both b) & c)
Answer B
According to the City of Hamilton Computer and Technology Acceptable Use Policy; which of the following is considered prohibited email/internet use?
A) Responding to public enquiries
B) Creating job related information resources
C) Participating in internet chat groups that are not job related
D) Participating in job related research
Answer C
According to Corporate Procedure ‘Substance Use for Safety-Sensitive Positions’; should the employee decline transportation and attempts to operate a vehicle, the manager will alert the ____?
A) Platoon Chief
B) Police
C) Deputy Chief
D) Peer Lead
Answer B