HF part 1 Flashcards
Definition of HF / CF
An inability of the heart to deliver blood (and O2) at a rate proportionate with the requirements of the metabolising tissues, despite normal or increased cardiac filling pressures
Congestive cardiac failure describes a combination of left and right-sided ventricular failure.
Epidemiology of CF
- M>F
- More prevalent with increasing age
Common: 2-10 (20) %
Costly: 2% of the NHS expenditure in the UK
Disabling: The worst quality of life.
Treatable - not really curable
25-50% of patients die within 5 years of diagnosis
- Prev MI - greatest RF
- Male, age
- HT
- DIabetes
- Renal failure
- AF
Causes of HF
- Myocardial dysfunction - greatest cause
- HT
- Alcohol
- Cardiomyopathy
- valvular
What is HFrEF?
HF with reduced ejection fraction
What is HFpEF?
HF with preserved ejection fraction
Phenotypes of HF
HF due to severe valvular heart disease (HF-VHD)
HF with pulmonary hypertension (HF-PH)
HF due to right ventricular systolic dysfunction (HF- RVSD)
Classes of HF (NYHA)?
Used for assessment of severity of symptoms
Class I: No limitation (Asymptomatic)
Class II: Slight limitation (mild HF)
Class III: Marked limitation (Symptomatically moderate HF)
Class IV: Inability to carry out any physical activity without discomfort (symptomatically severe HF)
What is systolic HF
Inability of the ventricle to contract normally resulting in a
decrease in cardiac output
Systolic HF
- Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate
- The ejection fraction is not preserved: an ejection fraction of 40% or less would indicate systolic heart failure.
- The low stroke volume is due to the ventricles not pumping enough blood out.
Diastolic HF
- Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate
- In this case, the stroke volume is low but the ejection fraction is preserved. The reason for the low stroke volume is due to reduced filling of the ventricle (reduced preload)
Why does right sided HF occur?
- usually occurs as a result of left-sided heart failure.
- Blood starts backing up into the lungs causing pulmonary oedema and congestion
- pulmonary hypertension puts pressure on the right ventricle (cor pulmonale) and causes right-sided heart failure
Causes of systolic failure 1
- Ischaemic heart disease: as less blood and oxygen get to the myocardium, the myocytes start to die
- Hypertension: as arterial pressure increases in the systemic circulation, it gets harder for the left ventricle to pump blood out into that hypertensive systemic circulation.
Causes of Systolic failure 2
- Left ventricular hypertrophy: increased muscle mass requires increased oxygen supply - making it more likely for that the muscle will die
- Dilated cardiomyopathy: heart chambers dilate and thin out, leading to weaker contractions.
Causes of diastolic failure
- Left ventricular hypertrophy: causes the ventricular chamber to decrease in size which means less blood can enter.
- Restrictive cardiomyopathy: ventricle can’t stretch enough to accommodate the blood
- Valvular disease: e.g. aortic stenosis causes LVH or mitral regurgitation means blood doesn’t enter the ventricles in the right amount as it leaks back into atria
- Arrhythmias e.g. atrial fibrillation
Normal heart mechanism
Increased ventricular filling results in increased contraction via the Frank-Starling law→ increased cardiac output
In HF mechanism fails
Pathophysiology of Congestive HF
- As the heart continues to fail →compensatory mechanismsare activated, including anincrease in heart rate,catecholamine releaseandRAAS activation (due to decreased blood flow to kidneys)
- These mechanisms are useful in theinitialperiod but are usuallyoverexpressed, thus instigating avicious cycle.
- Compensatory mechanisms are usually responsible for the fluid retention and fluid overload symptoms experienced by the patient
Signs of Left sided Heart failure
- Tachypnoea and tachycardia
- Cool peripheries
- Peripheral or central cyanosis
- Displaced apex beat
- Stony dull percussion
- Third heart sound (S3)
Symptoms of Left sided HF
- Dyspnoea: particularly exertional
- Orthopnoea (SOB when lying flat) and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea (SOB at night)
- Fatigue and weakness
- Cough with pink, frothy sputum
- Cardiogenic wheeze
Right sided HF signs
- Due to backing up of fluid:
- Raised JVP
- Peripheral pitting oedema
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Ascites
Symptoms of Right sided HF
- Fatigue and weakness
- Due to backing up of fluid
- Swelling in the legs
- Distended abdomen
- NT-proBNP: increased in chronic heart failure
- ECG:broad QRS complexes; evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy
- Transthoracic echocardiogram
What is shown on an Chest X ray?
- A-Alveolar oedema (batwing opacities)
- B- KerleyBlines
- C-Cardiomegaly
- D-Dilated upper lobe vessels
- E- Pleural effusion
1st line management
BB (Bisoprolol) + ACEi (Ramipril)
If ACEi intolerant - ARB (Losartan) or hyrdalazine with nitrate
2nd line management
Aldosterone antagonist (e.g. spironolactone) if symptoms not controlled with 1st line management
3rd line management
- Digoxin: an alternative option, particularly for patients with AFand heart failure due to its inotropic effects.
- Ivabradine: an alternative option ifHR >75 bpmandLVEF <35%; slows the heart rate so the heart can pump more blood through the body each time it beats.
- Cardiac resynchronisation therapy(CRT): involves biventricular pacing and forces both ventricles to contract in synchrony, thereby improving cardiac output
Complications of HF
- Pleural effusion:heart failure causes an elevated pulmonary capillary pressure, usually resulting in bilateral transudative pleural effusions
- Acute decompensation of chronic heart failure:patients usually present with acute respiratory distress due to significant pulmonary oedema
- Arrhythmias
- Acute renal failure:reduced cardiac output and drug overuse (ACE inhibitors, aldosterone antagonists, diuretics) results in poor renal perfusion