Herbs that release exterior wind cold Flashcards
General Signs and Symptoms of Exterior Wind Cold
Chills Aversion to cold Mild fever headache stiff neck and general muscle aches ** Simultaneous nature of the chills and mild fever without thirst
Ma Huang
Strongest Diaphoretic
- Releases exterior; disperses cold (opens pore to induce sweating)
- Disperses Lung Qi; controls wheezing and asthma
Gui Zhi
Harmonizes ying and wei; disperses wind cold: wind cold deficient type in which sweating does not improve patients condition (slight sweat exists)
Zi Su Ye
- Releases the exterior; disperses cold (external wind cold with symptoms of chills, fever, headache, nasal congestion or cough or stifling sensation in the chest, with no sweating– opens the chest)
- Promotes movement of spleen/stomach qi- calm fetus/morning sickness
- Alleviates seafood poisoning
Jing Jie
- Releases the exterior; expels wind (external wind-cold or wind heat)
Fang Feng
Releases the exterior; expels wind (wind heat/cold)
* known for having four functions for wind
Gao Ben
expels wind; disperses cold (taiyin and jueyin headaches)
Qiang Huo
- Expels wind; dispels damp-cold; alleviates pain (external cold with dampness; headache and general body aches, especially useful for taiyang headache
- unblocks painful obstruction; alleviates pain (wind cold damp bi syndrome especially in the upper limbs and back)
Xi Xin
- Shaoyin headache and all over body aches; toothache; bi syndrome due to wind damp cold
- Warms the lung; transforms phlegm (congested fluid, cough, copious watery sputum, yin fluid retention with no heat signs)
- Unblocks nasal congestion
Sheng Jiang
Alleviates vomiting, morning sickness; prevents seafood poisoning
Xin yi hua
expels wind cold; unblocks nasal passages (any nasal congestion, nasal discharge
cang er zi
Expels wind cold; opens nasal passages (nasal congestion, viscous discharge)
Xiang Ru
Releases exterior; transforms damp; harmonizes middle jiao- chills, fever, headache, no sweating, body aches, diarrhea, expels interior damp and exterior wind cold in summertime and induces sweating
cong bai
Releases exterior; induces sweating; disperses cold and unblocks yang: early stage wind cold; abdominal pain and/or distention; nasal congestion due to blocked yang qi
which herbs release exterior wind-cold by inducing sweating (strongest to weakest)- 6
Ma Huang (for exterior excess without sweating)
Gui Zhi ( for exterior deficiency with sweating or exterior excess without sweating)
Zi Su Ye ( for mild wind cold without sweating)
Sheng Jiang and cong bai ( for very mild wind cold)
xiang ru ( for wind cold with summer damp)