herbs Flashcards
WC herb that is used for excess, to disperse/promote sweat and urine – can be dehydrating
ma huang
WC herb that is called “summer ma huang”
promotes sweat, urination, and clears SH
Xiang Ru
WC herb:
disharmony bw ying and wei, warms, used for deficiency type (mildly promotes sweat)
gui zhi
WC herb:
calms fetus, seafood herb
zi su ye
WC herb:
only one that can vent rashes, stops bleeding
jing jie
WC herb:
#1 for wind anywhere - ext or int
heat or cold
stops itching
fang feng
WC herb:
taiyang HA (occipital)
upper body herb
qiang huo
the four WC herbs that open nasal orifices
bai zhi
cang er zi
xi xin
xin yi hua
WC herb: nasal orifices + frontal HA
bai zhi
WC herb: nasal orifices + itching
cang er zi
WC herb: nasal orifices + toothache + shaoyin HA
used 1-3g
xi xin
WC herb: nasal orifices + sinusitis
xin yi hua
WC herb: harmonizer, detoxifier, seafood poisoning
sheng jiang
WC herb: vertex headache (UB channel)
gao ben
WH herb:
moistens ints
does not clear eyes
vents measels
niu bang zi
WH herb:
throat, eyes, rashes, internal liver wind, lost voice
chan tui
WH herb: throat, eyes, rashes, liver qi stagnation, soothes liver
bo he
WH herb: *stops bleeding, LUNG, cools Liver
sang ye
WH herb:
#1 eyes
clears toxicity
ju hua
three WH herbs that raise yang qi
ge gen
chai hu
sheng ma
WH herb:
raise yang + release muscle layer
ge gen
WH herb: raise yang + #1 for shaoyang condition/HA, SJ/GB channel
chai hu
WH herb: raise yang + ST channel guiding herb, WH, release toxicity
sheng ma
WH herb: treats WH and WC, irritability
dan dou chi
WH herb: only seed that ascends
man jing zi
WH herb: eyes, stop bleeding
mu zei
Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb: #1 for qi level heat, ST channel heat
shi gao
Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb: treats deficiency and excess, goes to all 3 jiaos (lu, sp, kd)
zhi mu
Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb: generate fluids, stops vomit
lu gen
Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb: c/i in pregnancy (when injected–trichosanthis), upper/middle jiao herb
tian hua fen
Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb: ht/si, treats irritability, promotes urination
dan zhu ye
*Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb: all 3 jiaos, goes to SJ, cools blood, stops bleeding, relieves toxicity, drains damp
zhi zi
Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb: nodules, red eyes, hypertension (LYR)
xia ku cao
*Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb: treats hypertension AND high cholesterol, moistens ints, benefits eyes
jue ming zi
Clear DH herb: St, Li, GB, LU, (upper jiao), shaoyang, calms fetus
huang qin
Clear DH herb: st, li, LV, HT, (blood) (MJ) cleats ht heat, very cold, avoid pork with this herb
huang lian
Clear DH herb: KD/UB, (lower), LJ damp, dysentery, relieves toxicity, kd fire
huang bai
Clear DH herb: LV/GB DH
long dan cao
Clear DH herb:
DH, parasites, stops itch, urination, used topically
ku shen
Clear DH herb: dysentery, DH in LI
Qin Pi
Clear Toxicity herb: 4 levels of heat
jin yin hua
Clear Toxicity herb: wei/Pc level heat, promotes urination
Lian Qiao
Clear Toxicity herb: mastitis herb
pu gong ying
Clear Toxicity herb: throat, cools blood, disperse WH
ban lan gen
Clear Toxicity herb: throat cancer
shan dou gen
Clear Toxicity herb: benefits throat, resolves phlegm
she gan
Clear Toxicity herb: LI, bloody dysentery, cools blood, clears tox heat / DH, treats malaria, stops vaginal itch
bai tou weng
Clear Toxicity herb: moves blood, expels pus, clears blood stasis
bai jiang cao
Clear Toxicity herb: syphilis
tu fu ling
Clears heat, Cools Blood herb:
nourishes yin, fluids, clears Ht fire
sheng di huang
*Clears heat, Cools Blood herb:
nourish yin, benefits throat, subdues fire, moves blood, clears xu or shi heat, yin xu heat without sweat, clears LV fire
mu dan pi
Clears heat, Cools Blood herb:
nourish yin, resolves toxins, dissipates nodules (throat)
xuan shen
Clears heat, Cools Blood herb:
internal wind, stops convulsions, stops bleeding
shui niu jiao
Clears heat, Cools XU heat:
#1 malaria, SH, Shaoyang
qing hao
Clears heat, Cools XU heat:
postpartum/trauma heat due to blood loss
bai wei
Clears heat, Cools XU heat:
hypertension, yin xu
di gu pi
Clear toxicity: clears SH, raises the clear Sp yang, stops bleeding
he ye
Dissolve Hot Phlegm:
st channel, gb/st heat, stop vomit, cool blood, calm spirit, calm fetus
zhu ru
Dissolve Hot Phlegm:
release exterior
qian hu
Dissolve Hot Phlegm:
acute, excess, Lu heat, productive cough
zhe bei mu
Dissolve Hot Phlegm:
CHronic cough from fire due to LU yin xu, DTE sputum
CHuan bei mu
Dissolve Hot Phlegm:
lumps in breast/nodules in ST channel, Lu.Li.St,
Gua Lou (combo of seed + skin)
Dissolve Hot Phlegm:
moisten ints, moisten lu, promotes healing sores/reduce swelling
gua lou ren
Dissolve Hot Phlegm:
chest bi, expands chest
gua lou pi (chest bi)