herbel Flashcards
To be labeled a supplement
The herbal product must make no claims to treat, prevent or cure a disease
Impact of Dietary Supplement Health Education Act
Restricted FDA ability to control the safe and manufacturing of herbal products
Why herbals initially regulated in 1920s
Presence of natural drugs like cocaine and opium
Common Problem with Herbal Medicines
Active Ingredient is unknown therfore saftey/side effects/drug interactions cannot be fully understood.
Why herbal symptoms occur (broad)
(1) lack of standardization (2) different purities (3) variations in plant conditions and parts
Two tested treatments for usage of Ginko
(1) Cerebrovascular insufficeny symptoms (2) Dementia
Tested Treatment for St. John’s Warts
Six Popular Herbal Supplements (Focus of the Lecture)
(1) St. John’s Wort (2) Ginko (3) Kava (4) Ephedrine (5) Omega-3-Fatty Acid (6) Turmeric./Curcumin
Active Ingredient St. John’s Wort
Prescribed use of St. John’s Wort
Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia (only in Germany)
Pharmokinetics of St. John’s Wort: Admin, Peak Blood LEvel, Half Life, Steady State
(1) Administered Orally (2) Peak Blood Levels at 5 hours after (3) Half Life of 25 hours (4) Steady State of 4-6 days
Pharmodynamics of St. John’s Wort (reduce reuptake of 3 NT, binds to 3 types of receptors, has on chemical neuronal influence)
(1) Reduced Reuptake of 5HT, NE, DA (2) Bind at GABA Receptors (3) Bind at Benzodiazepine Receptors (4) Blind to glutamatergic NMDA-type receptors (5) Antioxadtive
Clinical efficacy of St. John’s WOrt
Now just seend as effective in treatment of mild to moderate depression
What St. John’s Wort inhibits
(1) CYP-2D6/CYP-2C9 are inhibited by Hyperforin (2) CYP-1A2 is inhibited by Quercitin
In SJW inhibits CYP1A2
In SJW inhibits CYP2D6 and CYP2C9
SJW influence on COdeine
SJW decreases effectiveness of codeine due to a inhibition of CYP2D6 which converts codeine into mmorphine
SJW influence on caffeine, tricyclics, antipsychotics
INcreased blood level of all three
SJW influence on CYP-3A4
Increased activivty… causing reduced levels of drugs that are cardiac and anti-inlammatory
Side effects of SJW
Mild: Sedation/Lethargy/Upset GI….. ALso photosensativity, hypomania, seotonin syndrome when combined with SSRIs (agitation, diarrhea, increased heart rate, hallucinations. nasuea, vomitting)
Ginko extract
Benefit of Ginko flavonoids and terpenoids
(1) Reduce free radicals implicated in the cell damage that cuases Alzheimer’s disease (2)Ginkogolide B inhibits platelet aggregation and slows blood clotting
Harms of GInko flavonoids and Terpenoids
Increased tendency to bleed and potentiate action of blood thinners…. also ainhibit CYP-1A2
Pharmokinetics of Ginko (Absorbtion, Peak PLasma, Half life)
(1) Taken orally (2) Peak plasma in 2-3 hours (3) Half life of 5 hours