Herbal Actions Flashcards
What are the 2 effects a herbal action can have?
Systemic effect on the whole body
Specific effect on a particular tissue or organ system
What are the 2 categories of herbal actions?
Tonics or effectors
What are the further classification of herbal actions?
Stimulating, relaxing, tightening, soothing, restorative, nourishing
What do normalizers/tonics do?
Nourish the body. Support natural processes of growth, health and renewal
ex: nettle
What do effectors do?
Treatment of specific illnesses. Observable impact on the body
ex: echinacea
What are lymphatic effectors?
Stimulate the lymph node activity
What are Hepatic Effectors?
Choleretics- they add bile
What are laxative effectors?
Stimulate colon. Direct peristalsis
What are Lymphatic tonics?
Help with with lymphatic flow
What are laxative tonics?
Osmotic, bulking. Reflex peristalsis
Is a bitter a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is a hepatic a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is a choleretic a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is a cholagogue a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is a laxative a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is a nervine tonic a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is a carminative a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is an alterative a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
stimulant or relaxant
Is a demulcent a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is an anti-emetic a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Is an antispasmodic a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
Name 3 respiratory system actions.
expectorant, anticatarrhals, antitussives
Name 6 digestive system actions.
cholagogue, choleretic, bitters, demulcents, carminative, antiemetic, emetics
Name 9 adrenal & nervous system actions.
adaptogens, nervine tonics, nervines relaxants, sedatives, hypnotics, nervine stimulants, antidepressants, anxiolytics, nootropics
Name 7 cardiovascular actions.
cardiotonics, hypotensives, blood vessel tonics, antioxidants, hypolipidemics, hypoglycemics, circulatory stimulants.
Name 2 urinary system actions.
Diuretics, antilithics
What is an antilithic?
Prevent calcification. Prevent the formation of stones in the urinary system and remove previously formed stones.
Name 5 actions for the reproductive system.
emmenagogues, galactogogues, uterine tonics, female reproductive tonics, male reproductive tonics
Name 6 actions for the immune system
antimicrobials, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antihelmintics, deep immune tonics.
Name 7 MSK System and connective tissue actions.
Connective tissue tonics, rubefacients, vulneraries, analgesics, antispasmodicss, antiinflammatories, antirhematics
Name 6 actions of the skin and mucus membranes.
emollients, demulcents, astringents, styptics, vulneraries, rubefacients
Name 5 herbal cleansers.
Alteratives, diuretics, laxatives/aperients, lymphatics, diaphoretics
True or False. A herb can have an affinity for certain tissues or body systems
True. It will have a specific action on that area.
True or False. Adding a herb with an affinity to a certain tissue or organ can help deliver a formula to the affected area that needs to be treated or supported.
Herbs with tissue affinities? Do we need to know?
What is an expectorant?
Help the body to remove excess mucous from the lungs
What is an anticatarrhal?
Help the body to remove excess mucous from the sinuses. Thin mucous
What is an antitussive?
A cough SUPPRESSANT. Helps prevent coughing by working on a part of the brain that controls the action
What do cholagogues do?
Stimulate the release and secretion of bile from the gall bladder. They also have a laxative effect on the digestive system since they increase the amount of bile in the duodenum. STIMULATES FLOW of bile.
What is a choleretic?
Increase the volume of secretion of bile from the liver. STIMULATES PRODUCTION of bile.
What is a demulcent?
Rich in mucilage and can soothe and protect irritated or inflamed internal tissue.
What does a carminative do?
Relieves flatulence.
Is an anti-emetic a digestive stimulant or relaxant?
What does an emetic do? And antiemetic?
Causes vomiting.
Prevents vomiting.
What is an adaptogen?
Help the body respond to stress, anxiety and fatigue.
What is a nervine tonic?
Act directly on the nervous system and improve and strengthen their functions. Restorative.
What is a nervine relaxant? And stimulant?
Relax and sooth the nervous system (Passion flower)
Stimulate and activate the nervous system (Coffee)
What is an anxiolytic?
Stimulate neurotransmitter synthesis to relieve anxiety.
What is a nootropic?
Improve cognitive function, attention, memory, creativity.
What is a cardiotonic?
Increase tonus of heart muscle and contractility. Treats cardiac insufficiency. For angina or heart attack.
What is a hypotensive?
Help lower blood pressure.
What does a blood vessel tonic do?
Nourishes blood vessels. Restore blood vessels, varicose veins
What is a hypolipidemic?
Used to treat high cholesterol. Remove lipids.
What is a hypoglycemic?
Improve insulin sensitivity. Lower blood sugar.
What does a circulatory stimulant do?
Help improve circulation
What does a diuretic do?
Increase the production of urine. For UTIs
What does an antilithic do?
Prevents the formation of urinary calculi or destroy current stones.
What is an emmenagogue?
Stimulates blood flow in the uterus, causing menstruation. Regulate menstration.
What is a galactogogue?
Lactation inducing for breast feeding.
What does a uterine tonic do?
Induce labor, reduce postpartum hemorrhage, and prepare women for an easier child birth by toning muscles of the uterus.
What does a reproductive tonic do? Female? Male?
Support cellular regeneration, balance hormones, soothe.
What is an antimicrobial?
Kills microbes and microorganisms to prevent their development.
What is an antihelmintic?
Expel parasitic worms and other internal parasites from the body.
What is a rubefacient?
Bringing circulation. Cause reddening or irritation of the skin. Relieve pain in various MSK conditions.
What is a vulnerary?
Healing. Used to treat wounds.
What is an analgesic?
Pain reliever
What is an antirheumatic?
Reduce inflammation and pain at the joints, muscles, or connective tissues.
(Wild Yam, turmeric, arnica, gotu kola, celery seed)
What is an emollient?
Soften and sooth the skin. Mucous containing. Used for eczema and psoriasis. Form protective barrier.
(Almond oil, aloe, chickweed, plantain, comfrey)
What is an astringent?
Drying, draws water out, oil fighting
(Red raspberry, calendula, tea tree, witch hazel)
What is a syptic?
Contracts tissues or blood vessels. Stops bleeding. (astringent herb applied topically)
(Yarrow, plantain, witch hazel)
What is a diaphoretic?
Increases perspiration. Used for fever reduction, detox, outward circulation.
Stimulating: Ginger, Cayenne, Yarrow
Relaxing: Linden flowers, elder flower, catnip
What is a hypnotic?
Used to induce sleep.
Valerian, melatonin
What is a deep immune tonic?
Restore the immune system.
(Reishi, schisandra)
Which herbs are used as demulcents to sooth the digestive tract?
Marshmallow, licorice, slippery elm
Which herbs are used to sooth the respiratory tract? Soothing expectorant?
Mullein, coltsfoot, plantain
Which herb is used to sooth the genitourinary tract?
Corn Silk
What herbs are bulking laxitives?
Aloe gel, psyllium husk, flax seed, marshmallow root
What herbs are vulnerary?
Comfrey, plantain, calendula
Which herbs are astringent?
Yarrow, meadowsweet, witch hazel, red raspberry leaf
Which herbs are analgesic?
Cayenne, California poppy, cramp bark, white willow
What does anti-pyretic / febrifuge do?
Controls / reduces fever
What are some anti-pyretic / febrifuge herbs?
Meadowsweet, peppermint, white willow
What are some cholagogue and choleretic herbs? (They are also hepatoprotective and hepatotrophorestorative)
Milk thistle, golden seal, turmeric, dandelion root
What herbs are alteratives?
Burdock, yellow dock, cleavers, dandelion root, nettle, red clover
What is an alterative?
Gradually restores proper nutrition, elimination & metabolic function of the whole body. METABOLISM.
What do anti-oxidants do?
Reduce oxidative damage. Inhibits the reduction of dehydroascorbic acid via glutathione by acting as H+ donors allowing resonance stabilization allowing damaging molecules to be unreactive.
What are some antispasmodic herbs?
Hops, chamomile, peppermint, cramp bark, ginger
What are some carminative herbs?
Fennel, chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint, ginger
What are some rubefacient herbs?
Cayenne, mustard seed, castor oil, onion & garlic
What are some nervine relaxants?
Lavender, passion flower, lemon balm
What are some nervine stimulants?
Peppermint, Orange, Caffeine
What are some nervine tonics?
Oat tops, St. John’s wort, gotu kola
What are some immune stimulants?
Tea tree oil, oil of oregano, echinacea, old man’s beard
What are some stimulating expectorants?
Blood root, eucalyptus
What are some immunomodulator / deep immune tonics?
Astragalus, medicinal mushies, schisandra
What are some anti-catarrhals?
Elderberry & flower, eyebright, wild indigo, goldenseal
What are some adaptogens?
Siberian ginseng, licorice, ashwaghanda, schisandra, holy basil
What are some anthraquinones?
cascara, senna, aloe latex, turkey rhubarb
What is the difference between choleretic and cholagogue?
Choleretic stimulates PRODUCTION of bile
Cholagogue stimulates FLOW of bile
What is an aperient?
A bowel stimulator. Laxative.
What does a diaphoretic do?
Increases perspiration.