Hepatoblastoma Flashcards
Typical Age at diagnosis of hepatoblastoma?
3yrs with almost all diagnosed prior to 4.
Risk factors associated with hepatoblastoma?
Exposure to metals/paints/petroleum products FAS Maternal smoking OCP during pregnancy Infertility treatment Immunosuppressive meds during pregnancy
Genetic syndromes associated with HB?
Is there a relationship between prematurity and HB?
15 x risk in infants weighing less than 1000g.
Pretext staging system with annotations?
Pretext group correlates to the number of contiguous segments free of tumor.
Pretext annotations:
C - caudate lobe E - extrahepatic disease F - multifocal R - tumor rupture M - mets P - portal vein (1 branch or 2 main portal V) N - Nodes (1 intra abdo or 2 extra abdo) V - Vena cava ( 1 vein, 2 veins or 3 IVC/all 3)
How does HB present?
Asymptomatic mass in infant or toddler.
Late presentation may have wight loss, fever, and resp distress.
Rare* precocious puberty
90% of malignant tumors under 4 yrs is HB.
DDx by age?
Malignant - HB, rhabdoid, teratoma, biliary rhabdo.
Benign - hemangioma, mesenchymal hamartoma, other
School age:
Malignant - HCC (FL-HCCa, HC-NOSb), embryonal sarcoma of the liver
Benign - FNH
Malignant - HCC, sarcoma
Benign - adenoma
Work up for liver tumor?
Labs: CBC, lytes, Liver panel, AFP, CEA (for suspected HCC), HCG for suspected germ cell, chatecholamines for suspected neuroblastoma mets.
What is the utility of AFP in HB?
Elevated in 80-90% of all HB
- may also be elevated in HCC, or germ cell tumors.
- may not be elevated above normal levels in neonatal tumors when charted on nomogram.
AFP normalizes by 6 months
Imaging characteristics on US, CT and MRI for HB?
US - solitary hyperechoic masses, calcifications with areas of necrosis or bleeding.
-Doppler will give information on relationship to vessels and thrombus.
CT- arterial and venous phase. Usually have decreased enhancement relative to liver with heterogenous pattern.
MRI - hyper intense on T2
What imaging is required for staging?
CT chest
PET?? Maybe
Histologic subtypes of hepatoblastoma?
- Well differentiated fetal (formerly pure fetal)
- Small cell undifferentiated
- Embryonal
- Macrotrabecular
- Mixed epithelial and mesenchymal
When do you biopsy HB vs. upfront resection?
Pretext 1 and 2 should be respected upfront unless annotation factors preclude complete resection.
Everything else is biopsies upfront - 3-5 cores should be obtained and 1 core of normal liver.
Standard chemo for HB?
Cisplatin - most effective
C5V- cisplatin, 5FU, vincrisitne
C5VD - C5V+ doxorubicin