Hepatitis Flashcards
Name the 5 types of hepatitis and how they are mainly transmitted.
A, B, C, D and E. A&E are mostly fecal contaminated food/water. B, C, D are blood or sexual contact mostly.
The CDC recommends vaccination for which type, when and why for health care workers?
HBV for students because the highest risk of contraction is during training.
Infectious Hepatitis or Short Incubation hepatitis is also known as _____ and is common in _________ and ________ .
Hepatitis A, poor sanitation, overcrowding
Prevention of HAV is achieved by ________ and _________. Its incubation period is __ to __ days with and average of _____ days.
good personal hygiene, sanitation
Incubation: 15 to 50 days, avg. 28 days.
Vaccines exist for the following forms of Hepatitis:
Which for m of Hepatitis presents a significant risk in the Acupuncture clinic and what are 2 other names it is known as?
HBV, (Serum Hepatitis, Long Incubation Hepatitis)
What is the incubation period for HBV and in what body fluids does it appear? What are infection dangers?
50 to 180 days. During this time it appears in blood, saliva, feces, urine, semen, tears and sweat. It can be spread though no symptoms are present during this time.
What are signs and symptoms of HBV? How long do they last?
Mild Flu-like symptoms,(fever, malaise, anorexia, abdominal pain, chills, nausea, joint pain, rash, diarrhea, lasting from 2 to 6 weeks often followed by extreme fatigue and depression.
Children and up to __% of adults infected with HBV are often _________.
30%, asymptomatic (they are still infectious though)
Which types of Hepatitis have pharmaceutical therapies?
Which types of Hepatitis cause immunity (cannot be re-infected) after you have had them?
Which types of hepatitis lead to a more chronic disease process in the liver?
One of the most common modes of HBV transmission in the health care setting is _______ or injury from ________ _________. which presents a ____% to ____% risk of infection (depending on the HBeAg status of the source individual.)
needlestick or injury
6 to 30% risk of infection
Hepatitis ___ is recognized as a ______ _____ for Health Care Professionals.
HBV, Occupational hazard.
Which forms of hepatitis vaccinations are a part of most routine childhood vaccinations?