Hepatic Practice Questions Flashcards
Referred pain patterns with hepatic and biliary pathologic conditions produce musculoskeletal symptoms in the
Right shoulder
Clients with significant elevation in serum bilirubin legels caused by biliary obstruction wil have which of the following associated signs?
Dark urine, clay colored stools, jaundice
Yellow tinged sclera
Preventing falls and trauma to soft tissues would be of utmost importance in the client with liver failure. Which of the follow- ing laboratory parameters would give you the most information about potential tissue injury?
Prolonged coagulation times
Decreased level of consciousness, impaired function of periph- eral nerves, and asterixis (flapping tremor) would probably indicate an increase in the level of:
Serum ammonia
An inpatient who has had a total hip replacement with a sig- nificant history of alcohol use/abuse has a positive test for asterixis. This may signify:
Hepatic encephalopathy
A decrease in serum albumin is common with a pathologic condition of the liver because albumin is produced in the liver. The reduction in serum albumin results in some easily identifi- able signs. Which of the following signs might alert the therapist to the condition of decreased albumin?
Peripheral edema and ascites