Hepatic/Biliary Disease Screening Flashcards
Hepatic and Biliary organs include liver, __, and common bile duct.
The liver maintains ____ homeostasis and has functions related to digestive, endocrine, excretory, & hematologic systems.
metabolic homeostasis
When food is introduced, the gallbladder contracts to expel ___ to duodenum (via the ___ )
1) bile
2) common bile duct
Skin changes include jaundice, pruritus, bruising, spider angiomas, palmar erythema and what other 2 changes?
Hint: they involve color
Orange/green skin
T/F: Nailbed changes seen w/ hepatic or biliary disorder is leukonychia (white nails), clubbed nails, and koilonychia (central portion of nail depressed)
Primary pain patterns for these disorders include mid-epigastrium or ____ quadrant of the abdomen.
Liver Referred pain patterns include __ spine, specifically __ segments midline to the right. Pain can also refer to R ___ and __.
1) thoracic
2) T7-T10
3) R upper traps
4) R shoulder
Gallbladder Referred pain patterns include R ___ and ___, R interscapular area, specifically __ segments, and the R subscapular area.
1) R upper traps
2) R shoulder
3) T4 or T5-T8
Hepatic osteodystrophy is the ___ development of __.
1) abnormal
2) bone
Hepatic/Biliary Disorder (incr/decr) OA risk for wrists/ankles. Combined w/ alcohol abuse and statin use, the risk for ____ is also greater.
1) increase OA risk
2) rhabdomyolysis
Neurologic S&S for Hepatic/Biliary Disorder include confusion, sleep disturbances, muscle tremors, ____ reflexes, and what other 2 S&S?
1) hyperreflexive
2) Asterixis & Peripheral N dysfunction (bilateral)
Reduced glutamate concentration in brain can cause S&S of encephalopathy like poor ___ and ___.
1) concentration
2) fatigue
GI S&S for Hepatic/Biliary Disorder include light-colored stool due to ___ not being excreted properly (Gallbladder disease, Hepatotoxic meds, pancreatic cancer). Urine is also a __color.
1) bilirubin
2) dark, tea or cola
GI S&S for Liver disease are sense of ___ of abdomen, anorexia, and __/__.
1) fullness
2&3) nausea/vomiting (N/V)
Liver disease integ. S&S include (what color?) nails of Terry and other changes in skin color and nail beds.
1) white
Murphy’s Sign Indication
cholecystitis (gallbladder)
Physical examination procedures for ascites
Shifting dullness
Fluid Wave
Physical examination procedures for Hepatomegaly
Liver Fist and Finger Percussion
also liver palpation
__ is inflammation of the liver.
Can be caused by (4). Can be secondary to disease conditions like infection.
1) Hepatitis
2) a virus, a chemical, drug rxn, or alcohol abuse
The types of viral hepatitis are Hep A-E and ____. >90% of cases in US are these types ___.
1) HGV
2) HAV, HBV, & HCV
T/F: Acute hepatitis usually requires hospitalization. Mild-mod cases won’t require a liver transplant with later progression.
acute hep. usually doesn’t require hosp.
Mild-mod cases will require liver transplant w/ later progression.
What diseases can accompany hepatitis? What is a red flag that can indicate this?
1) Rheumatic diseases (arthralgias, vasculitis, RA or fibromyalgia (HCV), etc)
2) joint/muscle pain that is disproportionate to physical findings, palmar tendinitis in RA pts, and (+) RFs for hepatitis.
Which type of Hepatitis is this?
-Route of transmission: fecal-oral route
-Incubation period: short
-Risk of chronic infection after acute: none
-Severity: most recover w/ no lasting liver damage
-Tx: No meds available, supportive tx
-Single vac: 2 doses 6-18 mo. apart
-HAV+HBV combo vac: 3 per 6 mo.
Hep A
Which type of Hepatitis is this?
-Route of transmission: percutaneous, via any bodily fluids/ noncontact skin exposure
-Incubation period: avg 90 days
-Risk of chronic infection after acute: 90% for infants, 25-50% of 1-5 y/o’s newly infected, 5% of newly infected adults
-Severity: most recover w/ no lasting liver damage, 15-25% develop chronic liver disease
-Tx: acute - no meds, supportive tx; chronic - antiviral drugs, monitor signs of liver disease
-Kids: 3-4 vacs over 6-18 mo.
-Adults: 2 vacs 1 mo. apart or 3 over 6 mo.
Hep B