Endocrine/Metabolic Disease Flashcards
Endocrine system function is to maintain __ __ __ through coordination of __ that relay info/instructions b/w cells.
1) whole body homeostasis
2) hormones
Name 5 body functions the endocrine system regulates.
1) Metabolism
2) Water/salt balance
3) BP
4) stress response
5) sexual reproduction
Endocrine system is composed of __. Name 4 of these.
1) Glands
2) Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pineal glands, Thymus, Pancreas, Testes/Ovaries
Endocrine/Metabolic disease S&S include muscle weakness / myalgia / cramps / fatigue, periarthritis & calcific tendinitis, and bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. What are 3 NM/MSK S&S assoc. w/ endocrine disease.
1) Chondrocalcinosis
2) Spondyloarthropathy & Osteoarthritis
3) Hand Stiffness & Hand Pain
1) What is DM?
glucose levels >/=126 mmg/dL
2) What is it caused by?
3) What can it result in?
1) hyperglycemia + disrupted metabolism of carbs, fats, & proteins
2) deficient insulin or defective insulin action
3) vascular complications & neuropathies
Some S&S of DM are
Polydipsia, Hyperglycemia, Glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C levels ≥6.5%), Glycosuria, & Ketonuria.
1) Name 5 more S&S.
2) What 2 S&S are usually seen in type 1 DM cases?
1) Polyuria, Fatigue/weakness, Blurred vision, Irritability, Recurring infections, Numbness/tingling in hands and feet, delayed wound healing
2) Usually Type 1: Polyphagia (excessive hunger), Weight loss
DM leading cause of end-stage __ disease, nontraumatic LE __, & new cases of __. It’s also a major cause of __ __ and stroke.
1) renal
2) amputations
3) blindness
4) heart disease
Type __ DM is defective insulin or impaired binding of insulin. It’s common in the >40 y/o population.
Type __ DM is when little/no insulin is produced. It’s common among kids or young adults.
1) type 2 DM
2) type 1 DM
DM Physical complications include periarthritis, infection/impaired wound healing, and __(3).
1) Atherosclerosis
2) Hand stiffness
3) Neuropathy
__ is the most common complication of chronic DM that may affect CNS, PNS, or ANS. The most common type of this is ___.
1) Diabetic Neuropathy
2) Chronic Sensorimotor Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy (DPN)
Diabetic neuropathy S&S include sensory impairments of extremities, weakness, hypo/areflexia, LOB, & CTS (carpal tunnel). What are 4 autonomic S&S of diabetic neuropathy?
GI S&S, Erectile dysfunction, UTI, urinary incontinence, diaphoresis, dry, cracked skin, incr. infection risk, restricted pupillary adjustment, OH,
no HR variability
Charcot’s Joint is a neuropathic arthropathy seen in pts w/ DM. What is it characterized by? Name 3 S&S of Charcot’s Joint.
Shoulder, hand, and foot disorders are very common
1) Loss of proprioception –> repetitive stress & degenerative joint pathology
2) unilat. severe swelling, S&S of inflammation, impair deep pressure, joint deformity (PIP ext/DIP flex)
2 S&S of DM are periarthritis and hand stiffness. Periarthritis is common in these body regions __(2). Hand stiffness can present as __ tenosynovitis, __ contracture, & CRPS.
1) hand & shoulder
2) flexor tenosynovitis
3) Dupuytren’s contracture
W/ DM pts, STOP exercise if glucose is >___ mg/dL. Have pt eat snack before exercise is glucose is <___mg/dL.
Retest glucose prior to initiation of exercise
1) STOP = >250mg/dL
2) Snack = <100mg/dL
Severe Hyperglycemia = >___mg/dL and can lead to DKA.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is common with Type __ DM pts. DKA S&S include coma, incr. temp, muscle cramp, dehydration, polyuria, & __(4).
1) >400mg/dL
2) Type 1 DM
3) Thirst, Hyperventilation, Fruity breath, Flushed face & hot/dry skin
Hypoglycemia = <__mg/dL & is a complication of insulin or oral hypoglyemic agent use. Its commonly due to decr. __ intake or __ physical activity.
1) <70mg/dL
2) decr. food intake
3) incr. physical activity
O2 consumption in NS interrupted; can lead to brain damage & death
Name 4 S&S of hypoglycemia that are NOT S&S of hyperglycemia.
Pallor, irritability / nervousness, weakness, hunger, shakiness, headache, Double/blurred vision, Slurred speech, fatigue