Henry & Wolsey. part 2 Flashcards
What was the King’s Great Matter?
no male heir -> continue Tudor dynasty so Henry wanted -> annul marriage w Catherine of A & marry Anne B
Define papal infalibility.
belief pope could not be wrong= as closest -> God
Who allowed Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon?
Pope Julius
Why did papal infalibility make it hard for Henry to annul his marriage to Catherine?
Pope Clement didn’t want -> admt Pope Julius was wrong in mrryng Henry -> Catherine bc papal infallibility
What bible passage did Wolsey claim wasn’t legal?
Leviticus - “If a man shall take his brother’s wife… they shall be childless”
Why did Wolsey’s actions make it difficult for Henry to annul his marriage?
use of bible passage led to -> Catherine’s spptrs said was legal
Why did Charles V make it difficult for Henry to annul his marriage?
1525 Treaty of More = Spain no longer Henry’s ally, so didn’t want -> help
& Charles = Catherine’s aunt so didn’t want her -> be embrssd by annulment
Why did Catherine of Aragon make it difficult for Henry to annul his marriage?
- claimed marriage was legal using Deuteronomy 25:5 in moving speech
- ppl felt sympathy + Thomas More & John Fisher = powerful supporters
- Cat refused go -> nunnery
Why did Cardinal Campeggio make it difficult for Henry to annul his marriage?
Campeggio = papal legate & adjourned divorce proceedings in 1528
Why was Wolsey accused of treason?
had written letters -> Charles V, Frances I & Pope -> try & end Henry + Anne’s relationship
Why did treason lead to Wolsey’s fall from power?
demonstrated he was = not loyal or trustworthy by scheminh w Henry’s enemies
Why did Wolsey’s inability to get an annulment lead to Wolsey’s fall from power?
no success of convincing Pope of annulment = Henry disappointed & angry
Why did foreign relations lead to Wolsey’s fall from power?
France & Spain = no longer Henry’s allies & Wolsey played big part in English foreign policy -> angered Henry
Why did nobility envy Wolsey?
Wosley had high status for someone from humble beginnings & henry took advice from him
Why did Wolsey’s background and personality lead to his fall from power?
nobility envied his status & created book w 30 accusations for Henry
they were able to bring Wolsey down as he failed -> get annulment
Define faction.
group of nobles who worked together -> try & influence King & increase their power
Why did the Boleyn family form a faction?
Anne blamed Wolsey for failure of annulment & feared that if they took him down he would take revenge
Bolyen faction told Henry to put wolsey on trialn
Why did the Boleyn Faction lead to Wolsey’s fall from power?
Boleyns = power hungry and determined -> find way for Anne -> marry Henry