Henry's government Flashcards
how did parliament change over henry’s reign (mainly under comrwell)
- increased use in order to legislate the break from rome
- met in 1529 and remained for 7 years
- from 1532 and 1540 333 acts passed
- granted 14 new boroughs to elected their own MP
created some changes that remain to this day such as 3 reading for bills in commons and lords and henry viii clause s
how did legal reform change number henry (mostly wolsey)
- court of chancery and court of star chamber made legal justice easier and cheaper to come by for the laity
however the star chamber only heard 120 cases and was slow to dispense justice
financial reform
- tudor subsidy raised £250,000
- amicabke grant was supposed to take 1/3 of bishops salary and 1/6 of everyone elses
subsidy was only 1/4 of what henry wanted
ambicable grant sparked an uprsising in 1525
how did the privy chamber change
Wolsey initiated the 1526 Eltham ordinances in order to reduce power and influence fo advisors closest to henry cutting chamber from 12 to 6
however wolsey did this for his own benefit to remove opponents of his rather than to end corruption
how did cromwell change the royal council
- replaced nobles with lawyes, and professional intellectuals to make decision making be based more around rational though rather than personal gain
how many acts did parliament under cromwell pass
what changed in comrwell’s parliament
called in 1529 and sat for 7 years
created 14 new constituencies
created things such as 3 bill readings in lords and commons and the henry vii clauses
how many people were incolved in amicable grant uprising
4,000 in surrey
what beurocratic reforms did wolsey make
- court of chancery
- reformed star chamber to dispense fast justice and encouaged poor to challenge nobels
- eltham ordinances
what was the proposed amicable grant
clergy to pay 1/3 taxes to gov and normal poeple pay 1/6th
second act of annates
- 1534 second act of annates allowed hnery to appoint abbotts and bishops
beurocratic changes
- comwell made kings council be dominated by lawyers and skillfull beurocrats rather than nobels
- elthan ordiannces changed the amount of people in privvy chamber to 6 from 12
court of augmentations
contolled land and fiannces formely under the control of the catholic church
why were conservatives dominating court in early 1540s
- got key cosnitional refroms to happen such as the act of six articles
cromwell was removed
howard married henry who was the neice of the earl of norfolk
why was the domiance of the conservatives at court short lives
because the age difference of them (30 years)
and there were roumors of howard be aldulterous whihc leads to her execution and saw norfolks fall in court
succsession act
1544 entrenched into law that edward was to succeed henry then mary and elizabeth
why did refrom faction gain influence at court
- henry viii marreid catherine par who has a parotestant sympathiser
- denny and other protestants poitive infleucne on edwards and elizabeth to conitnue preotestaism refrom