cromwell and religion 1533-1536 Flashcards
when did Henry marry Boylen
who was Cromwell
lived in Italy in. military probably where he came into contact with radical ideas
1532 became masters of kings levells
who was Cranmer
1932 archbishop of Canterbury
authorised divorce
act in restraint in appeals POWER
impossible for anyone to appeal to Rome
used Catherine and authurs consumation to support divorce
Henry head of church
act of royal supremacy POWER
acknowledged king as head of church .claiming he has always been
acts of succession DIVORCE
henrys marriage to Catherine was void so succession forbid mary from being queen due to illigitimacy
if you deny this you are done for treason
treasons act POWER
- any act against henry is treasonable
influence of Anne on religion
anne drew henrys attention to work of Tyndale’s banned book which she smuggled in from france
the obedeince of a chritian man argues that kings had authrouty from god which made royal authority supreme led him to beleive in himself and divorce proceedings
anne also supported heretics like foreman and influenced the appointment of refromers such as latimer
causes of dissolution of monastries
- 1535 survey found that smaller monastics could double crowns income
- property distribution would get support of nobility
- monks were potential counters of royal supremacy
phase 1 of dissolution
- gaining evidence of religious houses unfit to continue
1534 acts of first fruits and tenths allowed Henry to tac church
act of supremacy meant Henry had control of religious houses
1535 valor ecclesiastics survey valued monastrys
acts of first fruits and tenths
1534 Henry could tax church
phase 2 dissolution
1536 act of dissolution of smaller monastries valued at less that 200 quid per magnum
some bribed officials to overlook them temporarily those opposed executed
phase 3 dissolution
1539 act of dissolution of manstreis close all but chantries
1540 cost of augmentation handled property and income from monastries
effects of dissolution of monastires
- monks had to find alternative employment
- local affect as moastied held many social occasions in town
- gave Henry money but he didn’t plan for future income couldn’t fund military campaign
religious resistance within clergy
joh fisher and bishop of Rochester denied henrys supremacy lead to many accusing Henry of acting tyrannically
courtenay led the araganeese faction who supported catherine through divorce at court and when in 1536 mary was exculded form the sucsession led to many being involved in pilgramaed form grace 1537
royal council change
- more professional privy chamber emerged w layers and beurcrats
financial managements changes
- court of augmentation controlled all land and money once controlled by Catholic Church
- court of fruits and tenths controlled money what was previously sent to Rome
act of ten articles DOCTRINE
July 1536
the Sven sacraments of Catholic Church doctrine were rejected, leaving a belief in only three
(baptism, eucharist and penance)
move towards protestantism
royal injunctions to the clergy
English bibles places in all parishes within two years
relics removed
people actively discouraged from pilgrimage