henry and the ministers Flashcards
cromwell early life
joined french army - fought against spanish at garigliano in dec 1503.
after the battle (crushing loss), he deserted the army and went to florence.
he rose up in house of francesco frescobaldi. he was in city at heart of renaissance.
later he became cloth merchant in antwerp, where he developed trading knowledge and made key contacts.
1514 - return to eng. developed thriving legal practice
cromwell service to wolsey
entered wolseys household.
by 1519 - was member of wolsey council. 1529 - wolsey most trusted adviser.
how did cromwell make a name for hmself in henry court
took on increasingly high profile legal cases in star chamber
wolsey frequently sent him to deliver news to king
1523 - he became an MP
how did cromwell help wolsey further
mid 1520s - organised closure of 30 small monasteries to fund wolseys projects
cromwell personality
warm, charming, witty, interesting
according to eustace chapuys, spanish ambassador to charles V, he used his personality to win ppl over.
was caring and loyal - defended wolsey when all others had deserted him
initial problems from wolsey death
wolsey dramatic fall from power in 1529 made him worry
without wolsey he had no formal position in gov
as wolsey most senior adviser, he was in danger. attacks against wolsey could be made against him.
election as mp and using it to defend wolsey
became mp for taunton 1529 - used it to speak in wolsey defence.
also defended him in court
when wolsey fell from powr
when cromwell become mp for taunton
cromwell membership of royal council
he impressed henry w/ his loyalty, as well as his skill in managing wolsey legal matters after his death (sorting out what happened to his properties and huge staff).
1531 - cromwell member of royal council.
problems with securing the annulment post-wolsey death
henry asked leading nobles e.g duke of norfolk, suffolk and anne boleyn own father - earl of wiltshire - to look at case - but they all failed.
thomas more - henry new lord chancellor, opposed divorce. his difference in opinion meant he retired in 1932, saying he was too ill to continue.
cromwell plan to secure annulment
1531- cromwell work on the case.
his soultion: power to grant annulment removed from pope to king, parliament will be used to pass law to trasnfer the power
reasons cromwell solution so groundbreaking
he was challenging Pope - representative of God on earth.
he always dealth with these matters.
he was expanding role of parliament dramatically, from being used for taxes to passing the highest laws
secret marraige of henry
25 jan 1533 - thomas cramner, new archbishop of canterbury, performs secret marrage for the couple.
was still illegitimate however
act in restraint of appeals
march 1533 - passed.
stated england was an empire - so not subject to foreign rule, including the pope.
made king supreme head of england so he ruled over every aspect of kingdom. - all powers held by pope now henrys.
he now had right to grant annulment
divorce hearing post act in restraint of appeals
began may 1533 - headed by archbishop cramner.
catherine refused to attend.
23 may:
annunced original papal dispensation invalid.
henry and cath never legally married.
henry secret marraige to anne legal as he was bachelor at the time
celebration following annulemnt
anne boleyn coronation lasted 4 days - she went from greenwich palace to tower of london, accompanied by 300 boats.
triumphantly carried through london under canopy of gold cloth before crowned queen.
anti climax - spetember, she gave birth to girl.
how long was cromwell henry chief misniter
from 1533 to 1540
cromwell titles given 1529 - 32
1529 - becomes mp for taunton
1531 - appointed to royal council
1532 - appointed master of kings jewels
cromwell titles 1533
became henry chief minister
became chancellor of exchequer, a leading role in chancery.
made master of the rolls, a senior position in legal system
cromwell titles 1536 - 1540
1536 - becomes lord privy seal
also awarded title of baron
1540 - becomes lord great chamberlain
also made earl of essex
henry desire for son
henry needed son to prevent civil war follwoing his death - after all his father took power by winning civil war
pope had also drawn up a papal bull saying england was gien to anyone who could take it e.g france or spain.
1516 - cath of ara gives birth to prin mary
sep 1533 - girl born from anne
1534 - miscarraige
1536 - miscarraige
1536 - henry was 45. he was old.
anne suspected adultery
24 april - cromwell investigates rumours of anne adultery.
30 april - mark smeaton arrested and tortured. he confessed to affair w/ queen. further arrests followed.
arrests made for adultery:
mark smeaton, a court musician
sir francis weston, friend of henry and gentleman of privy chamber
sir henry norris, long friend of henry. his groom of the stool.
sir william brereton, gentleman of privy chamber.
annes own brother, george boleyn, diplomat and member of privy chamber
role of cromwell in boleyn death
he looked into her former relationship with henry percy to see if they were secretly engaged - this would mean the marriage was null and void. however, no evidence.
he had lead role in adultery case. personally interrogated mark smeaton.
he thorougly investigated other main suspects n collected evidence against them.
made sure ladies in waiting who served anne were spies reporting everything she said to him.
anne arrest n execution
2 may - she arrested and sent to tower of london.
15 may - tied jointly with her brother before 26 noblemen. her uncle, duke of norfolk, was presiding judge. found guilty, sentenced to death.
17 may - anne n henry marriage annuled.
19 may - anne executed. 1000 ppl watched.
jane seymour marriage heir and death
30 may 1536 - henry and jane marry.
have birth to edward vi 12 oct 1537
succession act
gave henry power to appoint any successor at any time.
passed by parliament.
he could use it to make henry fitzroy, ilegitimate son, heir.
however he died soon after act was passed.
influence of the seymours.
her eldest bro became leading adviser to henry.
jane tried getting king to spare ppl in pilgrimage of grace, but failed.
how cromwell reform royal council
made privy council - made of 20 permanent advisers. most were lawyers and prfessional administtors, rather than untrained nobiity and clergy.
cromwell hoped this stopped 1 person from dominating the council, as all members have same working expericnece.
clerk of privy council also recorded decisions.
problems - royal council
usually dominated by one man e.g wolsey
no rules governinng how meetings should be organised.
decisions not officially recorded.
topics of discussion not recorded.
very few attendeted the meetings even though it had 100 members.
how did cromwell make 1 system of government - his reform
under 1536 act - abolishing franchises and liberties - north came under firm control.
council of the north, royal body set up first in 1472 to improve how north governed, also strengthened. made into permanent institution, given responsibility to maintain law and order.
act of union - passed thru parliament 1536.
wales now part of eng.
eng law replaced welsh law.
wales given represntation in parliament.
wales divided into counties each headed by a JP.
why did kings chamber get reformed
routine tasks bored henry so he rarely got involved.
no formal rules outlining how it shuld be run. accounts not properly kept/checked.
dissolution of moasteries led to dramatic incrs in income, chamber not able to cope.
court of augmentations
made 1536
dealt w/ property and income from dissolution of monasteries.
court of first fruits and tenths
made 1540
collected tax from clergy previously sent to Rome
job of king chamber
managed income and expendiutre of crowns treasruy.
details of the new courts from reform of king chamber
each court received money from specific source, only paid out money for pre approved reasons
each court routinely n carefully checked to make sure acting properly.
each court run by well trained officials.
court moved away from royal household - meant henry didnt have to b as involved.
how did cromwell reform parliament
was previously used to pass laws regarding taation.
cromwell increased laws it passed and what it passed:
203 acts passed 1509-1531, mainly on taxation
333 acts passed 1532-1540, regarding some of most important acts of henrys reign.
he also made it meet more frequently.
house of lords and commons
lords: made up of peers and bishops. represented nobility and chruch
commons: contained 74 county mps, 236 town and borough mps.
made up of wealthy landowners, merchants and royal administratiors.
how did cromwell manage parliament
as king cheif minister, he controlled parliament business, ensuring his proposals put forward and discuess.ed
as elected mp, he guised significant debates personaly.
as skilled lawyer, he drafted many laws.
1532, ppl opposed act of annates. King visited parliament, ppl intimidated into supporting the law.
reasons for henry marraige to cleves
1539 - anne of cleves seemed most suitable 4 henry.
she was gentle, virtuous and obedient
also cleves family wanted her to marry henry
early 1539 - invasion scare. belief FR and HRE planning to invade, fleets gathered in antwerp and boulogne, and army in netherlands.
therefore, political ally needed.
cromwell private reasons for henry and cleve marraige
no catholic queen to oppose changes
queen less likely to be used to attack him as she was foreign
marriage between cleve and henry
marriage negotitations began march 1539
treaty confirming it signed 4 oct 1539