hemopoiesis and histological structure of bone marrow Flashcards
all mature blood cells have a limited ……..they are continuously replaced with …….
life span
the progeny of stem cells produced in the hemopoietic organs by process called hemopoiesis ( hematopoiesis )
illustrate stages of hemopoiesis
- prenatal hemopoiesis
- mesoblastic ( yolk sac ) phase : begin in the 3rd week of gestation
- hepatosplenic phase : during the second trimester
- myeloid phase ( bone marrow) : begin in the3rd trimester - postnatal hemopoiesis: only in red bone marrow and lymphatic organs to which precursor cells migrate
histological structure of bone marrow
- CT stroma ( reticular cell and fiber, collagen type 1 , MQ, fat cell )
- blood sinusoid
- hematopoietic cords( developing blood cell in different stages )
also contain mesenchymal stem cell
BM can be examined by ………
stained section or smear
illustrate types of BM
- red active type :
-red in color ( high content of Hb )
-in fetus present in most of the marrow
in adults in epiphyses of long bones , diploes of flat bones and vertebrae
- function : production of blood cell
destruction of old RBCs( liver,spleen more)
storage of iron in MQ( liver, spleen more ) - yellow inactive type :
- yellow in color ( high content of fat cell )
- most of marrow in adults and is present in diaphysis of long bones .
-function : storage of fats
in time of need as in hemorrhage or hypoxia it can change into active red type
produce all types of blood cells….
pluripotential hemopoietic stem cells
produce RBCS , granulocytes monocytes and megakaryocytes
multipotential myloid stem cells
produce lymphocytes
multipotential lymphoid stem cells
chc of multipotential lymphoid stem cells
- not morphologically distinguishable
- have general aspect of lymphocytes
- low mitotic activity
- self renewal
name and chc of progenitor cells
- name : colony forming cell or unite CFCs , CFUs
- chc :
not morphologically distinguishable- have general aspect of lymphocytes
high mitotic activity
less self renewal capacity
chc of precursor cell
- begin morphological differentiation
- high mitotic activity
- no self renewal
chc of mature cells
- no mitotic activity
- clear morphologic differentiation
list 4 types of progenitor cell
- CFU- erythrocytes
- CFU-megakaryocytes
- CFU- granulocytes - moncytes
- CFU- lymphocytes
illustrate the development process or RBCs
- stem cell ( PHSCs , multipotential myeloid stem cell )
- progenitor cells ( colony forming unite erythrocytes )
- precursor cells :
- proerythroblast
-basophil erythroblasts
-orthochromatophilic erythroblast ( normoblasts )
-reticulocytes ( immature RBCs ) - mature cells ( erythrocytes )
list chc of proerythroblasts
- size : large 17μm
- cytoplasm : basophilic due to poly ribosomes
- nucleus: large pale staining with prominent nucleolus
list chc of basophil erythroblasts
- size : smaller 14μm
- cytoplasm : deep basophilic
- nucleolus : small and condensed
list chc of polychromatophil erythroblast
- size : smaller11μm
- cytoplasm : many color ( basophil due to poly ribosome and acidophil due to Hb begin to fill the cytoplasm)
- nucleolus: small and deeply stained
list chc of normoblasts
- size : smaller 8 μm
- cytoplasm : acidophilic
- nucleolus : small and condensed ( pyknotic ) and eccentric , ready to come out and engulfed by MQ
list chc of reticulocytes
- size : slightly larger than normal RBCs
- cytoplasm : some polyribosome appear as network with the supravital dye brilliant cresyl blue . within 24 - 48 hours become mature erythrocyte
list several major changes take place during erythrocyte maturation
- cell and nuclear volume decrease
- nucleoli diminishes in size and disappear
- chromatin becomes dense ( pyknotic nuclei ) , then nucleuls becomes extruded from the cell
- mitochondria and other organelles gradually disappear
- decrease in polyribosome with increase in Hb