Hemodynamics Flashcards
Properties of Arteries (3)
- Large fluctuations in pressure (higher pulse pressure)
- Thickest walls to withstand high surface tension
- Tension = Pressure * Radius of Vessel
- Compliance of arteries DEC w/ age so inc pulse pressure for a given SV (more fluctuation)
Properties of Arterioles
Major resistance vessels; largest amount of smooth muscle for resistance SO BP drops substantially in arterioles
Properties of Capillaries
- Single layer of endothelial cells + basement membrane
* Velocity = Q/A so low velocity b/c huge area; good for exchange
Properties of Veins (3)
- Much lower pressure (around 0)
- Less pressure needed b/c lower resistance
- Means there must be local generation of pressure
- Thinner walls but larger diameter than arteries
- VERY compliant (blood pulling esp when standing b/c gravity)
- Compliance of veins INC w/ age
- However, venous compliance dec w/ higher pressures and volumes
Ohm’s Law
Q= deltaP/R or deltaP= Q*R or R=deltaP/Q
So… flow inc if greater difference in pressure but dec if greater resistance
- DeltaP is change in pressure from one end of vessel to other
- For systemic circulation… deltaP = Paorta - Pright atrium = Paorta b/c Pright atrium almost 0 mmHg
- For pulmonary circulation… deltaP = MeanPulmPress - Pleft atrium
Total Peripheral Resistance
- one major factor is diameter of vessel (inc diameter = less R)
- 1/Rtotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 etc (if 1, 2, 3 parallel pathways)
- TPR is less than resistance in any one given vascular bed/pathway
Poiselle’s Law
Q = pideltaPr^4 / 8nl
- r- radius of vessel (so change by vasoconstriction/dilation causes huge change in flow); so flow through capillary depends on radius of arteriole right in front of it
- n- viscosity (higher if polycythemia and lower if anemic)
- l - length of vessel
Reynold’s Number
Re = dvD/n
- d- density of fluid; D- diameter of tube; v-velocity; n - viscosity
- So larger vessels more likely to have turbulent flow (arteries)
- Re> 1000 leads to turbulent flow (concentric motion NOT forward motion; frictional resistance; vibrations heard as murmurs)
- Re < 1000 leads to laminar flow (fluid on inside moves faster b/c fluid on outside adheres to vessel wall - more prominent in small vessels)
Pulse Pressure & Compliance
- Pulse Pressure = Systolic - Diastolic
- Affected by compliance (tendency to resist recoil); greater compliance means greater storage of blood as potential energy so less fluctuation
C = deltaV/deltaP (more compliant means less change in pressure for given increase in volume of blood - b/c pool blood)
Mean Arterial Pressure
MAP = 2/3diastolicP + 1/3 systolicP
MAP = CO * TPR and CO = HR * SV so MAP = HR * SV * TPR
*If you inc resistance in some capillary beds/pathways… inc pressure in vessels prior to this increased resistance so inc pressure in other capillary beds/pathways
Surface Tension
Tension = Pr
* P- pressure against vessel wall * r- radius of vessel
- So smaller vessel can withstand more pressure w/o breaking due to tension; aorta and other arteries have larger radius so need thicker wall to withstand greater surface tension
3 Mechanisms of Venous Return
1- Venous Valves
*If veins stretch (varicose veins) but valves do not stretch to same extent then valves do no adequately close)
2- Skeletal Muscle Pumping
3- Venomotor Tone
* vasoconstriction dec vein compliance/inc rigidity
Frank Starling Law of the Heart
- Heart will always pump out as much blood as is returned to heart
- Greater venous return —> myocardial cells stretched to optimal length or contraction —> greater force of contraction/greater stroke volume
* Tension of contraction inc
* Normally shorter than optimal length
* Stretch also inc sensitivity of troponin to Ca++
Orthostatic Hypotension Mechanism
- Postural change —> dec venous return —> dec CO —> dec MAP (lower BP)
5 Steps of Cardiac Cycle
1- Atria & ventricles in diastole - passive blood flow (80% vent blood)
2- Atria contract (last 20% vent blood)
3- Ventricles contract - forces tricuspid/mitral closed & aortic/pulmonic still closed - ISOVOLUMETRIC ventricular contraction
4- Ventricle ejection - now ventricular pressure high enough to open aortic/pulmonic valves to ventricular contraction —> ejection
5- Ventricles relax —> lower ventricle pressure —> causes retrograde flow back from artery into ventricles; causes aortic/pulmonic to snap shut & tricuspid/mitral still closed - ISOVOLUMETRIC ventricular relaxation ``
EDV - fullest ventricular volume; at end of atrial contraction
ESV- lowest ventricular volume; blood left in ventricle after ejection
Ejection Fraction
Terms to Describe Atrial Pressure Curve
- a wave - atrial contraction
- c wave - ventricular contraction - higher pressure caused by small back flow from ventricles when tricuspid closes & bulging of valve into atria when ventricle pressure inc
- x descent - aortic/pulmonic valve opens relieving pressure on tricuspid/mitral valve
- v wave - blood flow from veins to atrium during ventricular contraction (cannot leave atrium b/c tricuspid closed)
- y descent - tricuspid/mitral opens to relieve pressure
Which cells fire APs fastest? Which cells propogate APs fastest?
- Rate of AP initial firing: SA node cells > AV node cells >bundle/Purkinje
- Rate of AP conduction: Purkinje > atria inter-nodal > AV node (hence delay through AV node)
4 Steps in Electrical Conduction
1- Depolarization starts at the SA node (R atrium near superior vena cava)
2- Non-contractile conducting cells carry impulse from SA node —> AV node (floor of R atrium) via inter-nodal fibers WHILE slow wave of depolarization sweeps across atria —> atria contract
3- DELAY b/c SLOW conduction through AV node but eventually travels to bundle of His
* Ensures atria contract BEFORE ventricles
4- Pulse carried by bundle branches —> apex of ventricles along ventricular septum —> back up Purkinje fibers —> depolarization spreads up from apex —> ventricles contract
* Starting from apex/bottom ensures blood is squeezed out top of ventricles
4 Basic Heart Sounds
- First - tricuspid/mitral valves close (start of ventricular systole)
- Second - aortic/pulmonic (semilunar) valves close - start of ventricular diastole (retrograde flow closes valves)
- Third - turbulent flow into ventricle near beginning of filling (diastole)
- Fourth - additional turbulent flow into ventricle during atrial contraction (atrial systol