Autonomics Flashcards
What are the relative affinities for epi v NE for alpha and beta receptors?
- a1a2: NE>Epi
- If extremely high conc of epi it will bind alpha receptors (ex- epi pen) and cause overall vasoconstriction
- Beta1: NE= Epi
- Beta2: Epi >NE
- Epi is not released from neurons but released right into bloodstream via adrenal gland; in exercise it inc blood flow to skeletal muscle, coronary arteries and liver for glucose liberation (beta 2)
Baroreceptor Reflex
- Negative feedback to stabilize BP in normal range (set point is about 92mmHg)
- Stretch receptors inc firing rate w/ stretch; but they adapt so only code acute change r
- Receptors in aortic arch —> CN X afferents —> nodose ganglion —> nucleus tractus solitarius
- Receptors in carotid sinus —> CN IX afferents —> petrosal ganglion —> nucleus tractus solitarius
- Result? Inc firing —> inc parasymp and dec symp outflow —> dec HR and dec contractility while dec TPR b/c less sympathetic vasoconstriction AND Dec firing —> dec parasymp and inc symp —> inc HR and contractility while inc vasoconstriction and thus TPR
What is the neural baroreceptor circuit?
- Baroreceptors —> nucleus tractus solitarius which then influence both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
- Sympathetic: NTS —> CVLM (GABAergic) —> - RVLM —> IML (interomediolateral cell column)
- Parasympathetic: NTS —> Nucleus Ambiguus
- So RVLM fires less when inc pressure/inc stretch to dec sympathetic NS to lower BP AND RVLM fires more when dec pressure/less stretch to then inc sympathetic NS to inc BP
What happens when baroreceptor reflex is removed?
- Ex) cervical SC injury
- Greater fluctuation in BP but still stays around set point b/c angiotensin II; but b/c angiotensin II is a hormone it is slower than NS hence takes more time and greater fluctuation
- These patients can still compensate w/ parasympathetic withdrawal
Bainbridge Reflex
Atrial stretch receptors (or low pressure receptors) sense changes in volume SO…inc venous return —> inc firing —> vagus nerve —> nucleus tractus solitarius —> inc HR and contractility AND inhibit release of vasopressin for posterior pituitary (vasopressin normally inc reabsorption of water so now less reabsorption to dec blood volume and thus venous return)
- Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF) - Released from atria if venous pressure/atrial stretch is high
- B-Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)- released from VENTRICLE in response to inc tension
- Diagnostic signal of increased L ventricle pressure and L ventricle dysfunction
- Overall goal of both = vasodilation (dec return and after load to dec workload of heart)
* Works on hypothalamus - less vasopressin
* Works on kidney - inc GFR to inc NaCal and water secretion (lower volume) and dec renin
* Works on adrenal - less aldosterone (less reabsorption of water and salt)
* Works on medulla - dec BP
(or arginine vasopressin)
- Synthesis is stimulated by…
* High osmolarity (too concentrated) - osmoreceptors
* Dec atrial stretch (low blood volume) - atrial stretch receptors
* Dec BP - baroreceptors - Synthesis in neurons, then release by posterior pituitary
- Target - collecting duct epithelium in kidney to insert more aquaporin channels so more water reabsorbed —> inc volume, inc BP and more dilute
Renin-Angiotensin System
- JG cells in kidney detect low BP and make renin (JG cells detect renal artery pressure and innervated by sympathetic NS)
- Liver cells make angiotensinogen
- Renin is then enzyme for conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
- Angiotensinogen (renin) —> angiotensin I (ACE) —> angiotensin II
- ACE or angiotensin converting enzyme is in blood vessel endothelium
***ACE inhibitors are used as to dec BP (hyperkalemia as side effect b/c less aldosterone so less K+ secretion)
***Selective Angiotensin2, Type 1 antagonists block only receptors in blood vessels and adrenal cortex where aldosterone is produced so less is effects
5 Things Angiotensin II Does
- Stimulates vasopressin from pituitary
- Stimulates thirst (so drink to inc volume)
- Stimulates medulla for sympathetic outflow —> inc HR and vasoconstriction
- Aldosterone release for more reabsorption
- Potentiates release of NE from sympathetic terminals
Adrenergic Crisis
- Sudden, marked inc in circulating catecholamines (from adrenal or spillover from neurons)
- Extreme tachycardia and inc BP
- Causes - cocaine OD (most common), intoxication w/ amphetamines, pheochromocytoma (tumor in adrenal), ingesting Tyramine in food when on MAO-inhibtors, clonidine/beta blocker/opiate/alcohol withdrawal. MI, subarachnoid hemorrhage, panic attack, etc
Catecholamines v. Non-Catecholamines
- Catecholamines - epi, NE, dopamine and isoproterenol- potent but not stable (broken down by MAO and COMT) so not given orally usually
- Non-catecholamines - stable but less potent so can give orally
Epi v. NE
- Epi- (beta >alpha) inc HR and contractility; induces bronchodilation; if high dose then binds alpha —> vasoconstriction to inc BP for perfusion in cardiac arrest
- NE- (alpha>beta) mainly vasoconstrictor; mainly used for shock to inc BP
Dopamine- effects depend on dose;
@ low dose…bind DA receptors and inc coronary, renal, splanchnic flow;
@ intermediate… binds beta1 to inc contractility;
@ high dose binds a1 for vasoconstriction to inc BP
- Isoproterenol- (BETA only) similar effects as exercise; inc contractility, inc HR, inc conduction and vasodilation; downside= inc O2 demand while vasodilation dec
coronary flow so risk of heart ischemia - Dobutamine - (BETA only) also inc contractility but less inc HR and less vasodilation so less O2 demand than iso
Beta 2 Agonists
- Terbutaline/albuterol- short acting beta 2 agonists for bronchodilation in asthma and COPD
- Salmeterol/formoterol/arfomoterol- long-acting beta 2 agonists for asthma and COPD (only used in combination w/ gluccocorticoids in persistent asthma)
- Ritodrine/Terbutaline- beta 2 agonist that dec intensity and frequency of uterine contractions in premature labor (inc cAMP to remove more Ca++ from vascular smooth muscle)
- Phenylephrine - a1 agonist so vasoconstriction (in nasal and eye formulations); decongestant
- Oxymetazoline- a1 agonist to reduce red eye/allergic eye (helps conjunctiva infection NOT ciliary infection)
- Tetrahydrozoline- a1 agonist so vasoconstriction dec nasal blood flow and nasal mucosa swelling; decongestant
a1 agonist in CNS; stimulants
modanifil>adrafinil in potency
modanifil in elderly and attention probs
adrafinil in narcolepsy and excessive daytime sleepiness
a2 agonist in RVLM so provides neg feedback to RVLM —> dec sympathetic outflow; used as anti-hypertensive but 2/3rd line
- Amphetamine- CNS stimulant; works indirectly by releasing monamines like NE from their storage sites and competing for re-uptake
- Methamphetamine- central effects; works indirectly to inc sympathetic effects; side effects are tachycardia and inc BP
- Ephedrine- MIXED; alpha and beta agonist plus inc NE release
ADHD Drugs
- Methylphenidate (Ritalin) - blocks re-uptake of NE and dopamine + stimulant CNS effects
- Dexamphetamine - promotes release of NE and dopamine and competitive inhibitor of catecholamine re-uptake
- Buproprion - inhibits neuronal re-uptake of NE and dopamine
- Atomoxetine - selective inhibition of NE re-uptake
Selective a1 antagonists
- Prazosin/Doxazosin/Terazosin- a1 antagonist to treat hypertension; block vasoconstriction
- Alfuzosin/Tamsulosin/Silodosin - a1 antagonist to treat BPH
selective a2 antagonist; inhibits a2 negative feedback on sympathetic NS so inc sympathetic NS so inc BP
- non-selective alpha antagonists; limited use b/c side effects but anti-hypertensives